r/pcmasterrace 7800x3d| x670e MSI Tomahawk| 32gb DDR5 6000mhz| 7900xt | May 03 '24

Are you guys excited about Windows 12? Meme/Macro

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u/RedFireSuzaku May 04 '24

Since I've heard of the W12 AI support, I keep wondering about one thing : how long will Windows stay pertinent ?

Sure, for now, Microsoft is thinking "Oh yeah baby, we need to feed our AI with everything the user does and steal personal data as much as we can", but if it's in the purpose to create some AI assistant that will perfectly be doing what you do sitting behind a computer, and you're not the only one to do it (Google, Apple, etc)… Well, people will just talk to their AIs on phones, play games on consoles and never invest in a computer again because why should they ? We've seen that unprecedented decline in laptop sales when tablets came over, and most light-use people are just happy with a phone that can mail and do some messaging/social networking. And Microsoft doesn't have shit in the phone market, who still owns a Windows phone ? Or even a Zune (yeah, it's been that long) ? They could easily be banned out from Apple/Android phones and left in the corner to rust, I don't get what their plan is in the long game. Maybe they're hoping we buy powerful PC hardware every 3-4 years because they can't downscale their own bloated OS ? But how long can they keep the charade, tho ?