r/nottheonion May 04 '24

Loch Ness monster: NASA urged to help as new search begins


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u/wileybot May 04 '24

Thought the original guy said it was made up on his deathbed.


u/andygchicago May 04 '24

He kept a deathbed around for most of his life?


u/LoaKonran May 04 '24

The original first reporting is legitimately beat for beat a scene from King Kong (1933) which premiered a week beforehand, but it serves tourism numbers so we’ll ignore that.


u/Flybot76 May 04 '24

The guy who took the famous 'toy in a puddle' photo said that was fake, but I don't think he was the person who made up the story in the first place


u/Roxylius May 04 '24

Reality is boring, people like to believe in fantasy


u/okye May 05 '24

Reality is boring? You find floating on a planet in an enormous void of space boring?


u/Agent_Argylle May 04 '24

No. One photographer made a fake.


u/Malachorn May 04 '24

When the ancient legend created the hysteria and modern sightings began then the very next "big story" was someone that... saw a monster... CROSSING THE ROAD and on land... the first photo was a blurry mess that looked like their dog with a stick, but was proved to be a picture of just an otter being an otter decades later, after contact positives from original negative were discovered... and this second fake photo was a complete hoax and admitted hoax... and on and on and on...

It is a completely baseless and stupid conspiracy theory of imagined nonsense that has been shown to be exactly that and nothing more since the very beginning.

Let's not pretend it was just "one photo" that was problematic and there is any merit whatsoever to literally anything else here.


u/Agent_Argylle May 05 '24

There's no "and on and on". You're exaggerating. There's too many eyewitnesses over the years. There's plenty of merit to it. It's not stupid.


u/Malachorn May 05 '24 edited May 05 '24

Dude... I literally stated the first three instances of "proof" that started the modern nonsense of "Nessie."

I'm not going to detail every piece of bullshit that has occurred since.

Meanwhile, you have.... NOTHING.

Absolutely nothing, short of a strong desire to believe in complete rubbish without a single occurrence of credible proof EVER.

If there's "so much proof" then... go ahead and share it!

The very foundation exists on clearly fabricated nonsense. Despite this, it's caused far too many to try and find this GIANT FREAKING MONSTER anyways... and they can't.

It's stupid.

Having said that... I admit that I've seen the Loch Ness Monster also. I'm also an eyewitness. I'd... just like to not constantly be reminded of Nessie since they completely broke my heart by breaking up with me. Was the summer of '69. I got my first real six-string. Bought it at the five and dime. Played it 'til my fingers bled. Was the summer of '69.


u/Agent_Argylle May 05 '24

Once again heavily exaggerating and lying.


u/Malachorn May 05 '24

Anyone still clinging to this myth after the BBC-sponsored search in 2003 that quite conclusively proved there was no creature of substantial size to be found in that body of water is completely ridiculous, to be quite honest.

There is literally no reason to believe in the Loch Ness Monster and, now, a preposterously absurd amount of reason to not believe in Nessie ("preposterously absurd" simply because so much effort has actually been used to try and find evidence of something there was never any sound reason to believe might exist).

Seriously, if you believe in the Loch Ness Monster then... you haven't even cared enough about the matter to study it AT ALL... but chose to ignorantly form an opinion on the matter anyways).


u/Agent_Argylle May 05 '24

More utter bullshit. Just ignore the underwater photographs, eyewitnesses, etc.


u/Sugar_buddy May 04 '24

I'm reminded of the 1800s when Europeans would go to Africa to bring back corpses or bones of exotic animals there for study. Just go up and slaughter hundreds of thousands of them and take the bodies without even eating it or anything. And a lot of times they'd graft the bodies together, a la jackalope


u/Shinketsu_Karasu May 04 '24

To be specific, the guy behind that specific photograph admitted it was faked. However, stories of mysterious sightings and encounters on the lake predate that photo by hundreds of years.


u/ZenRuin May 04 '24

Aside from the story of St. Columba (which wasn’t in Loch Ness, and was in the same book as a story about Columba exploding a boar)there wasn’t really any other major sighting until the Spicers in 1933. 


u/Rickshmitt May 04 '24

And in the before times, they legitimately put sea monster areas on maps. Sailors have seen mermaids and krakens and sirens and everything else. People see shit


u/ChaosM3ntality May 06 '24

Also sirens/mermaids are either the good looking dolphins and porpoises


u/hammanwich May 04 '24

Sailors have seen [large mammals previously unknown to science] and done the usual sailor thing of telling scared bullshit embellished stories to each other then discounting all future evidence to the contrary.

It never changes. I've watched dozens of people tell "weird" water stories to fascinated listeners - stories that I was personally present for - and marveled at how much shit they inject into their yarns. A manatee having tits and a hairbrush is nothing to these types of people.

People WANT special and unknown things to happen to them, so those are the stories they tell.


u/FenrisCain May 04 '24

The purpose of those creatures was actually to indicate a dangerous or unmapped area to avoid


u/jimothee May 04 '24

...so you're telling me there's a chance


u/Simoxs7 May 04 '24

TBH I was there a few years ago and when there was good weather you could see some dark spots moving on the lake while hiking around the lake. You could maybe mistake them for something moving beneath the surface but I‘m pretty sure it was just a cloud shadow and some wind…

The lake definitely has some mysterious qualities to it but people throughout history have seen stuff I have no reason to believe was true and this particular myth is also kept alive as its good for the local tourism industry.


u/dummypod May 05 '24

It's like a hysteria that spans generations of visitors


u/ann102 May 04 '24

It’s fun that’s why it remains too.


u/Mutantdogboy May 04 '24

Ffs it’s literally in the name! It’s not a lake it’s a loch! 


u/Simoxs7 May 04 '24

I know I just wanted to infuriate some people ;)


u/Mutantdogboy May 05 '24

It worked! 69 down votes I’ll take that! 


u/Simoxs7 May 05 '24

None from me… but I also got what I deserved I guess..


u/Mutantdogboy May 06 '24

All is fun on the internet. 


u/EleventyTwatWaffles May 04 '24

French fries are Belgium in origin


u/DankVectorz May 04 '24

Loch is Scottish/Irish Gaelic for lake


u/No-Significance2113 May 04 '24

They're most probably genuine sightings and have nothing to do with the fact it's become a tourist attraction where they can sell merch to people who come and visit.


u/tristanjones May 04 '24

And people claim to see angels too


u/CrustyBloomers May 04 '24

I can't help it if people look at me 💁🏻‍♂️


u/ScarryShawnBishh May 04 '24 edited May 04 '24

Yeah look up why spirits are called spirits. I still see people using that to justify people being shitty while on drugs

Spirits on alcohol. I mean the language it derived from and the way people made up to justify some crazy stuff.


u/hungariannastyboy May 05 '24

Well, that isn't why.

From late 14c. in alchemy as "volatile substance; distillate" (and from c. 1500 as "substance capable of uniting the fixed and the volatile elements of the philosopher's stone"). Hence spirits "volatile substance;" the sense of which narrowed to "strong alcoholic liquor" by 1670s.


u/Potatoswatter May 04 '24

Spirituality = alcoholism?


u/Divtos May 04 '24

“Alcohol is the reduced form of spirit. Therefore, many people, lacking spirit, take to drink. They fill themselves with alcohol.”

-Carl Jung


u/ScarryShawnBishh May 04 '24

Look at my edit. I meant alcohol spirits


u/pavostruz May 04 '24

I mean, shitty alcohol can contain a bunch of nasty stuff and cause hallucinations. Prolonged use can cause degenerative brain diseases, which also cause hallucinations.

All that on top of all the problems it currently causes too.

Alcohol used to cause even more problems than it does today.


u/WhyAreOldPeopleEvil May 04 '24

He did, people just refuse to face the reality that it was all staged.


u/Agent_Argylle May 04 '24

No, one person made a fake pic


u/stuckinaboxthere May 04 '24

That would mean people admitting that they were taken for a fool, and who wants to admit that?


u/SafetyMan35 May 04 '24

These were the same people spending $4 (the equivalent of $22 today) for a pet rock and the same people that voted in Cheeto.


u/Chumbag_love May 04 '24

They're $29.95 on Amazon today.


u/jamcdonald120 May 05 '24

or only $14.29 for the USB version. https://innoculous.com/product/usb-pet-rock/

You just have to decide if you want pay the premium for a wireless pet rock.


u/FondSteam39 May 04 '24

I mean those two things are hardly similar lol.

One of them is an absurdist gag, one of them was a useless item that wasted countless amounts of money.

Uh... What was I saying!


u/SlowMope May 04 '24

The rock never hurt anyone! Leave him alone 😭😭


u/FondSteam39 May 04 '24

(nervously eyes "Dwayne" on the shelf)