r/Steam 19d ago

Which tags are an instant turn-off for you? Discussion

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u/MajesticPizza3021 7d ago

It's not something that's tagged but anything with weapon durability is an instant no for me, irritates me when I'm fighting in a game and all of a sudden my weapon just deletes itself from existence

But for actual tags, anything tagged online multiplayer is an immediate no, never really been a big fan of online multiplayer games unless there is an option to play it offline


u/PHANT0MSN4KE 14d ago



u/radael 14d ago

FPS: I have motion sickness :(


u/Confirmation_Biased 14d ago edited 14d ago

You forgot to add 'rogue like/lite' to the image and it would have been perfect.

There are good rogue like/lite games, for sure, but there are also a lot of them where they created one level and then gave up and said "eh......it's a roguelike now". No it's not. I don't want to play this basic barebones zone 100 times just for new content.

As for early access? It's hit or miss. I am full up on Early Access games right now (I tend to buy them, play them to see their potential, and then refund or wait for the main release and I just have too many currently in the EZ Bake Oven to add more).

There are definitely successes out of Early Acesss; BG3 (some obscure 'crpg' nonsense no one has ever heard of) and Lost Epoch are prime examples of Early Access done right.

But for each of them there are a lot of vaporware games so I tend to stay away now and 'open-world survival crafting roguelike/lite anime farming sim' will almost ALWAYS not get a click from me.

You could have a game that requires you purchase a 1k dollar device that just swings up and hits you in the balls whenever you press a button - and that is the entire game - and I'll buy it; if you tag it as metroidvania or ARPG. I'm a very basic bitch.

If you tag it 'souls-like' it will be my new favorite game.


u/shadowreaper50 15d ago

Not sure what the tag is, but if I see XCOM style combat (the %hit and cover mechanics and such) I just cannot. I already did XCOM and XCOM 2, I cannot stand any more of that.

Live Service is also a major red flag.

Open-World gives me pause, because what that usually actually means is "we procedurally generate the world". There are some games that can do open-world well, like Elder Scrolls or BotW, but those seem to be exceptions, not the rule.


u/pstr1ng 15d ago

Early access

Oh, and platformer


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Anything early access for years that's it's been out


u/TheMightyPaladin 15d ago

I can certainly see why early access and survival craft are major turn offs, but Open World is the best thing ever!

As for what else is a turn off for me: PVP, and adult content.


u/ZerotheR 15d ago

It's becoming exactly this to be honest.


u/printingstuffdude 16d ago

Anything serious, since it's already obvious. I like RPG World Builder or NSFW on games like Garfield Cart.


u/East-Animator3887 16d ago

Soley Battle royal. Like no other game mode but BR


u/AccomplishedFan8690 16d ago

Roguelike deck builder metteoidvania. Are the 3 that every indie studio uses


u/Thesurvivor16 16d ago

Top down strategy games are a no go for me


u/ImWinwin 16d ago



u/NeklosWarrof 16d ago

Early Access is a minor issue for me. Only because it means that the game I pay for will be different from the game I have in the future.

Survival games aren't really my cup of tea. Survival-craft is a little better, as long as it is done well.

Multiplayer is a conditioned dislike for me. Had crappy internet for so long that the knee-jerk reaction is "Man I can't play this..."


u/Suitable_Expert_761 16d ago

these games have soo many bugs


u/Timoman6 16d ago

Project Zomboid:


u/ConstantRecognition 16d ago

I don't check tags too much as it's abused so fucking much by random devs it means little.


u/TheCrazyWerewolf 16d ago

I love early access games. I've found I enjoy them more in alpa then beta because they are so broken and fun. Constantly finding new ways to break them and getting constant updates is fun for me. One of my favorites is Empyreon.


u/Idontmatter69420 16d ago

the only early access game i currently is Ultrakill, and its pretty polished considerin it aint finished, it has less bugs than finished AAA games which kinda says a lot about modern games


u/Grokitach 16d ago

What’s so funny about this meme is that most people taking the bait about open world survival craft oriented games are clueless about the free modding-based options out there like Fallout 4 modpacks and Stalker Anomaly modpacks


u/YaksRespirators 17d ago

Cool looking name and cover art.

2d side scroller.


u/xenodu 17d ago

Tower Defense


u/Slommster 17d ago

Anything that isnt a completely open sandbox is a turn off... Shit I only play Gmod.


u/Michaelmeyers21 17d ago

Most of those games are ass tbh


u/Tough-Ad7692 17d ago

Fuck early access. Immediately uninterested.


u/Deathclaw151 17d ago

What are you, a souls like, rogue like loser?


u/GamurSnek 17d ago

Huge green flags for me. Those are some of my favorite kinds of games of all time, not gonna lie. Theres always something appealing to me about games that give you the freedom to create your own space and make it the way you want it to be, with the materials you worked so hard for yourself with your own bare hands. I know ita become a cliche almost these days but, to be honest, despite how much they seem to be around, I havent found hardly any that truly do give you this freedom. They just entice you with false promises, Ive literally only ever played a handful of games that are all "survival buildy fun games" outside of minecraft, subnautica, ark survival, and i dunno, like, no man's sky I guess?


u/Ok_Albatross_23 17d ago

I looked up a game called Sword of Convallaria cause the headline said something about it being just like Final Fantasy tactics. So I'm like hell yeah awesome. First sentence describing it said it's like a gacha summoner. Instantly closed the page.


u/team_uranium 17d ago

Scrap mechanic is a high potential early acces (it will forever be) but has lazy devs


u/hamstercheifsause 17d ago

Early access and survival.


u/talex625 17d ago

$100 super awesome version of a game with getting to play 3 days early.


u/rajthepagan 17d ago

"Early access" is now meaningless


u/bellowkish 17d ago



u/Infamous_Bandicoot33 17d ago

Strategy, Puzzle, RTS, Early Access, Survival


u/Erianthor 17d ago

Ubisoft, EA, Blizzard, Funcom

Have I forgot any?


u/wheeler91106 17d ago

Super simple simulator things. But I also get why it’s a thing. It’ll just always be a untouched genre


u/Hravok 17d ago

more like over saturated for me
- rogue-like card game systems


u/UndeadTigerAU 17d ago

Early access games that are just in early access for years on end are usually pretty iffy.

In other words it's a money grab (*cough tarkov, game looks cool but clearly a money grab and has been in early access for years on end and they act like the game isn't finished) or its a live service game under the guise of early access.

I just hate early access bullshit as it's clearly a ploy.


u/DepthIll8345 17d ago

Did someone say 7 Days to Die?


u/BloodyEgoist 17d ago

Steam greenlight 💀💀💀💀


u/ClutchReverie 17d ago

Early access feels like a scam anymore. A lot of games that go EA and make a lot of money straight away see stalled development. And then even when it does release, I don't want to feel done with the game when I played through an incomplete version. The way people review EA games also grinds my gears, people review them as if they were full releases and give bad reviews based on bugs or missing features, so it's hard to get a feel for what the game actually is. Then on top of that sometimes games just randomly hit 1.0 too soon and 1.0 still feels like EA and I would not have bought a full release in that state.

I realized more often than not I regret buying EA so I stay away from it now.


u/StereoPenguin 17d ago

turn based rpg
Visual Novel


u/garry4321 17d ago


I cant understand the appeal of the grind, but to each their own.


u/MatsUwU 17d ago

Early access indie game deckbuilder roguelike. It feels like every indie game nowadays is a roguelike and 90% of them are also deckbuilders


u/Stonkover9000 17d ago

Indie devs should not start on open world games, if you are going to develop something it should be noticed and recognized, spreading out your resources over a large area just makes the whole game meh


u/Nerrevar 17d ago

F2P Battle Royale


u/Giorran-3333 17d ago

Any EA games.

Yes, I meant both Electronic Arts and Early Access.


u/Sussicus 17d ago

For me is when I see an rts game with cool art or name and I click it and it has 4x as a tag no hate to 4x rts games but playing shit like stellaris ruined it for me way to complicated for a brainlet like me and it's pretty much like playing an excel spreadsheet I like faster paced (as I like to call them) action rts games like command and Conquer war/starcraft and halo wars


u/Psebcool 17d ago

It's the worst thing ever the survival craft early access... This is the jungle... Last on date is Pax Dei (alpha test).


u/Ray_games7669 17d ago

But this doesn’t apply to VoidTrain, right? RIGHT?


u/XionicAihara 17d ago

Open world survival craft and soulslike are my two tags I roll my eyes at and move on. It use to be battle royals until that trend died down.


u/Leafscynet 17d ago

Definitely any and all 3rd party launcher/access games. I don't need to download a game to have to download the games' publisher launcher to then be able to patch and play the game I downloaded 2 hrs ago.


u/Ok_Butterscotch7113 17d ago

Any variation of Co-op, because I don’t have any friends


u/Member9999 17d ago

Sexual themes. I want to play a game, not... that.


u/Wadsworth739 17d ago

Crafting instantly puts me off.


u/Arch_Stanton1862 17d ago

Anything focused on multiplayer.


u/GiantSweetTV 17d ago

Early access = broken mess for a few years, buggy, but playable game for another few years, and then finally dead by the full release.


u/Dersafterxd 17d ago



u/Pizzakk_ 17d ago

Palworld experience


u/SexyLittelClown 17d ago

Online and multiplayer. Cuz it will be full or micro transactions. Don't need any of that juck.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Tags aren’t my turn off it’s the price for me


u/Barlowan 17d ago

These are turnoff. But mine are "roguelike deckbiilder"


u/simboyc100 Tortoise Loyalist 17d ago

Don't forget crafting! Every game should need you to routinely go back and grind base materials to replace your equipment!


u/CapinDread 17d ago

Turn based anything , pvp, isometric


u/thekettlesimp 18d ago

Early Access and procedural... and ubisoft


u/AdComfortable9000 18d ago

Cursed runes


u/Soldierhero1 18d ago

“Multiplayer” “co-op” on any game that looks neat as a survival game


u/intergalacticskeptic 18d ago

Anything with the tag Deckbuilder


u/gatrixgd 18d ago

Roguelike, Roguelite, never understood the hype. Almost every interesting indie games I find are in this genre.


u/ShardCollector 18d ago

Real Time Strategy

If it's strategy, please make it turn based for god's sake!


u/Holinyx 18d ago

It's almost impossible to avoid "Early Access" It's basically standard practice now.


u/Joey_Star_ 18d ago

Battle Royale, RTS, and Visual Novel are my three that I stay away from


u/Ok-Pomegranate9278 18d ago

some games look awesome until i see its yet another indie rogue like. like i get it saves resources and makes a fun game pretty reliably but there’s SOO many and sometimes i think games would be better as more of an rpg.


u/WhoThisReddit 18d ago

Publisher: Ubisoft


u/NoShock8442 18d ago

A dime a dozen and none worth a dime


u/ArtBomber1 18d ago

Strategy, City Builder, Card Game, MOBA, Competitive. I know what I like and what I don't, and I'm not afraid of an early access game. I can find most games that fit into the genres that I enjoy at least enjoyable to justify the purchase, but I can't justify playing games outside of the genres I enjoy. Also visual novel. I love reading, but if I'm reading, it's gonna be a book. I don't think it's a tag, but Gacha games are their own type of hell. I don't mind loot boxes, I was one of the only people I know who wanted to them to stay in games, at least in a cosmetic only capacity, but Ionce you start making portions of your game locked to 1. RNG or 2. Bruteforcing with your wallet, you're as good as dead to me.


u/Magnificent-Moe 18d ago

Same thing with rogue-likes for me. I really like rogue-likea, i just don't have another one in me


u/tristess_la_croix 18d ago

As someone who stays away from multiplayer with a 10 foot pole, anything MMO, PVP, or PVE


u/Toxic_Waste_306 18d ago

whats wrong with pve if ur staying away from multiplayer??


u/tristess_la_croix 17d ago

I do not want ANY sign of human life in my games. Just the npc's and bots


u/Toxic_Waste_306 13d ago

how does player vs enemy have any human life its literally just u vs bots 😭 unless ur thinking of coop pve which is different


u/CiaIsMyWaifu 18d ago

Survival craft is a good one for me, but im a connoiseur, I don't accept shit ones.

'Card battler' is a big L for me though despite liking slay the spire. Most of them are low effort


u/Knife_Leopard 18d ago

Roguelike and Survival for me.


u/RTS3r 18d ago

Rogue likes.


u/No-Pear-4990 18d ago

Metroidvania. I am aware there are classics like dead cells or hollow knight but I can’t anymore.


u/Own_Sherbet_2347 18d ago

Strategy, hentai.


u/hyperblob1 18d ago

"Rouge like" I'm not gonna deal with non handcrafted levels


u/VitalArcade 18d ago

Early Access usually, outside of that it's just how the games executed


u/Endulos 18d ago

Online Only with Enforced PVP.

I don't do PVP.


u/ponderinqss 18d ago

literallly enshrouded LOL


u/RonnieRooGaming 18d ago

I love those


u/TrufflesAvocado 18d ago

Base-building. No thanks.


u/The_dev0 18d ago

RPGMaker. Played one, you've played 'em all.


u/101TARD 18d ago

Often but I generally don't like, turn base games. A lot of critical thinking. Example darkest dungeon

The backline enemy will spread stress to my team, but since he's on the back part only 2 of my range units can reach him. However the front most enemy has a move that hurts like a bitch and stuns, the same 2 range units mentioned can stun but the enemy has high stun resistance and it's more risky at only 60%...

Eventually I spent 20 minutes of fighting and feel mentally drain


u/HyIKing 18d ago
  1. Early Access: Always minimal content with years before q finished product except for a few exceptions. I recently came to notice a game released in Early Access on Steam the year I went into middle school, and it's now coming out this year, and I'm about to get my Masters degree

  2. Rougelike/Rougelite: to me, boring reskinned slop every time.

  3. Visual Novel/dating sim; a.k.a. adult games, most of the time. Not interested

  4. Deck Builder; Deck builder


u/Skitzophranikcow 18d ago

Remember when rust had zombies?


u/NiteHood_ 18d ago

Early Access and Free to Play are my instant turn offs.

Early Access games rarely deliver on what they promise, and even when they do, there's just no reason at all for me to trust that that will be the case before paying for it.

Free to Play just isn't a business model that personally I believe in or want to support. It's usually not viable without exploiting the psyche of the player in borderline unethical ways. Sure, it's more accessible and whatnot, but I'm always going to be more comfortable paying one price up front and then getting a complete experience that isn't engineered to tempt me into buying dozens of micro transactions.


u/Lauds_0364 18d ago

Mas del monton…


u/ServeRoutine9349 18d ago

survival, open world, anything with UBISOFT and early access.


u/TheNobleDez 18d ago

"Hey, this game looks fun. And it's free-!"

Online Multiplayer.

"I hate it."


u/Shineblossom 18d ago

FPS and sports.
Bad at both, and find both boring.

And "LGBT" tag. If having gay people in your game is such a huge part you have to tag it, am gonna assume there is nothing going with the actual gameplay.

I don't remember Dragon Age Origins or Mass Effect having any "LGBT" tag. Yet i enjoyed my yuri with Leilana and Sam (third ME). BG3 does not have that tag yet i had some nice private moment with the drussy.


u/Daracaex 18d ago

I don’t mind open-world survival crafting games. I just wait for them to get out of early access, and it seems like a lot of them stay in it perpetually.


u/mancan71 18d ago

I just don’t like zombies so I’ve pretty much banned that tag in steam.


u/stronkzer 18d ago

Early Acess


Always online

Requires me to install third party software.

No solo or bots mode.


u/chantm80 18d ago

Man you are missing some great games....


u/NixonKane 18d ago

Extraction shooter. Battle Royale.


u/Kalzone4 18d ago

First person.

I get absolutely terrible motion sickness/ simulation sickness to where I can only play something for 5 minutes before getting a headache.

That and shooters. Just not my thing.


u/girl_supersonicboy 18d ago

Man, there's this new game about zombies but it's in early access. After the last "early access" debacle, I want to wait till it's out...

But it looks so good!! 😭


u/Existing_End6867 18d ago

Mine would be: Hidden Object, Furry, Open World Survival Craft, Online Co-Op, Multiplayer, Co-op. Now I know, you're wondering why I hate on multiplayer and co-op... Long story short - microtransactions. Not that I can escape them in single player games these days, but they're not so common there. Yet.


u/Turtlemanlol101 18d ago

Horror/single player


u/B_Sho 18d ago

Just change the last part to "Early access" That is the red flag you are looking for.


u/FuelSilly1541 18d ago

Early access, like many posted before me. If I see an EA title, I will treat it like a full game. Do I like this full game? If yes, cool(might still not buy it). If no, cool, won't buy it, because 90% of "planned features" will never be added


u/Diogin40 18d ago

Free to play are almoat always lazy, full of ads and mostly unfun gameplay. Only F2P I recommend are tf2 and Sheepy: A short Adventure (game is so good made me wanna pay for it)


u/JaesenMoreaux 18d ago

Early Access



These three can walk into the absolute ocean every time.


u/May1stBurst 18d ago

2D indie games

All platformers.

4X games


u/BlueSoftTacos 18d ago

anime, phycological horror


u/BlueSoftTacos 18d ago

still traumatized from ddlc 😃


u/KhajiitHasSkooma 18d ago

Anything that says, “story rich,” or “story driven,” just sounds like unskippable cutscenes by writers that have a way too high perception of themselves and use all this to justify really shitty gameplay loop.

Also, “souls-like” and “pixel art” scream run.


u/Akanash94 18d ago

Only have 3

Indie, Anime and LGBTQ


u/Normal_Opening_9893 18d ago

Crafting has become a chore to me i hate having to keep track of tons of items.


u/Intrepid_Mobile 18d ago

Roguelike & procedurally generated.


u/Shibby-my-dude 18d ago

I've wanted a "naked and afraid" game for like 20 years


u/autopoietico 18d ago

Turn-based games, specially strategy games...


u/DirtyMac88 18d ago

I can get down on open world but survival craft and early access... yeah that's gonna be a no for me big dawg


u/753UDKM 18d ago


terrible genre imo. I know some people love it, it's just not for me. I feel like it's a crutch for poor game design.


u/gibbtech 18d ago

Early access is rarely correct to buy.


u/LaDewsWin 18d ago

most beautiful art you’ve ever seen with super interesting story and world building - rogue-lite deck builder 😔


u/dr_zoidberg590 18d ago

Survival, and craft. Nope. Do not want.


u/throwawaynonsesne 18d ago

Free to play, multiplayer only, 


u/Dracmageel 18d ago

"multiplayer game with unique combat mechanics" - looks into page its a battle royale or a moba ffs


u/Cybernetic24 18d ago

I just realized you can disable these in store preferences


u/Correct_Ad3592 18d ago

The turn off for me is when the game is designed for PC, & they release it free for console. Then all the console players get all butt hurt because their machines can't support it an they flood every outlet they can with their winning


u/Standard_Wish5195 18d ago

Why would the game look cool if that's what the game was


u/chocolatechipbagels 18d ago

I am tired of roguelike deckbuilders. I played them when it was a novel concept, there are some I really like, and now the genre is so oversaturated it turns me off at first sight.


u/Psenkaa 18d ago

Metroidvania. I really tried to like hollow knight a lot of times bc it looks amazing, but i just hate this type of gameplay


u/Taterbob75 18d ago

Early access, racing, sports, tabletop, base building, card game, any "sim", pixel graphics.....so, so many more.


u/K1logr4m 18d ago

turn-based combat.


u/Superquzzical825 18d ago

Battle royale


u/online_stupidity 18d ago

Me having no idea and me not playing steam at all


u/thecrepeofdeath 18d ago

anything indicating I need friends or an internet connection to play. I don't have friends and my connection crapped out 3 times just trying to write this comment, let me live


u/hunbaar 18d ago



u/winterman666 18d ago


2D Metroidvania


Free to play



u/xNexiz 18d ago

iIRC early access games are cheaper to update than full released games which is why e.g. Fortnite stayed in early access for a while


u/Wolf_Man_Boy 18d ago

Unpopular opinion: Souls-Like. I have Steam filtered not to show me those games. Pass.


u/scribbyshollow 18d ago

Its always the same game when it comes to survival craft. It's like the wow clone of survival games.


u/specialllk6 18d ago

Survival, crafting, resource management, base building, first person shooter, mmo


u/SiriusBaaz 18d ago

The whole open world survival craft era has definitely come and passed. Pretty much everything that comes out today is just a poor copy of a better game that came out up to a decade ago. That said there’s still the rare banger like Valheim which came out a few years ago. Way later then the old glory days for the genre.

Now to actually answer fuck mmos, mobas, gatcha games, and whatever overwatch would be considered. I could care less about if the gameplay was good or not. My real issue is how unabashedly greedy and predatory those games are. The fact that you could spend thousands on a single game is a problem on its own but the fact you could spend that much and not actually get anything for your time and money is insane and disgustingly predatory.


u/ItkovianShieldAnvil 18d ago

Basically this. The only games I want these days are already in my library or are GTA VI


u/YujinTheDragon 18d ago

Unpopular opinion, but-

The “team of 4 idiots get together to fight horrors beyond your comprehension” genre of game is beginning to overstate the game market like Battle Royales did, and I’m getting sick of them.


u/nntdfr 18d ago

Massively Multiplayer


u/Thamasturrok 18d ago

I absolutely love survival games but when I see that early access I just say no nevermind


u/Therockof2004 18d ago

Early access on steam is still better than release day for EA and Battlefield


u/BenjiB1243 18d ago

The open world genre has become so bland, very few games have actually done it well. I rarely buy a game that has that tag. I also cannot stand survival games, those are a HUGE turn off for me. Haven't found a single survival game that I have enjoyed.


u/noobish__ 18d ago

I’ve rarely seen a early access game actually get an official release.


u/Ildrim 18d ago

A probably highly unpopular opinion:

Anything Weeb related (visual novel, otome), Anything Sexual in nature or high degrees of fan service and FPS games.

I came to play games, not to look at porn, there's a bounty of porn sites for that.


u/Slutlovingbigdaddy 18d ago

Souls/rogue-anything. It tells me,the game is overly difficult or leans on randomization. I’m here for a good time, not a long or sadistic time.


u/ToonfreaksTreasures 18d ago

(Don’t hate me:) “First Person Shooters” NOT for the reason you probably think- I get SUPER-DOOPER nauseous when playing ANY first person game. I LOVE the soundtrack to Portal-for instance, but even WATCHING people play that game just makes me-URK! 🤢


u/KitsuneLuey 18d ago

Card-battler, deck-building, metroidvania, soulslike


u/creature04 18d ago

Turn based combat, rogue lite, multi-player(as I prefer coop and solo),


u/Illustrious-Stay1185 18d ago

I mean, yeah if that’s the first exposure you’ve had to it, typically any game worthwhile you hear about, not find it yourself


u/CJoshuaV 18d ago


I don't mind some challenge, but I play games to relax, not to achieve mastery of arcane button ornkey patterns.


u/LightAsClaire 18d ago

Any games from AAA devs lately


u/Tyrandeh 18d ago

whats not to like in the next overhyped infinity+1 multiplayer online battle royale survival crafting open world base builder looter shooter pvpve creature collector indie hidden gem? they are very original


u/FaithlessnessOwn2018 18d ago

“Massively multiplayer”🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


u/Hog-001 18d ago

I don’t get it


u/dimmediate9878 18d ago

I miss the days where it was exciting when a new game or sequel came out 😒...now it's all the same with different titles.


u/GunsouAfro 18d ago

Mmo, survival, crafting, stuff like that.


u/julberndt 18d ago

Early Access and MMORPG


u/SchrodingersRapist https://s.team/p/rddb-vv 18d ago

Early access for sure

Fuck I just want a finished game. Why are they expecting to be paid for beta testing something they may never finish, or leave as "early access" for a decade to game the system


u/weebthegamer 18d ago

Turn-based and city builder


u/douggie84 18d ago

Racing, sports, fighting games, and bro shooters.

The “other” gamers, basically.


u/Illogical-Pizza 18d ago

Wait… is this 7d2d??


u/Skvora 18d ago

Souls-garbage windups,


No co-op.


u/dfjdejulio 18d ago



u/Ryuzakku 18d ago

The second it has crafting or survival elements that I can't turn off, I'm out.

Every time.


u/Voendomar 18d ago

Puzzle, platformer. Generally speaking my least favorite gameplay elements by far.

Contrastly, RPG, Strategy, Simulator get my attention positively.

I dont have the same automatic disdain for Early Access as some others. It has its place, its just definitely a buyer beware kind of thing.


u/wankster9000 18d ago





Are all short hand for I'm a shit developer who can't design good systems so I just pump up difficulty and blame any problems you have on a skill issue, and my rabid fanbase of nolife sweatlords will defend me to the last.


u/[deleted] 18d ago

"Tactical RPG."

Don't get me wrong. I don't think the genre itself is inherently bad at all. I know there are plenty of acclaimed tactical RPGs. I'm just historically awful at them. I also suck at chess, so there's probably a connection there.


u/smcreds 18d ago

Tags that instantly put me off... Soulsborne, souls like etc.


u/virtual_waft 18d ago

Crafting. I'm so damn sick of crafting.


u/Alyusha 18d ago

Early Access 100%. It's not to say there aren't early access games out there that have done well, IE Minecraft, Kerbal Space Program, Project Zomboid, BattleBit. The overwhelming majority though are either straight ripoffs of other games or just never get close to being completed.


u/Y0UR_NARRAT0R1 18d ago

Souls like. Idk what it is but I love the soulsborne games but not the souls likes.


u/totkeks 18d ago

Add "single player only" to that list.

Still waiting for the rebirth of good multi-player games.


u/pverflow 18d ago

also single player


u/yunivor 18d ago

3rd party launchers and the game needing to be always online.

I liked a game called Heavy Metal Machines but it was always online and the servers were shut down so now I can't even play with bots by myself because it refuses to start.


u/RiceTanooki 18d ago

Open world, in general


u/ArcanistAbridged 18d ago

oddly enough, Rouge-Like's.

i've just simply had my fair share of them at this point, and the amount of them makes me immediately pivot when i see it in the game.