r/AmIOverreacting May 03 '24

AIO because my wife took our cats when moving

Soooo, my wife is moving because of us not working out anymore. A lot of abuse from her like, shit gets deep. I believe she is narcissistic but im not a psychologist so what do I know? When she was moving we discussed everything, we didnt get divorce yet. We still thought we might work things out but not anymore. We discussed the cats and agreed that they should stay with me since I have been taking care of them for years by my self, like she has done not one single chore for these cats. Im sure if she keeps them their litter box wont be cleaned for weeks at a time. She never takes care of them and they have medical issues right now and require special care. I am totally losing my mind, she just took them with her when moving taking her things out of the house. She said don't be at the house and leave and I left, she then proceeded to steal the fucking cats. They are like my kids I really need them for support right now too I am just crying like crazy can't believe this. She quite literally took them with lies when we agreed they should have stayed with me. Called the cops they said you guys need to get a document of separation and write the ownership on that document. Until then as we are married I cant pursue legal action at all because its not technically stealing apparently:D im loosing it yall tell me somethingg

update; I got my cats back but she wants to take them back next week, imma fight thos during divorce as im filing it for it during the weekday as lawyers dont work weekends


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u/Dizzy_jones294 May 03 '24

She doesn't want the cats. It's a power play. Just get all the documentation and stop talking to her about them now that you have texts that she will give them back. She just wants to make you dance. Don't give her that satisfaction. Just get your stuff together and blast her in court.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

I think you are right, I wrote to two lawyers to start the process hope I can get them :( this is the worst


u/Dizzy_jones294 May 03 '24

I am sorry you are going through this. It takes a pretty low life person to use living creatures for their satisfaction. Our animals look to us for survival and we love them for the comfort they provide . I am sure she will give them back once she isn't getting what she wants for taking them. Try to be very cool and laid back. When she brings up the cats just remind her when their vet appointments are and to get their meds.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

yea its fucked up, I really believe this is hurting the cats as they were stressed already by our constant fighting in the home :( they are sensitive little creatures and moving has always made them stressed, its nust unnecessary to bring them into this like this so hard. If she wanted to take them it needed to be done properly, not like this


u/Dizzy_jones294 May 03 '24

But just think how happy they will be to come home.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

yea this is quite fucking insane and I cant blieve im going yrough such a stupid fucking thing :D