r/travisandtaylor (I’m from Ohio you fucking morons) 29d ago

Unpopular Opinion: Taylor is ultimately responsible for Ana Benevides' death

I've always been downvoted to hell in other subs, but my opinion remains unchanged.

I believe Taylor is ultimately responsible for Ana Benevides' death from heat exhaustion at her Brazil show.

Yes, there is blame to share. I understand the venue didn't allow water bottles inside, etc. But the buck should always stop with the performer, and the fact that Taylor had to stop her show *multiple* times to ensure the fans passing out got water should have been a red flag to her and her team. Temperatures were above 100 degrees during the daytime. She's not stupid.

It's also bullshit how the statement put out by Taylor claimed Ana died before the concert when in reality, she died during the second song. If Taylor's team truly didn't know a fan died *during* her concert, she needs a new team because that's an entirely new level of ineptitude. (I actually believe she knew and intentionally lied about it for PR purposes.)

Additionally, Ana's family mentioned that no one from Taylor's team reached out for them for days, until ultimately public pressure forced Taylor to acknowledge them.

I've heard all of the excuses about her contract, the promoter, blah blah blah. I don't fucking care. If Taylor isn't calling the shots at her own concert, then who is? Swifties claim she IS the music industry, yet apparently isn't powerful enough to stop her own show when fans are passing out and dying? Get the fuck out of her with that bullshit. Oh, she was afraid of being sued? The billionaire who hands out millions in bonuses to her truck drivers was worried about getting sued for a few million? Again, GTFO.

When fans died at Travis Scott's concert, he was criticized for not stopping the show. Yet Taylor isn't responsible because it's always someone else's fault when it comes to her.

Here's what I think happened: Taylor didn't care that someone died. She hated Brazil so badly that she wanted to be done, so she pushed through it despite the risk to her fans. She wanted to cash that check and go home. The only reason she postponed the show was because of the bad press she was getting from Ana's death. It was actually *cooler* on the day she postponed than previous days.

Par for the course, Taylor. Par for the course.

RIP Ana. I'm sorry no one will be held accountable for your death because Taylor is untouchable. You deserved better.

Edit: Just found out an estimated 1,000 fans fainted that day. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Who in their right mind would still have a concert with a 139 degree heat index?!


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u/[deleted] 29d ago

I don’t think she ever should have agreed to perform somewhere where concert goers couldn’t even have water. I don’t think she’s fully responsible, but I think she was definitely negligent and that accounts for something.


u/Turbulent-Coast-2303 29d ago

Most venues, at least in the two US states I’ve lived in, don’t allow outside food or water.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Yeah but I’m pretty sure this venue wasn’t allowing any water, like you couldn’t buy it at the venue either.


u/Adventurous_Essay763 29d ago

That is not the case. You could buy water, you just couldn't bring it.


u/trippapotamus 29d ago

In Vegas they had tons of water stations but that’s obviously is a whole different country. Did they not do that in Brazil? That feels wild to me given the heat.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

How do people know this? I read an article that said water wasn’t available at the venue when this first happened.