r/stupidquestions May 03 '24

Why is it acceptable for a woman to want an abortion, but when a man wants a woman to have an abortion, he's viewed as a POS?

Don't they both have a right to be pro-choice?


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u/squashthejosh May 06 '24

I’m not sure why people put so much on the 9 months of pregnancy, I get that it’s hard.

But is it as hard as the life-altering non-choice of having a child you’re forced to pay for or interact with for the next 18+ years?


u/VastFollowing5840 May 07 '24

I mean, the woman is also responsible for the child the next 18 years…it’s not like she births it and then drops it off with the father like they are seahorses or something.


u/squashthejosh May 07 '24

Okay, but that’s her choice


u/VastFollowing5840 May 07 '24

Men have the choice at the point when they decide when to have sex with someone. There are plenty of things you can do to mitigate the risk - procure your own birth control, have conversations with the woman about her values and what she thinks she would do if a pregnancy resulted to make sure she’s on the same page as you.

But the risk still remains that birth control may fail and she may make a different choice than she (and you) talked about upfront.

If that’s something you absolutely cannot stomach - don’t come inside a woman.  That’s where you get to exercise your choice.

Is it fair? No, but the whole process of pregnancy - whether it’s carried to term or is terminated - isn’t fair for the woman.  


u/squashthejosh May 07 '24

So men should practice abstinence to avoid the woman’s choice defining their lives.


u/VastFollowing5840 May 07 '24

If your view of sex is so narrowly constrained that penis-in-vagina is the only thing that counts as sex, then yes I think anyone, man or woman, that cannot tolerate the potential of pregnancy (and in the case of men that pregnancy being continued), you should choose not to have it and do other sexual activities instead.   

Go 69 instead until the cows come home, or have anal. Or rub each other out.  

I’m not saying people should only ever have vaginal intercourse with their life partners soley for the purposes of having pregnancy, but you need to be mature enough to recognize that penetrative sex can result in pregnancy, and that because it’s women’s bodies that are impacted they get to make the final call, you shouldn’t be having it.