r/stupidquestions May 03 '24

Why is it acceptable for a woman to want an abortion, but when a man wants a woman to have an abortion, he's viewed as a POS?

Don't they both have a right to be pro-choice?


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u/weezeloner May 05 '24

Because it is her body so it is her choice of whether or not to keep the child. If he wasn't interested in fatherhood then wear a condom. Having sex without a condom carries the risk of pregnancy. It doesn't matter if the woman is taking birth control.

A sister of one of my exes was on birth control and went on a date with a guy. First date. She got pregnant after that first date. They ended up getting married and as far as I know are still together 10+ years later. It was still not what either if them wanted at the time. But it worked out.

Pulling out while less effective than a condom is still quite effective. My wife doesn't take birth control. We have employed the pull out method during our entire relationship. 12 years and we have never had an unplanned pregnancy.

Any time a man tries to control what a woman does with her body, he is likely to be viewed as a POS.