r/pcmasterrace Mar 13 '24

This isn't going to be an easy journey, right ? Meme/Macro

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u/OriginalMandem Mar 13 '24

I'm constantly in a state of option paralysis when it comes to buying a new GPU. First off, my whole PC is kinda old. It's got a bit of grunt (dual Xeon processors, 64gb ram) but the processors aren't supported by W11 so I'm stuck with 10 anyway. The GTX670 it has at the moment is somewhat antiquated, and by this point mostly worthless for anything newer than about 7 years old game wise. An upgrade would give the machine a new lease of life but the pricing of GPUs is still kinda high. Anything in budget (£250—300) seems underpowered and not likely to be current after a year or two. Anything midrange that looks like it might be good for a few years is pushing £500 or so, at which point I start to think the rest of the machine isn't worth it and that I might just be better off just embracing convenience and buying a current-gen console. As a result I'm sitting here still with neither 😂 I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any...