r/geography May 02 '24

What's a really interesting border/feature/fact that you know that you feel doesn't get talked about much? Question

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u/inflatable_pickle May 02 '24

What is an EEZ, and more important question: what was the nationality of these islands prior to 1972? Like in 1972 after the treaty – citizens of this area were just notified that they are now French?


u/_JPG97_ May 02 '24

The islands have been french since 1815 (and switched hands various times before that).

EEZ is exclusive economic zone. Basically they have the right to do any economic activity in that zone. Rights to fish, discover oil, etc. Its a bit more complex but that's basically it.


u/miquelon May 02 '24

French since the early 1600s, settled seasonally by the French, Basque and Irish from the early 1520s. Mentioned by Cartier in 1536.

Part of the French colony of Plaisance (newfoundland) until Utrecht 1713.
Returned in 1763.
Full deportation of population in 1778 for France's support of new USA
Returned 1783
Full deportation of population 1793-1794 because of French revolution, prison camps in Halifax, deportation to UK and France

Returned 1814, not settled.
Full settlement return in 1816, French ever since.


u/inflatable_pickle May 02 '24

Is there a Wikipedia about the various forced deportations? Fascinating.


u/miquelon May 02 '24

My website ? Www.grandcolombier.com. Wikipedia is full of nonesense and people love to argue they know better than you.


u/inflatable_pickle May 02 '24

Wow. Perfect. Let me see if I can convert it to English.