r/stocks 11d ago

Data confirms Musk's destruction of the Tesla brand: He's driving away many of his core customers Company News

šŸ“‰ last Fall, the proportion of Democrats buying Teslas fell by more than 60%, precisely when Musk became most vocal on X

šŸ“‰ the mix of Democrats, who have been core constituents for the Tesla brand, had remained mostly steady up to that point

šŸ“ˆ gains with Republicans and Independents haven't been enough to make up the loss

Source: Elon Musk Lost Democrats on Tesla When He Needed Them Most


1.7k comments sorted by


u/smellyfingernail 3d ago

Awwww poor bear lost all your money shorting Tesla again? Howā€™s this position working out for you


u/Effective-Sky-6632 4d ago

Tesla is a garbage brand. I would be embarrassed driving a Tesla. Go with an Audi or Rivian. We entertained Tesla but canā€™t support a D-bag.


u/tarikomango 4d ago

No way you can collect actual data that represents this claim accurately


u/extrastupidone 7d ago

I dont know what happened in that Thai cave, but it was all downhill from that point on.


u/saysjuan 7d ago

And of course record inflation, interest rates, EV market saturation and depreciating home values had nothing to do with it, right? Right? Right?

It MUST be his posts on X which 95% of customers regardless of party affiliation donā€™t listen, read or care what he posts on X.


u/TraditionalCarpet560 9d ago

Itā€™s funny. He NEEDS the crunchy hippie population to buy into electric vehicles, but at the same time, heā€™s become an extreme right nut jobā€¦and all those folks donā€™t believe in alternative energies at all. Theyā€™re all DRILL BABY DRILL all the time.

So heā€™s disillusioned his customer base on the left but he canā€™t sell his product to those on the right.

Classic example of letting politics ruin your businessā€¦but at least MOST smart businessmen would cater to their proven base of customer so they can sustain/grow their business or brand.

The guy thinks heā€™s Tony Starkā€¦but all he did was buy an electric car company, expand on existing ideas, take some of those profits to develop a rocket company, and then tried to act all high and mighty and play the God of social media. Douchebaggery at its finest.


u/limbo0101 9d ago

Just a parody. Everything that is related to reality is just coincidence:

Media: Elon Musk is genious. Tesla is great. People: oh great I want one. He really have done something that no one wanted to do. Wow

Musk: I think Biden is not ok and will tank the economy and make people life harder. Media: Musk is a bad bad person. People (left leaning or sheep): oh thats crazy. He really is a bad person. I will not buy it.

Democrats: Every American car company is invited for the EV summit. Tesla is OUT!!! Other car companies: - did we manufactured any EV? - I think that we made like 20 units or something. - but letā€™s go kiss the masters feet.

Musk: ok, this is getting out of hand. Lets double down! Letā€™s buy twitter. Try to ban our voices now. And by the way all journalists that want to see what was going on on twitter be my guess. Media: ā€¦ Musk: anyone wants to see the twitter files ? Hello ? Freedom of speech, anyone ? Media: ā€¦

Other (not all) CEOs: noob. Just keep your mouth shut like us. And do everything they want. Musk: fuck that. I like freedom. Media: šŸ¤¬ he is a far right scum and uses drugs. Say with me: he is bad. People (sheep): he is bad. He did nothing. He just used some money they gave to him. He just uses drugs.


u/aminbae 9d ago

so WHY isn't rivian stock going up?

Surely the coastal Democrats would love the rivian brand with its numale design?


u/BowlCutMakeUrGirlNut 9d ago

Good. Hope to see them at $0


u/Own-Opinion-2494 9d ago

And the whole battery thing coming home to roost. My buddy just got rid of his


u/Wide_Canary_9617 9d ago

Couple things. Due to lak of negative press these months, tesla sales among democrats have rose back to 35% from 40% in 2022. Sales among republicans and independents are still rising although too early to tell


u/chethanprabhu 9d ago

I will dump my Tesla if I get close to what I paid for it. I am not even a bleeding heart liberal !!


u/Cassinojack 9d ago

He had no core customers. Maga hates science and liberals and independents actually pay attention to and act on science. Donā€™t go woke and just be broke


u/Coffin_Flopper 10d ago

Lol electric vehicles are not the future, hybrids are where itā€™s at and honestly Teslas have always been shit. Why make this about democrats or republicans? Seems like OP is political baiting


u/Centillionare 10d ago

The biggest reason I will never buy a Tesla (or any other company that does this) is because if you buy heated seats, FSD, etc. it doesnā€™t pass on to the next owner.


u/MushroomTypical9549 10d ago

This is so true- I know a few people who would be the ideal Telsa consumer but refusing to buy a car from Musk.


u/supernovaman1995 10d ago

Guess Michael Burry was right on this one.


u/IndependenceFickle95 10d ago

Bought at around $120 - to sell or not to sell?


u/Cappin 10d ago

The core question being, still, how does anyone work as the ā€œCEOā€ of six companies. We, in the startup world, raise our eyebrows for anyone trying to helm two companies. Itā€™s impossible. Musk is proof.


u/onahorsewithnoname 10d ago

Its bizarre how Elon is slowly transforming into a caricature of his father Errol.


u/Cheeky_Quim 10d ago

And ownership increased 60% by freedom-loving Americans. Itā€™s a wash.


u/Ants_vs_Humans 10d ago

Muskā€™s politics have driven me away from Tesla for life. Iā€™ll be looking at other electric options when the time comes.


u/bennyllama 10d ago

I donā€™t get what goes on in the mind of elon musk. For some reason EVs are a ā€œliberal ideologyā€, most liberal leaning cities, states etc are more likely to drive them. But elon, for some reason thought it would be good to drive them away with his rants on X.

He pretty much did this to himself lol


u/snakkerdk 10d ago

It really put me off buying a Tesla here in Europe as well, but the biggest reason for me not to go that way is their lack of sensors compared to anyone else, the car just weren't good enough compared the competition I test drove, (I don't care about what the car might be able to do in 5+ years (FSD has been just around the corner for the last 5+ years so far), by that time I will have switched cars anyway, the time to market will be even longer here in Europe than in the US).

They shot themself in the foot in my country, everyone just got a Model Y (or 3, but much less), because it was the cheapest option for EVs, 95% of them are driving around in the standard white color, base package. So now you see the same-looking Model Y everywhere, it became the "everyman's" EV car, boring, bland, same-same, nothing special, usually the car driving slow in the right lane on the motorway, basically the Peugeot 208 of EVs.

(Saying this despite owning Tesla stocks, with the hope their values improves with Model 2)


u/CokeZorro 10d ago

I spent years working up to a Tesla, if crazy man thinks I'm giving money to more conspiracy theory rocket nonsense he's crazy. The ev market is exploding I see no reason to buy a Tesla now that he is full nut case. No way I would purchase a product from such an unhinged person.


u/LoserCowGoMoo 10d ago

On a fundamental level, buying a care that offers "full self driving" that isnt...full self driving...its blatent deception on a level that makes me think they think im a fucking idiot.

I am a fucking idiot...but i aint paying them to confirm it.


u/walkinman19 10d ago

Wait are you telling me all of Elmo's fascist coal rolling fans on X aren't trading in their pickup trucks for Teslas? Who could've seen this coming?

Pretty nice how he prepped the market for electric vehicles then destroyed his own brand. Nepo babies gonna nepo I guess.


u/Ok_Finish7000 10d ago

I have to agree..idk why musk got into politics...just built rockets and get us to mars man.


u/ChampionshipStock870 10d ago

I wouldnā€™t consider myself a democrat but I canā€™t vote for Trump. If it werenā€™t for Musk being a complete dipshit Iā€™d probably be buying a Tesla this year


u/CosmicSeafarer 10d ago

You know, if he gets a following of far right lemmings buying electric cars instead of rolling coal isnā€™t it a net win?


u/HumptyDrumpy 10d ago

Maybe he should delegate or focus on less projects. Put some people in charge who actually like and can manage people (and not just make them worry about randomly losing their jobs)


u/Amazing_Magician2892 10d ago

All part of the genius master plan i keep hearing about. Musk 5D chess at it again.Ā 


u/[deleted] 10d ago edited 11h ago



u/xmarwinx 10d ago

It doesnā€™t, the comments here are bots trying to influence the upcoming us elections not real people


u/External-Bit-4202 2d ago

Every day, the dead internet theory gets proven more correct.


u/Calamity-Bob 10d ago

In other shocking news-water wet. Sun rises in east. Devote all your time to spreading anti vax rubbish and reposting white supremacy crap while sexually harassing staff and banging as many employees as you can while running sweatshops. Always a good look for a brand. Oh - and demand $56 billion shortly before firing 10% of your workforce and seeing an20% drop in sales. Yeah. Thatā€™ll work


u/HappyFamily0131 10d ago

Oh no! Anyway...


u/blackteashirt 10d ago

Yup he went full MAGA when some sexual harassment accusations were laid on him, I think it was that he hit on his masseuse on his private jet. Suddenly he's a right wing republican and all the harassment claims are a Democratic conspiracy against him. Nice cover asshole but you tanked the company.

He hasn't been able to remove this from the internet (yet): https://www.reuters.com/world/us/musk-denies-he-sexually-harassed-flight-attendant-private-jet-2022-05-20/#:~:text=Business%20Insider%20reported%20on%20Thursday,friend%20of%20the%20flight%20attendant.


u/xmarwinx 10d ago

Are you trying to pretend that a rich unmarried guy flirting with a masseuse on his private jet is a bad thing? Every single man in the world would do that.


u/raresaturn 10d ago

What a dickhead


u/Verulkungpj 10d ago

Those who primarily exist in online communities might not have the financial means to afford Teslas, and they tend to stay within the confines of their homes. However, genuine customers are unconcerned if someone on Twitter takes offense.


u/Personal_Chapter6758 10d ago

Why would republicans buy EVs lol


u/maddogcow 10d ago

Musk could lose "everything" and still be rich beyond belief.


u/dounutrun 10d ago

musk is a national security risk much like trump.him and trump solded us out to the russians


u/bellingman 10d ago edited 9d ago

I had been looking forward to buying one as my next car, but now? Hell no.

Most importantly the Tesla owners I know have too many horror stories. But I also don't want to be associated with that fool.


u/Trailerwire 10d ago

I guess you should ā€œknow your customerā€ even if you donā€™t like them. No speech at his level is ā€œfreeā€. But I respect his guts to speak his mind regardless.


u/DQ11 10d ago

They should go hybrid gas electricĀ 


u/Newtstradamus 10d ago

Who would have thought championing people who deny climate change would have repercussions on your ā€œletā€™s fight climate change with our climate friendly(ish) vehicles.ā€


u/Fair_Cartographer838 10d ago

Money isnā€™t happiness


u/boyga01 10d ago

Go broke go woke.


u/ryuujinusa 10d ago

He went from a savior and role model to a steaming pile of shit REAL fast.


u/NuTrumpism 10d ago

I thought he was all about children and loves his kids but it seems like Iā€™ve never seen him do or say anything about them or their lives or ?


u/erichwanh 10d ago

I thought he was all about children and loves his kids but it seems like Iā€™ve never seen him do or say anything about them or their lives or ?

Vivian came out as trans a few years ago. He loves talking about how "cis" is a slur because of this.

As for his other kids, I have no idea, considering I'm convinced he's too unitelligent to legally consent.


u/NuTrumpism 9d ago

I guess the rich have to keep their kids away from the public to avoid kidnapping? But as a parent I canā€™t imagine not talking about your kids in off hand comments. And I only have one this boy got 12 kids?


u/BobSacamano47 10d ago

I used to dream of owning a Tesla. Now I'd be embarrassed.Ā 


u/flyingkiwi9 10d ago

And what, they'd rather buy Chinese built EVs?


u/jutah2 10d ago

Dem hereā€¦ā€¦will never buy a Tesla because of Musk.


u/DrWernerKlopek89 10d ago

sitting in umpteen tesla ubers with their rattling interiors was enough to be me off before Musk went off the rails.


u/Procrastanaseum 10d ago

All the other car companies knew this would happen. Just let Tesla trip over themselves and then fill in the void they leave.


u/DonAmecho777 10d ago

Thanks Captain Obvious


u/Rohvessori69 10d ago

I can confirm he is damaging the reputation even outside the US. Why did he become a Russian shill?


u/doctordishes 10d ago

Whatā€™s the saying - stay woke, never broke?


u/Whatsuptodaytomorrow 10d ago

Oh no šŸ˜¬


u/jetpoweredbee 10d ago

When Phoney Stark drove Twitter into the ground, it should not be a surprise that he is now killing Tesla with the same idiocy.


u/LAGA_1989 10d ago

I love not supporting him on twitter or Tesla. Starve his ass out.


u/pitchfork_2000 10d ago

Can confirm. Democrat will never ever buy a Tesla due to Elon Musk.


u/Stupid-RNG-Username 10d ago

Can someone tell me what the "core customer" is for an auto manufacturer? We're talking about cars you're going to own for 10+ years, not something you're going to use for a month and throw away for a new one.


u/jwsutphin5 10d ago

Considering he hasnā€™t been paid for his efforts since 2018 Iā€™m shocked he hasnā€™t bailed on Tesla


u/Bigleftbowski 10d ago

Musk is going to end up getting replaced by the board of directors.


u/shpatibot 10d ago

Folks needed to part ways with Tesla as soon as Elon acquired Twitter


u/RawFreakCalm 10d ago

I think people are reading too much into all of this. Have they had a few bad quarters? Yes.

But last time Reddit went on a huge spree about how bad the stock and Elon was was right before the model 3. That was also the last time I listened to Reddit because boy did I miss out.

TSLA will be fine in the long run. 5 years from now it will still be a powerhouse.


u/j0eg0d 10d ago

No one is buying EVs. Everyone is losing money.


u/southwick 10d ago

Glad I sold last year


u/recent_sandwiches 10d ago

can confirm. Husband and I agreed on a Tesla as our next car, but then Musk went all crazy. Or he was just more vocal about his craziness I suppose.


u/FrancaisNYC 10d ago

The 2024 Chevy Silverado EV is cheaper and better than the cyber truck.


u/major_dump 10d ago

Hey E-schlong... How 'bout chu LET DAT SINK IN



this is very true


u/Dedpoolpicachew 10d ago

Hmmā€¦ demographic for EVs is mainly liberals, interested in the environmentā€¦ Elmo proceeds to alienate liberals interested in the environmentā€¦ Yupā€¦ that tracks.


u/yalogin 10d ago

There is a reason they say ā€œnever get high off your own suppliesā€.

Musk was a genius until he started thinking too highly of himself. All the adulation got to him and he started thinking he is untouchable. He started letting his inner self come out and it turns that inner self is a fascist, racist, anti science bigot. That is a not a good thing for business. Most people donā€™t want to be associated with that.

On top of that he became over confident and stopped listening to his people, the folks that actually know stuff. That led to the twitter purchase, and the cyber truck disaster. Two mistakes enough to take him down.


u/Redmi_Phone_Note12 10d ago

It's BYD also


u/Billymaysdealer 10d ago

If rivian was cheaper, Iā€™d buy one


u/ft1778 10d ago

He is learning that Teslas were a political statement for Democrats and driving one had little to do with supporting climate change. Both parties will instantly cancel anything if you bash their candidate.


u/Anxious-Count-5799 10d ago

imagine how the other half of the population feels about every other company spreading woke bullshit and many of them are still successful. People buy their needs not their ideologies. Also, consider that he is demonstrating to the world that he is willing and capable of telling governments to fuck off, which is necessary when buying a car that can be completely controlled via software. I would never buy any EV from any company other than tesla for this reason.


u/Rust_Shackleford 10d ago

He sacrificed his core demographic, and all he gets out of it is the crowd that will pay $8 a month to "save free speech"


u/Odd_Section2561 10d ago

I donā€™t know why this is a surprise to anyone. Elon made his name synonymous with Tesla even though he bought his way into it so of course Tesla would experience the same exodus as Twitter when he did the same. Nobody wants to be associated with him nor should they. Heā€™s held in high regard for no reason other than ignorance of facts. Heā€™s the Donald Trump of tech.


u/AnesthesiaLyte 10d ago

You should see how theyā€™re wording the work orders for customers. Literally said in an email something along the lines of, ā€œwork orders estimates need to be approved for the work because our technicians donā€™t work for free.ā€ It was like a 15-year-old with attitude was asking for the work order to be authorized, but it was the official communication from Tesla for a work order approval. This was the initial communication also, not a response


u/HopingForSomeHope 10d ago

Huh. I wonder why.Ā 

Itā€™s almost like people vote with their wallets and donā€™t like supporting shitbags.Ā 


u/SecretSquritle 10d ago

Teslas .. outside of the cyber truck are fine and finally falling to a reasonable market pricing.. Elon Musk is an asshat and hopefully can be ejected into the ether. . The real issue is people thought he was a genius for coming over to a ready to launch company and manipulating the stock to his advantage and burning shorts in a way that made him rich.. equating money to genius has long been a downfall of Americana .. same guy. PR got worse. Tesla is.. fine. Elon.. unsavory human.


u/jr-blackridge 10d ago

Hate his right wing politics and canceled my order as a vote with my dollars. The guy has accomplished incredible things. And if he had just kept his mouth shut...


u/Ginsoda13 10d ago

Couldnā€™t have happened to a better person


u/Chadalac79 10d ago

Because democrats are crybabies


u/Fancy-Pair 10d ago

What if musk is in some kinda Eddie Murphy trading places situation? Heā€™s designed a Homer Simpson mobile, all but tanked a major website and gone from being respected to calling rescuers pedos


u/theboyqueen 10d ago

He wants to be some Texas cowboy but EVs don't make any sense for folks like that. It's people in cities who will buy Teslas. Not sure what could be dumber than alienating your only possible customers. There is no reason buying a Tesla ever had to become politicized but he went and did it, in the most counterproductive way imaginable.

Like the Uber guy Elon should have been fired as CEO a long time ago.


u/YeezyThoughtMe 10d ago

So youā€™re saying that my $115 weekly Tsla put has a chance?


u/Vespertilio1 10d ago

This is ironic considering that no private individual has done more to combat climate change through electric vehicle adoption and to support the Ukrainian military. Both of those are top priorities of the political left.

I see Musk's pay package mentioned. He earned it by delivering on what was considered an impossible goal, making many shareholders incredibly rich in the process.

Musk commenting on politics is just an extension of what he's always done: think about society's major issues and do something to fix them.

Unfortunately, consumers in today's political climate are very sensitive - both the right and the left! - to what their spending might reveal about their political identities and fail to evaluate products solely on their merits.

From a business perspective, the best way to proceed is to address Musk's PR/likability issues (this should become easier after the 2024 election passes), stabilize the whipsaw price increases and decreases on their car lineup; hope Chinese EV's get banned in Western countries (because they seem to be a better value), and fix manufacturing issues.

Signed, not a shareholder or fanboy


u/catfarts99 10d ago

Did Elon really think that Trump's MAGA army of toothless fat hillbillies were going to buy his dumb car? What a moron. He had a brand that resonated with smart educated people who cared about the environment and he threw it all away.


u/jasonmonroe 10d ago

Fire him as CEO and find someone who is a Democrat then.


u/thegreaterfool714 10d ago

Musk had years to make an affordable and quality EV and fucked around and failed. China is going to eat his lunch.


u/Atuk-77 10d ago

I have been saying this for a while, many people still believe that people does not think in politics when buying a car, true with traditional cars, when you buy a Tesla you are making an statement towards the future and Musk does not belong anymore in that statement.


u/Grantsdale 10d ago

This is what happens when you hate your customers. Conservatives arenā€™t buying Teslas, liberals used to.


u/Echoeversky 10d ago

Smells of short sellers with aĀ convenient foil.


u/MHJ03 10d ago

I am intentionally NOT buying one because of his dumb ass.


u/Todsrache 10d ago

At one point in my life I was interested in not one, but two products Musk was offering. At this point though, when I go solar on my house and when I buy an EV there is no chance in hell it'll be from a company with Musk's fingerprints.


u/evolutionxtinct 10d ago

I been invested for 6yrs Iā€™m about to cash outā€¦


u/BroWeBeChilling 10d ago

So what Iā€™m hearing is it is time to buy - got it


u/2bfaaaaaaaaaair 10d ago

I sold all my TSLA about a year ago because of him. I will buy it back once heā€™s removed.


u/Recent-Seesaw-685 10d ago

Elon: ā€œI hate the substantially skewed group of people who buy this product a lot and want to in some cases harm themā€

The group: ā€œbyeā€

Stock: plunges and spirals


u/keiye 10d ago

Good. Does this mean Iā€™ll be more unique in my Tesla soon? Getting tired of seeing a sea of other teslas.


u/SH1Tbag1 10d ago

What idiot buy a vehicle based on politics šŸ˜†


u/Early_Parking_1963 10d ago

If people already bought something they don't need to buy it again hence sales are down.... this article says NOTHING other than people have bought teslas and there aren't many people left who havent


u/fxcknorthkorea 10d ago

I can attest to this. I was genuinely wanting to make Tesla my next purchase, until musk revealed what he really was. I thought, why would I spend this money on a company where the CEO is such a fuckwit?


u/xSikes 10d ago



u/Sufficiency2 10d ago

My primary issue with Elon Musk isn't his political leaning by itself (yes he is basically opening leaning right, but he isn't that extreme IMHO).

The problem I see with him is that he is a jerk. While I believe all entrepreneurs need some levels of aggressiveness to succeed, his recent behavior really paints him in a bad light, especially the petty responses he often has when things don't go his way.

I really think he should retire and have someone else take over Tesla.


u/owen__wilsons__nose 10d ago

My gf owns a Tesla and wants to sell it solely cause she views supporting the brand an embarrassment at this point. She's big on going electric and now there's plenty of alternatives. The only thing stopping her is how much her Tesla has depreciated in 2 years. She paid it off in full. Surely there's plenty of people like her. What boggles the mind is how Musk didn't envision this happening . And for what? Hurting Tesla sales as he buries X to the ground. How is it all worth it in his mind?


u/GoldenEelReveal76 10d ago

Price cuts canā€™t cover for Toxic Elmo. No price cut will get me in a Tesla as long as he is in charge.


u/iprocrastina 10d ago

IMO the bigger issue is that Tesla's QA issues have caught up to it. Years ago Tesla was viewed as a high end, high quality brand. But in the years since, there's been a growing amount of bitter Tesla owners who haven't been keeping quiet about all the issues they have with the cars. Now it seems most buyers are aware of how many expensive issues crop up with the cars, as well as the fact that some of the features get promised and paid for but never delivered, and are looking at different, more reputable makers now. The Cybertruck debacle has only reinforced all of this with its numerous fatal issues (rusting, accelerator pedal jam).

Who's buying a Tesla anymore? Genuine question. If you have the money and like EVs, you have many other options now. Yeah, the Model 3 is one of the cheapest ones, but wouldn't you rather pay a little more upfront to avoid paying a fortune in repairs later?


u/redditissocoolyoyo 10d ago

I'm never going to buy a new Tesla again but I just hope the service department stays together at least another 10 years so I can get some service done with the cars. But never again!


u/J-drawer 10d ago

It would've been great if he could've just used his platform that he bought to promote his electric car company to right wingers so we can finally do something about global warming.

But that's too much for that stupid sack of shit


u/doesnamematters 10d ago

If democrats stop buying Tesla, where did they go? GM, FORD or other brands?

Is it more about electric vehicles as a whole category see significant slow down in sales growth. And also competition is getting fierce now with all major brands have their electric offerings.


u/throwsFatalException 10d ago

Elon still has some diehard dickriders though.Ā  I enjoy reading all of their absurd excuses for this man.Ā Ā 


u/lordinov 10d ago

Imagine stop driving a car, because itā€™s boss said something that doesnā€™t align with your political views on the world. Nothing to do with the car itself and its technology.


u/AviationDoc 10d ago edited 10d ago

Eh...I think this is a coincidence.

EVs have been growing in popularity exponentially the last few years. And with that, lots of new options have popped up. Lots of EV exclusive brands - Fisker, Lucid, Rivian, Polestar - and EVs from the old school car makers are now competing in the market.

Truth be told, I think the Teslas are pretty meh looking and I think the interiors are awful, boring. But you can't blink without seeing a Tesla in SoCal. I think people are looking for something new and more unique and going for the new brands. That's personally how I feel regardless of Musk. Ex. Model Y looks like a toaster from the Fallout universe.


u/TapKey8299 10d ago

Tesla was going to be my next car, and now probably will never own one. I am still going electric though.


u/VR_Has_Gone_Too_Far 10d ago

There was a time in my life, maybe 2017-2018, where Tesla was my dream car. By the time I could afford buying a new car in 2021, I would have been embarrassed to buy a Tesla


u/Brief_Annual_4160 10d ago

Sometimes I feel like Elon Musk gets involved in industries that would undermine the traditional power structures if they were successful.


u/ToughEyes 10d ago

Nobody is going to pass up a good deal on a car just because of petty politics. They're going to pass it up because it's poor value.


u/WalksTheMeats 10d ago

5 years ago, if Musk had seen a Governor sign a dealership protection bill cutting off Tesla from one of the US's most populous states he would have gone scorched earth.

Nowadays Musk's Personal Politics have gotten in the way of that.

In the long term that does legitimately hurt Tesla, because without Musk unilaterally championing EVs as a thing of the future Tesla becomes just another niche EV manufacturer producing rich kid toys.


u/ToughEyes 10d ago

Maybe it's the other way around. Musk turned something like EVs into "rich kid toys". Tesla has always over-promised and under-delivered, and the chickens are now coming home to roost.


u/philomatic 10d ago

Not just twitter. But he went psycho with the cybertruck. Totally new production needed for that monstrosity.

Imagine the difference, if he had just done a normal truck that could lean into their existing production line as was their strategy with their previous vehicles.

He got brazen from the Tesla success and as his true colors came out, he lost a lot of supporters and probably lost some caution / checks and balances.


u/dtacobandit 10d ago

So its democrats that will kill us all with climate change is whats happening


u/Street-Badger 10d ago

I would short this but Iā€™m worried Elon will step back and it will rip.


u/Bubbagump210 10d ago

Captain Hindsight meme - of course. Many of us said heā€™d alienate his key market and those that buy into decades of big oil propaganda arenā€™t going to suddenly change their mind.


u/ccc32224 10d ago

Dems seem to want to control free speech so glad he took over X. Glad he at least sticks to his values and beliefs


u/ghostofaposer 10d ago

Go anti-woke go broke


u/satanicmajesty 10d ago

Man, Iā€™ve been buying Tesla stock since before it blew up, but I sold it all like 2 years ago. I was even one of the first to sign up for a CyberTruck, but Elon Musk has let his ego get the best of him. I canceled my order for a Foundation Edition. I donā€™t want to be a part of that brand. Also, at first I hoped all the Tesla quirks and bad quality were acceptable because they were new, but come on now! Porsche, Mercedes, Volvo, even Hyundai, are making better electric cars!


u/Steve-lrwin 10d ago

This is absolutely hilarious.

The average politically motivated redditor is literally like that meme with the two red buttons and the guy sweating bullets.

"Save the planet buy electric cars, the best is Tesla"


"don't support Elon Musk the evil man who.... bought a social media company and changed their Ts & Cs to allow people to have open discussion on topics I don't care for"


u/Emergency_Bother9837 10d ago

Drove me away from the products (ALL OF THEM) and the stock. Dont like anything he stands for and will actively discourage others from buying Tesla products.


u/DarthFreeza9000 10d ago

The Rivian marketing department is foaming at the mouth at these articles


u/troy_caster 10d ago

Is it really what Elon's doing, or is it how the press is reporting what he's doing?


u/diegoarmando50 10d ago

As someone who considered getting a Tesla a few years ago, I literally decided not to do it simply because I can't stand Elon Musk and I couldn't forgive myself for ever contributing for a cent of his net worth. Glad to see I am not the only one.


u/thatswhatdeezsaid 10d ago

Lol at use of the expression "driving away"


u/DubitoErgoCogito 10d ago edited 10d ago

You're about to be banned from every Tesla sub šŸ˜‚

Edit: The Tesla subs are scanning other subs for ā€œmeanā€ comments about Tesla or Elon and permanently banning people for threatening their emotional health. No, I'm not making this up. They're crazy.


u/msaleem 10d ago

Oh no! Anyway ...


u/faithle55 10d ago


Yuk yuk yuk.


u/anonymousantifas 10d ago

I used to want a Tesla. I donā€™t anymore. Nothing could make me buy one.
Elon Musk is a filthy fucking parasite


u/Dose_Knows 10d ago

The EV market as a whole is floundering. I wouldnā€™t buy any stocks in any EV companies at this time


u/RoyalBudget770 10d ago

So democrats buy EVs based on if they like the owner, not actually for the planet? So they never really liked those electric cars Iā€™m told are saving the planet?


u/new22003 10d ago

I am not American and I live in the EU. I see evidence of the tarnishing of the brand. Things like Tesla owners at work complaining and others asking if musk's politics and outbursts have made them rethink their ownership. I have heard several people who are in the market say they won't shop the brand. The narrative has gone from "cool, you have a Tesla" to "a Tesla huh, what do you think of musk?" This is compounded with the wide availability of better made cars with more features and comfort. The remaining big plus is the Supercharger network, but is that enough?

For reference electric cars are popular where I live because there is no road tax on them (due to end soon) and charging is available and relatively affordable compared to our ICE cars. Petrol cars often cost ā‚¬1000 euros per year in road tax (diesel cars are double that) and fuel costs are around ā‚¬2 per liter ($8.10-8.15 per U.S. gallon)


u/imrickjamesbioch 10d ago

Meh, OP forgot Tesla EVā€™s are shit carsā€¦ I live in the Tesla capital of the world and its crazy the amount people who had to wait months to get their car, only for the car to arrive with issues straight from the factory. Then having to decide if they want to refuse delivery and wait several more months to get another car that potentially has issues or haggle with Tesla support over months to get their car fixed.

At this point, there are so many options for EVā€™s that folks are just gravitating towards BMW EVā€™s, if they got the cheddar a Lucid EV, or even Hyundai who appears to come out with a great EV lineup for 2024.


u/OkCelebration6408 10d ago

Gains in republicans and independents will be a lot more long lasting, every company will eventually have to really toughen up against unions at some point and anger the dem customers sooner or later.


u/AdditionalBat393 10d ago

He gambled on the cybertruck and lost with the biggest failure in carmaking history. That is his downfall. He is spewing hate all over Twitter which is leading that into the garbage. Both huge gambles that he ruined single handedly


u/AlmightyKoiFish 10d ago

Almost like your core demographic are people who want electric vehicles, have higher incomes to afford vehicles + add ons, and live in cities where charging is more prevalent. Wonder which demographic that fits with šŸ¤”


u/rbo29 10d ago

Yup ? And the people he is trying to impress the most hate the idea of electric cars.


u/Chazzwuzza 10d ago

He is supporting the side that has an active hate campaign against EVs. Big brain move.


u/Ocular__Patdown44 10d ago

I recently made a twitter account because they locked being able to look at any profiles without one. I deleted it within 2 weeks because it was feeding me absolute garbage, a good portion of which were tweets from Musk himself.


u/SoupeurHero 10d ago

At least he's convincing the right to buy electric cars. But most on the left interested in one would go with anyone else because fuck him.


u/8rowsing4stuff 10d ago

I've been interested in a Tesla but had concerns with the vehicle quality. Now the fiasco with the truck just pushed me away and I'm looking at the traditional auto makers like Ford and Toyota.


u/AllCommiesRFascists 10d ago edited 10d ago

This is the perfect clickbait article for Redditors that donā€™t read and canā€™t comprehend the articles. Media literacy is in the gutter

The proportion of Democrats buying Tesla vehicles fell by more than 60%, according to car buyers surveyed in October and November by researcher Strategic Vision.

Tesla has since made up ground with blue buyers, the research shows.

So the PROPORTION of democrats buying Teslas have come down because more independents and republicans are buying them. This is a good thing

Also telling that the article doesnā€™t say the updated numbers that are more positive for Tesla

Among 2022 model-year buyers, Democrats made up 40% of Tesla customers and 39% in 2023, according to Strategic Visionā€™s surveys. Things began to change in the 2024 model year survey, which began in October. The makeup of Democrats fell to 15% while Republicans jumped to 32% and independents swelled to 44%.

While Democratsā€™ ranks fell at the end of the year, some came back in subsequent surveys by Strategic Vision, rising to 35% of the mix of buyers through late Februaryā€”still not what they traditionally had been, but better than last fall when their share was weakening.

Whatdaya know. The democrat proportion only fell by 5%


u/OnlyMath 10d ago

Yeh, you couldnā€™t pay me to drive a Tesla.


u/I_Heart_QAnon_Tears 10d ago

At this point he couldn'tĀ  GIVE me a Tesla. That is how badly I loathe Musk. And I used to admire him.


u/datSubguy 10d ago

Whatā€™s crazy is his dick got him into this mess


u/Longjumping_Carpet11 10d ago

Tesla was my top choice for an ev until the scary, untrue and destructive anti democracy rhetoric coming out of Musk. I would never buy a Tesla or do business with Musk attached companies.


u/AgentProvocateur666 11d ago

Oh without a doubt. I was someone who has wanted a Tesla for like 8 or 9 years when they announced model x. It was definitely something I couldnā€™t afford but was working towards. Iā€™m under no illusion that other CEOs of other companies may be morons too but just given how vocal Elon has been since covid itā€™s been a massive turn off. He seemed like someone who was on the cusp of single handedly creating this paradigm shift of sorts for society but in the last few years has opted to paint himself into a corner with all the other vocal Qanon, GQP types. Iā€™d still buy a Tesla but it would have to be a steal of a deal below market value for me to go through with it now.


u/OldDarthLefty 11d ago

So many people went on Twitter and lost their minds


u/gonzoes 11d ago

Still see more of them then i ever have though


u/lowercase0112358 11d ago

You either didnā€™t know his family owned slaves when you bought your Tesla or you are in some degree okay with it at this point.