r/nottheonion May 17 '24

Revolutionary New Google Feature Hidden Under "More" Tab Shows Links to Web Pages Removed - Not Oniony



21 comments sorted by


u/silverbolt2000 27d ago

Repost and misleading title. 

Google has always provided links to web pages, and this is not changing. 

The new feature simply adds a filter to only show results that are text-only.


u/kluthage421 May 17 '24

Switch to Duckduckgo and don't look back


u/grafknives May 17 '24

This is obviously a sign of Google going ALL IN into "ai powered search experience".

A search for content will be just a MINISCULE side dish.

The main course will be that Google will push a single definitive "answer", not multiple results.

After all - Google know what we are searching for...


u/justapcgamer May 17 '24

I switched to duckduckgo 5 years ago and never looked back. I dont care about privacy or anything i just want to search things and not get blog/news slop results. I even turned on ads because theyre so unintrusive i'd rather let them get ad revenue.

I still go back to google for image and maps though.


u/papoosejr May 17 '24

This is the most oniony headline I've ever seen in this sub


u/Tiny-Sandwich May 17 '24

Awesome. I'm fucking sick of googling something and getting 5 suggested YouTube videos.

Now if they could just fix image search so it's no longer just an extend product catalogue, that would be amazing.


u/Gh0stMan0nThird May 17 '24

I've noticed a lot of times in the last few years I get Shopping results when I'm just looking for a picture of something.


u/mostlygray May 17 '24

When satire becomes reality, and reality is satire. I just can't tell any more.


u/rnilf May 17 '24

“We’ve launched a new ‘Web’ filter that shows only text-based links, just like you might filter to show other types of results, such as images or videos,” the official Google Search Liaison Twitter account, run by Danny Sullivan, posted on Tuesday. The option will appear at the top of search results, under the “More” option.

They've taken the original functionality of Google, buried it in a menu, and they're announcing this like it's a new feature.

Bold strategy, let's see if it pays off for them.


u/Icy_Statement_2410 May 17 '24

Normally you have to pay double for that kind of action, Cotton


u/[deleted] May 17 '24



u/gredr May 17 '24

Small correction:

Google has wanted for some time to phase out the web as we know it (e.g. stuff they're not selling us) in favor of stuff they are selling us.


u/BigLan2 May 17 '24

It's not stuff they are selling to us, it's our profile they're selling to advertisers who are trying to sell stuff to us.


u/gredr 29d ago

You are, of course, correct, even though there are products Google will sell us, in general, it's us that is the product. Regardless, Google wants us off of stuff they don't control and can't monetize, and onto stuff they do and can.


u/Mob_Ties_1972 May 17 '24

How do I turn this on? Can't find the setting


u/diverareyouok May 17 '24

Do your search. Click “more” (to the right of “all, images, videos, etc”. Click “web” (2nd from top, under “news”).


u/Gerryislandgirl 27d ago

How do you do it on mobile? I don’t see a “more” button.


u/uid_0 May 17 '24

Maybe you should Google it.



u/Nuclearcakes May 17 '24

Let me know if you find the settings for this. I can't figure it out


u/Mob_Ties_1972 May 17 '24

Diverareyouokay has responded to me :)


u/AverageCowboyCentaur May 17 '24

The web filter is really nice, not always under more but always called "web" removes all the extra crap. Takes you back to the 2000 era of search.


u/redundant_ransomware May 17 '24

i have to create an account just to read an article? no thanks!