r/northernireland May 09 '24

Well well would you look at these bellends Political

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u/_BornToBeKing_ May 14 '24 edited May 14 '24

They are an embarrassment. I'm a unionist and I accept that Israel is a genocidal state. Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø

You don't need to attend those Politicised Ireland-palestine marches to be in support of Palestine.

What did Winston Churchill, a great unionist, fight for? To allow his unionist brethren to go and support a genocidal state? All of them should hang their heads in shame.


u/Itsdatboy420 May 12 '24

One from the tuv....ONE


u/Lopsided-Impact-2763 May 11 '24

I would use a stronger word but aimed at those of you who support hamas donā€™t really mind people being killed as long as they are people you donā€™t like


u/Lopsided-Impact-2763 May 11 '24

I would use a stronger word but aimed at those of you who support hamas donā€™t really mind people being killed as long as they are people you donā€™t like


u/No-Young1011 May 11 '24

Stick them all into the Rafa crossing for a day and get some taste of Napalm.


u/Filly-Sella May 11 '24

As if it matters what a woke island in the North Atlantic 1000s of miles away 'vote'


u/takakazuabe1 May 10 '24

And to think I was starting to think Doug Beattie maybe, just maybe, wasn't a bad person.

I hope hell exists just so they can burn in it. But he deserves a special place. I suggest the ninth Circle.


u/stinkysocks999 May 10 '24

Always on the wrong side of history


u/ballymorey_lad May 10 '24

So muchā€¦. inbreedingā€¦..


u/Ferrus90 May 10 '24

Well at least they can get more use out of their old "Don't blame me I voted NO" badges šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


u/BigDogAl75 May 10 '24

Please tell me this is a wind up. I would class myself as a unionist but if this is trueā€¦


u/Airborne_Israel May 10 '24

I wonder what Israelā€™s vote was during The Troubles.


u/[deleted] May 10 '24

Well I would vote 'No', too. There can be a ceasefire when the IDF finishes the job.


u/The_Word9986 May 10 '24

Another political stunt. Everyone knows how this vote was going to go. Who was going to vote yes, and who no. It was a stunt to poke the voters with ''look who voted against'' And as per, the bait was taken.


u/alexN_2008 May 10 '24

Kill list


u/Wise_Wolverine2652 May 10 '24

Rare lookin huurs, the lot of them


u/Ok-Source6533 May 10 '24

Well done for them. Sticking by their principles is a good thing in a politician, surely.


u/Hot_Paint_532 May 10 '24

" I personally think there's not enough shooting. Let it continue! "


u/AffectionateRun4063 May 10 '24

Hamas hides behind women and children.
They are no angels.
The media shows pictures of children but they don't show pictures of Hamas.
This is a propaganda war


u/Iamburnsey May 10 '24

Fucking hell they really are the scum of the scum, it's maddening how they still keep getting votes!


u/Realmadridirl May 10 '24

Um. Why are we having votes about this? Itā€™s not our choiceā€¦ and nobody is gonna give a shit what we have voted about it šŸ˜‘ this has nothing to do with us


u/Theloftydog May 10 '24

First time ever hearing of Traditional Union Voice Party. They seem fun....


u/manofathousandnames May 10 '24

Of course the DUP would vote that way.


u/Status-Rooster-5268 May 10 '24

Let's face it, the ONLY reason people want a ceasefire is to allow Hamas to get away with killing 1400 Jews (and because they support what they did, but want to hide behind basic "muh 17 years 364 day old trained militant babies are being killed!")

Remember there is NO genocide, NO famine, so NO SURRENDER


u/DecentManufacturer27 May 10 '24

Ahh yess performative voting on a ceasefire. Very enlightened. While Hamas still has hostages and refuses to surrender. But yes itā€™s Israel fault that hamas operates out of civilian compounds šŸ¤”


u/Affectionate-Sail971 May 10 '24

Yeah you think Palestinians chose to live in the most densley populated places on earth, who chooses that? This is a captive population in Israel, with apartide identity cards and rules


u/Employ-Personal May 10 '24

Quite apart from the obvious enmity inherent in this post, what do national parliamentarians think their ridiculous input and vote on a conflict that has absolutely nothing to do with them means? During the ā€˜Troublesā€™ would the various parties involved have taken kindly too and considered carefully a similar vote in the Knesset on their conflict?


u/Puzzleheaded-Cap7988 May 10 '24

Not sure we can order another country to stop having a war mind you....


u/PlasticsSuckUTFR May 10 '24

and people still like to give that prick Doug Beattie props for being a moderate. He is a hawkish cunt who probably gets a root on from war


u/ceimaneasa May 10 '24

He has done absolutely zero of any significance to prove his moderate credentials. Mike Nesbitt was way more progressive than Beattie


u/The64YearOldWalrus May 10 '24

Why the fuck does Stormont get to have an opinion on this?

Old man yells at cloud


u/coldandfrostymorning May 10 '24

I didn't know our politician got a say in this conflict?


u/Logical_Summer7689 May 10 '24

The real question is why are these people wasting taxpayer money holding votes on issues that have absolutely nothing to do with the country for which they represent?

Even if everyone voted aye to a ceasefire, the IDF certainly wonā€™t be interested and Hamas will be even less likely than the IDF to acknowledge the outcome of a pishy little vote in Northern Ireland.

Itā€™s all performative so some cunt somewhere can go home at the end of the day on a moral high horse pretending theyā€™ve made a meaningful difference when the reality is they have done the exact opposite and have wasted a day that could otherwise be spent improving the constituencies that they work for


u/gerryc00 May 10 '24

Im starting to wonder if NO is the only option on thier ballot papers


u/Agreeable_Pool_3684 May 10 '24

What is the correct name for a group of Bellends? For Lionā€™s itā€™s a pride, herd of antelopes, bunch of c***s. Just asking ā€¦ā€¦


u/Fantastic_Picture384 May 10 '24

Way to go. Northern Irish politicians thinking that a vote there does anything. Is this why direct rule was stopped


u/TusShona May 10 '24

I never actually looked too much into the whole Gaza/Palestine/Israel thing going on, so I don't actually know what it's about and why there's such a relevance to it here (I'm assuming it's because it mirrors the oppression suffered in Ireland? I'm probably wrong.)

At this point, I'm nearly too afraid to ask, but I'll ask anyway, at great risk of being downvoted for my ignorance. Can anyone break it down for me, as simply as possible about what happened, who's the good/bad guys and which side supports who? Once again. I apologize for my ignorance on the matter.


u/Twitter_Refugee_2022 May 11 '24 edited May 11 '24

Everyone is bad, no one is good. An inter religious conflict akin to NI x a billion is going on.

Both sides lie, both sides kill innocents, both sides use propaganda and have done extremely morally questionable things.

No one comes out of this story well. Anyone saying thereā€™s a good guy or bad guy in this is an idiot. Itā€™s akin to asking the same re INLA and the LVF. Neither are good both were evil AF.

One thing stands out though, if Palestine could wipe out Isreal it would. Until now Isreal always could have wiped out Palestine and chose not to. The terror attacks in October by Hamas has unleashed Isreal on Palestine at a scale it could have used for decades and chose not to.

Isreal has gone too far but it is doing so post a truly horrific terror attack and both sides have culpability.

I donā€™t want either side to win, I just want it to end. Just like NI back in the day. I just wanted it to end.

One final point, people in NI (stupid people) like to wrap the prism of Loyalists and the Brits around Isreal and itā€™s settlers and Republicans with the Palestinian people. This is unbelievably stupid.

Hamas have far more in common with ISIS than INLA, let alone the IRA and Isreals treatment of Palestine is NOTHING like U.K. and NI, it would be akin to Interment in the 70ā€™s remaining and increasing until present day and instead of plastic bullets lead ones being used at every riot. There are no parallels and people attaching themselves to either side of these causes are falling for Russian and Chinese propaganda designed to sow dissent. They are useful idiots.


u/mcheeks619 May 10 '24

With the contrasting views everyone has, itā€™s really not the sub to get an answer that you can work out for yourself if you get me


u/Head-Accident4421 May 10 '24

I'm pretty sure this vote will weigh heavy on the minds of those actually involved in conflict.šŸ¤£


u/olibum86 May 10 '24

I think some of ye over in "Great" Britain don't appreciate how staunch right-wing unionists of Northern Ireland are.
My whole life, it's been fairly normal to see that if the republican (Catholic) areas have a flag up about something, the unionists will have the opposite. Republican areas have always had Palestinian flags and murals due to the connection with the IPO, ect, and in response, unionist areas would quite often have isreali flags. Only the other day, on my way back to Dublin from Derry, I drove through Enniskillen and encountered 6 isreali flags on the unionist end of the town. I once even encountered a "straight pride" flag when I was driving through the waterside in Derry during pride month.


u/InvestigatorJunior80 May 10 '24

I think this post is somewhat misleading. The motion referred to the 'ongoing genocide'. I imagine those who voted against the motion did so because they disagreed with the use of that term, not the ceasefire element.


u/lippo999 May 10 '24

I cannot see what this has to do with Stormont. It affects NI in no way and is virtue signalling.


u/False_Ambition2644 May 10 '24

They voted against HAMAS


u/Buaille_Ruaille May 10 '24

Some thick inbred heads on the cunts.


u/Massive_Sort_5875 May 10 '24

Why would they vote yes. Hamas needs to be removed. Have people forgotten they even killed women not from the country raped them paraded them around naked.

Fun fact do people know that Israel basically has a hospital full of palestine women. Simply cause they husband's knock the crap out of them whenever they feel like it. Even setting them on fire.

I know people will get there backs up at my comment but thats just life i guess.


u/liontrees23 May 10 '24

What I don't get is why they had a vote on this matter. What is a vote in Ireland going to do to stop the conflict better spending there time voting on things in our country


u/Status-Rooster-5268 May 10 '24 edited May 10 '24

Because it's the big topic of misinformation around the wealthy west at the minute, and since politics has now become so influenced by social media it's an easy win for politicians and activists to have "virtue-signalling" performances like these with no real world consequences except likes on twitter. It's even embarassing to have a vote on this in what is an oversized city council chamber.


u/sobbo12 May 10 '24

I think a vote on a ceasefire from Stormont would be as influential to Israel as my villages parish council voting for a ceasefire, surely Stormont have more pressing topics to discuss?


u/vertigo01 May 10 '24

Evil bastards


u/9AvKSWy May 10 '24

Iā€™m sure youā€™d all be shouting for a ā€œceasefireā€ if your homes had been attacked, hostages taken, many killed and rockets fired into your towns by the thousand right enough.Ā 

The latest fight was picked last October and both sides seem game for it. Let both sides go at it and see who wins?Ā 

Meanwhile the collective clown fiesta at Stormont might be better off worrying about their own responsibilities and things thry can improve for NI.Ā 


u/Electrical-Tomorrow5 May 10 '24

Absolutely disgraceful regardless of your politics to wallow in human suffering to prove a point


u/Flashy-Big-8690 May 10 '24

Would their vote make a difference?

Their vote wont change much when itā€™s for us all to live in the free state together. Then we donā€™t need to worry about them.


u/AllTheLads420 May 10 '24

And now there won't be one :'(. We were so close! Damn you!!


u/ihatebamboo May 10 '24

Search their hard drives


u/Classy56 May 10 '24

Well done šŸ‘ lobbied my mla to not back this one sided proposal


u/Banditofbingofame May 10 '24

If only the voted yes the war would be over and all the actual domestic issues that had been put aside while no government was in place would have been fixed.


u/Flubsofdeath May 10 '24

And what has a war on the other side of the world even got to do with us anyway?

Why are they voting on something that's none of our business? why aren't they voting on things that will actually impact the lives of their constituents instead of trying to he another government "in solidarity" with the christian-hating scum who occupy Gaza?


u/GrowthDream May 10 '24

And what has a war on the other side of the world even got to do with us anyway?

The UK and their allies are providing support for Israel and allowing the conflict to continue. It's our business because we're helping to pay for it.


u/lovelywilly May 10 '24

I know you don't like them but calling Israelis christian hating scum isn't really fair either


u/Flubsofdeath May 10 '24

Hard to imagine them being Christian hating scum when they're allied with most of the Western world whilst all their west-hating neighbours try to murder them and us


u/lovelywilly May 10 '24

Most of the western world? The only countries still supporting the genocide are England , USA and 2 or 3 other colonisers who are in the pockets of zionists and oligarchs. Your a sad ,small and stupid little man


u/GrowthDream May 10 '24

England , USA and 2 or 3 other colonisers

I.e. most of the Western World?


u/lovelywilly May 10 '24

I'm sorry. Can you not count? Christian zionists will be shown on the wrong side of history in the exact manor as nazis were. Interestingly enough nazi germany also had the support of several western nations not so long ago. The only people supporting israel at this point are single digit IQ cultists and elitists


u/Flubsofdeath May 10 '24

"Zionist", "oligarch", "cultist", "elitist". Plenty of big buzzwords to throw around that you probably don't even know the meaning of.

At the end of the day, Israel has done far more to back our western interests around the globe than Hamas and the people who fund them as well as the terrorist groups who are actively trying to plan attacks in countries like the UK, France and USA. The only people who are supporting palistine/hamas are socialist, virtue-signalling, anti-semites who have had their little hearts touched by the pictures of crying Palestinian children on TV, who were bombed because their "brave, hamas freedom fighters" used them as a human shield.

I'd rather support the elitists than the terrorists any day.


u/lovelywilly May 10 '24

Socialist, virtue signaling , anti semite , terrorist attacks. You sound just the same as every other boot licking zionist pig tbh, and then accuse others of using buzz words. I imagine irony isn't a strong point. Also, you continue to use the same old tired "Hamas are using human shields" rhetoric. How many tens of thousands dead? Women and children dumped in mass graves. Every hospital in Palestine turned to rubble. Widespread famine and yet every piece of aid refused entry. No running water, no electricity. Israel bombing indiscriminately killing it's own hostages and they really don't even care. Absolute SCUM and anybody supporting them is scum by association. Good to know you support the mass killing of innocent children because they don't share nor understand your backwards ideology


u/GrowthDream May 10 '24

Nice false dichotomy you've got there.


u/IrishShinja May 10 '24

They will do what their Westminster overlords tell them like good little minions.


u/Worldly-Dimension710 May 10 '24

Someone should put a few of them in gaza and see what they think.


u/m2kb4e May 10 '24



u/williekinmont May 10 '24

A functioning assembly for only a few weeks and some idiotā€™s priority a conflict in a foreign land.

Should have just implemented direct rule.


u/ceimaneasa May 10 '24

Westminster have had many votes on this conflict also, so your logic doesn't add up.

When tens of thousands of civilians are being killed, with support from our friends in the US, we have a moral obligation to address it.


u/cobray90 May 10 '24

Wouldnt matter whatever the vote was. Hamas just need to waken up an give in.


u/Otherwise-Act-2022 May 10 '24

I will vote for a NO ceasefire as well. We all have our rights to do what we must do.


u/lakeofshadows May 10 '24

Except for? Let me guess.....


u/[deleted] May 10 '24

Why was there even a vote? Is it up to Northern Ireland?


u/EmbarrassedAd3814 May 10 '24

Hamas started this war and embedded themselves amongst the general population. We should be putting pressure on Hamas to give themselves up or lay down their weapons. If Hamas agreed to do this there would be no more fighting. Israel have the right to defend itself and a ceasefire is merely delaying the ultimate goal of getting rid of Hamas. Peace is the destruction of Hamas. I bet if there was a vote asking for Hamas to lay down their weapons would we see Sinn Fein voting in favour?


u/Affectionate-Sail971 May 10 '24

Embed themselves lmao that hell hole is one of the most densley packed places on earth, by design, by israel


u/TheGhostOfTaPower Belfast May 10 '24

This war started in 1947, by Israel.

If you believe this started on Oct 7 youā€™re a liar or an idiot.


u/davedaveodave May 10 '24

Long and short of it, no foreign government is going to influence Netanyahus decision making, certainly not Northern Ireland anyway. He,ll keep going at best until all the hostages are freed and at worst until no Palestinian draws breath.


u/Feeling-Plastic9634 May 10 '24

Good for them.


u/Medical-Treat-2892 May 10 '24

There is a wild lot of 'Good Christians' in that photo. Praise the Lord and kill the children.


u/RedLouStar May 10 '24

Suffer little children to come unto me. Yeah right


u/Medical-Treat-2892 May 12 '24

Please explain. Are you disagreeing with the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you not believe he is your saviour?


u/RedLouStar 12d ago

Not in the slightest!


u/Medical-Treat-2892 10d ago

I am shocked! Shocked I say!


u/_Druss_ May 10 '24

The lack of chromosomes... I would put money they are all cousinsĀ 


u/terrorhailing May 10 '24

Meanwhile the US sends Israel around $3.8bn in military aid annually and you continue to use services and companies who condemned Hamas



u/rock1821 May 10 '24

By any chance has anyone else voted NO and they havenā€™t been put on this post? Is it one sided or is it just that they are all horrible bastards? I know who has lost my vote


u/HashKing69 May 10 '24

Unionists are a special breed


u/Hamfistedlovemachine May 10 '24

Instead of dozens dead a year they should roll up the sidewalks until they hit 6 million. Fuck Hamas


u/Hamfistedlovemachine May 10 '24

I mean if there was a vote by US congress, by all means shut it down. The level of arrogance is amazing


u/Fuzzywuzzy343 May 10 '24

Spineless cunts


u/PuzzleheadedLeather6 May 10 '24

Who gives a fuck? Israel nor Hamas consult Stormont for the forever war there.


u/GrowthDream May 10 '24

The British government and their allies are supporting Israel. It's not only two groups thousands of miles away, we're already involved.


u/Logical_Summer7689 May 10 '24

You donā€™t genuinely believe that Britain has any influence at all in the outcome of a ceasefire do you?


u/GrowthDream May 10 '24

Do you have a point to make? This kind of rhetorical question feels very condescending and I don't really have the energy to engage on those lines.

The UK actively sells arms to Israel which are being used in the conflict, they aren't innocent bystanders watching on hopelessly. They're also pine of very few countries with permanent seats on the UN Security Council and historically were instrumental in the foundation of the modern Israeli state. The idea that that have no influence seems laughable to me, but if you want to make that case go ahead, just please don't talk to me like I'm stupid.


u/Inertia_9264 May 10 '24

Few of them looking like they have Down Syndrome or something


u/LondonPaddy May 10 '24

Any surprises here?


u/Separate_Job_3573 May 10 '24

Why would anyone expect support for a ceasefire from the party that opposed the Good Friday Agreement?


u/digtigo May 10 '24

Thatā€™s a pretty diverse looking group of old white people.


u/CompetitiveSort0 May 09 '24

I don't know what people were expecting. This place sees Palestine and Israel as analogues of here so obviously the side doing the oppressing garners support from the gammons and the side being oppressed gets sympathy from nationalists.

Does my head in as what has happened there since the late 40's is absolutely tragic and is orders of magnitude worse than the troubles.

This lot are scum, and so is anyone voting for it if they're doing it solely to point score. It's absolutely despicable what is happening, and western governments (and America in particular) are allowing it to happen because being able to project power into the whole of the ME from Israel (and Jordan) is worth the lives of some brown people.


u/Frequent_Software747 May 09 '24

Dr Phil had on the son of the hamaz leader who disowned him and disclosed that they pay the Palestinian people money if they train there children to become bombers or martyrs for the cause if thatā€™s not radical ? You gotta really have a look at yourself in the mirror


u/Cu-Uladh May 10 '24

You mean the guy who was tortured so much he got brain damage and got rinsed by Abby Martin on Piers Morgan


u/devenirimmortel96 May 10 '24

Got rinsed by Abby Martin? Did he fuck šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Abby Martin is a Kremlin funded sock puppet and Assad apologist, 600ā€™000 dead in Syria and you donā€™t give a fuck, no Jews no news


u/Cu-Uladh May 10 '24

Alan derschowitz over here hahahaha


u/devenirimmortel96 May 10 '24

Nice racism lad šŸ‘šŸ»


u/Exotic-House3215 May 09 '24

Is this what we pay them for? Wasting time debating then voting on a subject that none of them have any influence on whatsoever! Fix the health service and the MOT shambles..bunch of ballbags


u/gregsScotchEggs May 09 '24

Where the fuck is stormont


u/jack3tp0tat0 May 09 '24

I went to uni with one of those dup members, I can honestly say that ever since they got involved with the cult I don't recognise them anymore. Person I knew was funny and considerate of others, last time I saw them that person was gone.

I'm really sad to see them in this list


u/Gazmac_868855 May 09 '24

Some amount of SF/IRA boys on this thread supporting their mates Hamas as usual on here.Ā 

If Hamas want a ceasefire so badly then why not help themselves by releasing the hostages and stop firing rocket?

It's very unfortunate that so many innocent people are being killed but that's what happens when a terrorist group uses human shields. We can't forget that the local gaza population widely support hamas and had a big celebration on October 7th either.

Unionist politicians are only following the national UK line on this issue shouldn't really have been a vote in the Assembly.


u/takakazuabe1 May 10 '24

If Hamas want a ceasefire so badly then why not help themselves by releasing the hostages and stop firing rocket?

Hamas accepted the last ceasefire proposal. Israel rejected it. The ceasefire included releasing the hostages.

Ā We can't forget that the local gaza population widely support hamas and had a big celebration on October 7th either.

Have you stopped to think why that would be the case, Gaz? Hint: Hamas is, defacto, the 70s PLO at this point, it's not a religious conflict. People don't like to have their land stolen from them. If someone from Britanny were to claim your land is theirs and expel you by force, I'd give you full support to take it back by any means necessary.

Of course atrocities were commited on October 7th, but after Israel is done in Gaza, Hamas will have enough new recruits to make October 7th look like a picnic party. Palestine belongs to the Palestinians, including Palestinian Jews, the solution, a one-state solution, should be inspired by the GFA. Let the cycle of hatred die out in a few generations.


u/TheGhostOfTaPower Belfast May 10 '24

Hamas literally signed the deal to release the hostages before Israel started bombing them again.

You just enjoy them killing brown Muslims, donā€™t you Gaz?


u/Gazmac_868855 May 10 '24

Any source to this claim??Ā  Its hamas that are using the local population as human shields mate. One of their main headquarters was a hospital for gods sake.


u/Cu-Uladh May 10 '24

The main IDF HQ is in a shopping mall and thereā€™s plenty of videos showing IDF soldiers using human shields


u/TheGhostOfTaPower Belfast May 10 '24

Thereā€™s actually no proof beyond the IDF that Hamas have ever used human shields.

There headquarters were also NOT in the hospital, which was proved.

What was proved was hundreds of patients, medical staff, women and children removed from mass graves, with their hands zip-tied after being massacred by the IDF.

Also, yes, Hamas agreed to release hostages just before Israel entered Rafah.

You cannot justify the murder of 40,000 people for under one hundred hostages. Also, Israel has killed more of the hostages than Hamas has.


u/devenirimmortel96 May 10 '24

No they did not, they signed a deal that was not agreed with Israel which stated they would release the dead bodies of the hostages and did not agree to the ceasefire deal arranged with Israel, which was incredibly generous.

But go ahead keep spreading wilful misinformation


u/TheGhostOfTaPower Belfast May 10 '24

Itā€™s not misinformation, youā€™re the one spreading that here with your hasbara lies.

You are supporting a genocide.


u/Status-Rooster-5268 May 10 '24

You're an absolute clown, the deal Hamas agreed to was for the release of 30-50 convicted palestinians (who have been put through trial) for every single hostage corpse returned, and a temporary ceasefire because you're damn right they'll build up to launch more terror attacks in the region. Also using the term "genocide" where the ratio of civilian to militant deaths is one of the lowest in world history is crazy. But keep crying for all those 17 year 364 day old babies who are innocently involved with a proscribed terror cell which has been a blight on the region since its existence.

Gaza NEEDS taken over, at this point North Korea would be better handling it than giving it to the overwhelming pro-Hamas population.


u/HappyHeathan May 09 '24

Do you condemn the Israeli state and their barbaric murder of 14,000+ children?


u/front-wipers-unite May 10 '24

Yes I do. Do you condemn the actions of Hamas on Oct 7th?


u/lazyjayz2018 May 09 '24



u/Gerard_Collins May 09 '24

I could laugh at all these idiots. The zionist state would bomb their entire neighbourhood without a second thought, just to prove a point.


u/trevm15 May 10 '24

And so would Hamas so what's your point?


u/noreb0rt May 09 '24

I would absolutely fucking hate being like a moderate Unionist in NI who genuinely believes in some form of moderate rational position within the Union. Your entire representative base is incoherently deranged shitheads. Like, I'm genuinely kind of sympathetic to real rational Unionists who aren't insane.


u/denk2mit May 10 '24

The moderate unionist take from Doug Beattie and the UUP is exactly that though: moderate and rational rather than incoherent or deranged.


u/FlyingTreeSquirrel May 09 '24

The DUP MLAs voted against it as they said that the international court of justice was asked by another country had Israel commited genocide and it was ruled that they haven't and they are following the Geneva convention. The DUP also stated that there could be no defending the death of all the innocent people.

Edit: here's the article



u/Gerard_Collins May 09 '24

Even the ones who supported the ceasfire resolution were highly disappointing. They all towed the line of condemning Hamas, and centred Netanyahu and Likud in an attempt to make them look like some random aberration, and not in fact, a reflection of the true nature of "Israeli" society.

I used to like Naomi Long. However, I went looking for any statements she issued on what is happening. One tweet, that was all I could find, and it was as passive as one could imagine. No one was mentioned by name, and "I'm praying for peace on both sides." That, and the Alliance Party as an organisation, its representatives and membership have not said a word up until now regarding Palestine, and it's quite frankly disgusted me.


u/denk2mit May 09 '24

Itā€™s ironic to hear the side that so often claims that not all Palestinians support Hamas that all Israelis with the brush of supporting Netanyahu when, unlike Palestine, there are free and fair elections to prove that not even a majority of Israelis support him.


u/Gerard_Collins May 09 '24

Away chase yourself. Zio-nazi bot.


u/denk2mit May 09 '24

Iā€™m sure youā€™re well aware that referring to Zionists as Nazis is widely accepted as anti-Semitic


u/Jolly-Feature-6618 May 09 '24

typical turnip headed unionists


u/isweatpiss May 09 '24

These cunts make me ashamed of being a protestant


u/Alternative-Force608 May 09 '24

That wee prick in carrickā€¦.thought he was of a generation who know better. Disappointing, might give the prick a phone call and ask for his logic and reasoning outside of ā€˜did what I was toldā€™/ā€˜Israel have a right to defend themselves etcā€™.

Probably doesnā€™t have much knowledge that itā€™s even going on the space cadet. Almost certainly has CTE from being so shite at rugby in Belfast high school thatā€™s for damn sure.


u/Twitter_Refugee_2022 May 09 '24

He didnā€™t go to Belfast High. Heā€™s quite a nice guy and the Assembly have zero say on this topic.

Calm down. Of course Unionists will not vote against a nation defending itself from a terror attack.

This doesnā€™t make them baby murderers or complicit in this war. Hamas did actually murder babies. The IDF will surely have killed a bunch too. They have nothing to do with NI. We have enough faux outrage and whataboutery as it is.

TikTok has made you all mad. Consider why.


u/denk2mit May 10 '24

TikTok has made you all mad.

What possible reason could there be for TikTok (controlled by the same Chinese dictatorship who currently have two million Muslims in concentration camps) to be trying to sow dissent in the West?! Next thing you'll be telling me that Putin backed Trump and Brexit.


u/Alternative-Force608 May 09 '24

Weird youā€™d assume I even have TikTok though, I form my opinion from literally being born in carrick and living there my whole life, the guy is an airhead. Doesnā€™t mean I think heā€™s evil now does it?


u/Softbelly1970 May 10 '24

I was disappointed to see him there. Thought he was a bit more rational.


u/Alternative-Force608 May 09 '24

Are you certain he didnā€™t do his 6th years at BHS?


u/Shankill-Road May 09 '24

Well done to all those that stand with Israel in their fight against Hamas Terrorists.

No Hamas Terrorists, No Death & Destruction of thešŸ‡µšŸ‡ø or šŸ‡®šŸ‡±people.


u/Odd_Air_7200 May 09 '24

Are you fucking insane? Look at the news, it's the Palestinians being wiped out ya clown, but checking your username you are either a troll or just a good old fashioned cunt.


u/Adam-Miller-02 May 09 '24

so many receding hairlines


u/Objective-Incident17 May 09 '24

How about stormount actually voting on something that might actually do some good here in norn iron.


u/GrowthDream May 10 '24 edited May 10 '24

A lot of people are becoming increasingly concerned about the effect of the refugee crisis on Ireland. Taking steps to reduce the level of war we're supporting is a good way to help ameliorate such issues.


u/Illustrious_Key905 May 09 '24

Hmm, so thatā€™s why the IDF are moving into Rafah. šŸ™„


u/Effective-Ad-6460 May 09 '24

So gigantic sacks of shit ? - good to know

Side Note : We need to start protesting outside politicians homes - A comfortable politician is a corrupt politician


u/Miggyluv May 09 '24

I'd prefer to have Israel as an ally than a terrorist group.


u/TheGhostOfTaPower Belfast May 10 '24

Probably because youā€™re a genocide supporting bigot.


u/Miggyluv May 10 '24

So supporting terrorism is cool now? Ok got it. Remember this... www.thisishamas.com standing up to terrorism is NOT bigoted sorry, nazi. ,


u/TheGhostOfTaPower Belfast May 10 '24

Standing up to terrorism is murdering 20,000 women and children?

You just love itā€™s brown Muslims being slaughtered, donā€™t you?

Were those kids and women Hamas? Do they deserve to die?

Youā€™re sick in the head.


u/Miggyluv May 10 '24

Uneducated fool. Why are you bringing colour into this? It's nothing to do with how brown someone is. Why do you people always make things about race? It's disgusting that that's how you think!


u/TheGhostOfTaPower Belfast May 10 '24

Because Israel is a racist state that even went and sterilised 30,000 black Ethiopian Jews with members who are in Netanyahuā€™s government saying Africans were incompatible with the Zionist movement.

Are you seriously trying to tell me it isnā€™t a vicious racist state?

Sounds like youā€™ve some reading to do.


u/HappyHeathan May 09 '24

Do you support the murder of thousands of children?


u/Miggyluv May 10 '24

If a terrorist group invaded Ireland and raped your mother, murdered your grandma and kidnapped your sister, would you be campaigning for your government NOT to take action? I doubt it. But that's what you expect Israel to do? Get real.


u/Cu-Uladh May 10 '24

Iā€™m pretty sure there are people in this subreddit who have family members whoā€™ve had such things happen to them


u/HappyHeathan May 10 '24

You do realise that the families of the kidnapped people are opposed to how the Israeli state are handling the war?

How many of the kidnapped have they rescued outside of a prisoner exchange?

It's unfortunate that you seem to be very ignorant about something you seem so passionate about.


u/Miggyluv May 10 '24

Your lack of knowledge of the problems of urban warfare is ridiculous.


u/HappyHeathan May 10 '24

Here is what I know about this war:

1 - the IDF use AI to identify targets 2 - they consider it ok to kill 20 civilians to take out a low level hamas operative 3 - they are stopping aid getting delivered as a strategy to starve hamas out and break their will. Which is causing the region to fall into famine 4 - the IDF are refusing access to journalists and independent bodies to monitor and report on what is happening in the war zone 5 - the percentage of woman and children killed far surpasses men of fighting age. 6 - the number of children killed in Gaza far outweighs any other conflict in history

I could go on and on but you know what I'm not wasting time arguing with idiots on the internet. If you support the war and think it's fine to kill 20 civilians to take out 1 hamas fighter you are a cunt.


u/Miggyluv May 10 '24

They're not murdering children you idiot. Would you have believed the old "Jews eat babies" thing that people used to think too? Do some basic research and stop getting your news from ThikTok.

I tell you who DID murder children though. Hamas. www.thisishamas.com


u/HappyHeathan May 10 '24

If that's what you tell yourself to make yourself feel better, dead on.

Even the families of the kidnapped are against the Israeli state you fucking moron.


u/Daimo May 09 '24

Surprise sur-fucking-prise

Imagine voting in support of anti-genocide. It must be so hard for them. And to also keep explaining to them that the conflict didn't begin on Oct 7th.

The Palestinian people are being ETHNICALLY CLEANSED.



u/denk2mit May 09 '24

Itā€™s ironic that you simultaneously claim that Palestine is being ethnically cleansed (spoiler alert: itā€™s not) while also opposing Zionism, a policy that is inherently pro-ethnic cleansing.


u/Affectionate-Sail971 May 10 '24

Nobody is trying to ethnically cleanse Europeans


u/denk2mit May 10 '24

Vladimir Putin and his criminal indictment for genocide disagrees


u/Gigachad_monarchist May 10 '24

As far as I know his war crimes aren't ethnic cleansing its kidnapping children, so its bad but not Israel bad


u/denk2mit May 10 '24

According to Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide:

In this Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: E, forced transfer of children from the group to another group.

So yeah, it's literally genocide.


u/Gigachad_monarchist May 10 '24

Genocide here isn't an ethnic cleansing of europeans though is it? He's not targetting all europeans and I couldn't truthfully wager his intention is to destroy the Ukrainian people either


u/denk2mit May 10 '24

It's crazy how absolutely desperate you are to defend a fascist dictator who's committing a genocide.

Really reinforces the belief that the pro-Palestine lobby really do only care about Western imperialism and give an absolute free pass to Russia and China.


u/Gigachad_monarchist May 10 '24

No 1) its very difficult to fully ascribe fascism to Putin, its far more monarchical than that. No 2) It is a very illogical jump to go from being against genocide of palestinians, to me being part of a formal lobbying system (that doesn't exist) to me being (ostensibly) anti west. No 3) It is a similarily far jump to accuse me of ignoring Western imperialism, I personally believe that the British Empire was one of the greatest things to happen for much of the planet. No 4) I am not defending Putin, I never said I was, I merely stated how while he may be genociding, it isn't necessarily an ethnic cleansing-this you can pin on autustic pedantry


u/denk2mit May 10 '24

Heā€™s a totalitarian dictator with a macho cult of personality and centralised control of the economy who maintains control through authoritarian methods while trying to rebuild empire. If you understand anything about systems of government then he is clearly a fascist.

But you know, keep lending him your support. Itā€™s a great look for you.

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u/Affectionate-Sail971 May 10 '24

I meant the Europeans in israel, and do you know how many ukrani have been killed?


u/denk2mit May 10 '24

What has Europeans in Israel got to do with anything?

And no, not accurately, because while the UN are happy to take Hamasā€™ word for casualties in Gaza, they wonā€™t take into account Ukraineā€™s estimates in the occupied areas of their country. It seems likely that at least 70,000 died in Mariupol alone though, and that the total number is maybe as high as half a million. Plus an additional three quarters of a million children kidnapped and taken to Russia, a genocidal crime that Putin has been indicted for.


u/Affectionate-Sail971 May 10 '24

Discussion is about gaza and israel

It's not about hamas word, but the fact is that they have always been accurate.

Don't forget that Palestinian are issued apartide identity cards from Israeli government so Israel can actually verify that but they won't because it will make them look very bad.

Likewise Israel won't allow independent journalists in from around the world for exactly the same reasons, because as highly suspected the number is much higher because all those missing are obviously dead as well.

The death count with Ukraine and Russia is a different matter, because that is an actual war with 2 armies fighting for territory and both are playing propaganda each with full media systems behind them.

Whereas gaza is a captive population in israel surrounded by large prison walls, with no army ports, airports, large population in very small space, it's dropping bombs on fish in a barrel, israel control every aspect of their lives.

Also corridors into Russia for Ukrainians including children is not kidnapping, corridors were opened in both directions and those people will be released.


u/denk2mit May 10 '24

It's wild how quick you are to dismiss one genocide to reinforce your supposed claims of another. Putin has been indicted by the International Criminal Court for 'unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation,' which under Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide clearly constitutes genocide. Russia is committing genocide, and no amount of flapping about to make excuses for fascist dictators will get past that.

Not sure how identity cards have anything to do with this: they don't magically record when the owner is killed, or what they were doing when they were killed.

As for whether or not it's a war: Hamas refusing to wear a uniform and using the civilian population to hide behind doesn't make it any less a war.


u/Affectionate-Sail971 May 10 '24

I do not believe that Russia has ill intent to Ukrainian from the occupied territory on the contrary I think he believes they're Russian citizens and removal of people happen in both directions.

But I can be honest and say I didn't know this was considered genocide but again I believe that these people were removed for safety.

Re gaza it has nothing to do with a uniform, Palestine is not a separate country like you're making out. It's controlled in every single way possible by israel.

It has gun towers on the people, it's a captive population and it's most densley packed, by design, by israel.

It's not a war. A war is 2 armies, 2 countries Hamas is not an army it's farmers with aks.

Why do you dispute the dead? Do you really think that is less, yes or no?

Why won't israel let independent journalists on to easily readily verify this, if its a lie?

Even reporters from their allies?

You know why


u/denk2mit May 10 '24

Why are you so desperate to defend fascists?

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u/seano50 May 09 '24

The hasabara have arrived


u/denk2mit May 09 '24

You do realise that posting shite like this is what helps convince people that the ā€˜anti-Zionistā€™ camp is inherently anti-Semitic, right?

Instead of taking even a casual glance at my profile to confirm that I am, in fact, someone from Tyrone with a different view from you, you instead defaulted to ā€˜global Jewish conspiracyā€™


u/TheGhostOfTaPower Belfast May 10 '24

Youā€™re a filthy fucking genocide apologist.

This is what youā€™re supporting and denying is happening.

Absolutely no humanity.



u/seano50 May 09 '24

You can be pro zionist shill anywhere, they arenā€™t to fussy who they pay to spew their propaganda.

Many Jews are against the Zionist regime.


u/denk2mit May 09 '24

Doubling down on the anti-Semitic conspiracies theories. Thanks for proving my point nicely there.


u/seano50 May 09 '24

TBH your point or any you have to say donā€™t hold any value when you deny the ethic cleansing and genocide happening in Gaza.


u/denk2mit May 09 '24

Thatā€™s it. Change the subject. Thatā€™ll help.


u/seano50 May 09 '24

Itā€™s ironic that you simultaneously claim that Palestine is being ethnically cleansed (spoiler alert: itā€™s not)

Your post denying ethnic cleansing in Gaza, the one I responded to.

What else would you expect from someone who tryā€™s to take the high moral ground all the while taking the side of regime that has committed the worst genocide in modern history. Vile beyond words.


u/denk2mit May 10 '24

The worst genocide in modern history? Are you serious???

Two million Muslims currently in Chinese concentration camps. Three quarter of a million Ukrainian children kidnapped by Russia in the past two years. Half a million dead in Darfur a conflict thatā€™s ongoing. A million people killed in only a few days in Rwanda not that long ago. East Timor. Kosovo. Guatemala. Congo. Croatia. The fucking Holocaust.

Hyperbole doesnā€™t help your case.

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u/MicktheSpud Larne May 09 '24

Ironically this is only ironic if you're delusional enough to think Gaza isn't being ethnically cleansed


u/front-wipers-unite May 10 '24

You know what's ironic? Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease.


u/Daimo May 10 '24

You gonna make that same stupid joke every time this comes up?! ā˜ļø


u/front-wipers-unite May 10 '24

Get over to r/sopranos for more misquoted sopranos quotes and plenty of shit talking.

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