r/northernireland Mar 14 '24

Anti-protocol rally quickly descends into sectarian hatred. Audience member asks how he can be optimistic when his university tutorials are full of Catholics. Political

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u/Serious_Estimate_503 Mar 17 '24

It sounds like the fella asking the questions is just another deeply closeted DUP supporter


u/Cold_Balance3862 Mar 16 '24

Two bell ends


u/Educational_Paint651 Mar 16 '24

This is why northern ireland is seen as a broken nation, bigoted hate filled people are allowed a ‘podium’ to preach this sectarian hate speech but at the same time they are allowed to view themselves as a victimised minority. No wonder half the nation has left the country, who cba listening to this crap.


u/splinteredbrushpole Mar 15 '24

Hateful, egotistical cretins.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

Well.. yeah, the only people who give a fuck about this are far-right losers.


u/vinny_arm Mar 15 '24

OMG all those big bad taigs are wearing GAA tops


u/vinny_arm Mar 15 '24

Jesus the absolute state of them


u/FruitKey2085 Mar 15 '24

And I'm still looking for my cheddar cheese and pineapple on a stick 😋


u/Ok_Adhesiveness_4155 Mar 15 '24

Says everything you need to know.

Its obvious lads. Unionism is defeated.


u/Septicmind47 Mar 15 '24

While unionists/loyalists control their areas with bully boys and drugs and racketeering, catholic/nationalist/republicans told their kids to study and educate yourself. While the loyalist community gather themselves up every year to celebrate the 12th , building bonfires isn’t really a job. Playing in sectarian marching bands isn’t a job. While they go out and wreck the place , get arrested for drunken disorderly conduct , they then go to catholic solicitors or barristers to get them off for being sectarian. Really couldn’t write it 😂


u/Sad-Feedback-5532 Mar 15 '24

Wait. So building bonfires every year HASN'T resulted in more law degrees for unionists??! It seemed full proof!


u/AdvanceEuphoric1838 Mar 15 '24

Alister same one who used to do QC for IRA gun runners


u/Flaky_Shape6628 Mar 15 '24

JB talks nonsense. "I'll still be here even if there are just two people in the hall." He said something similar about the flag protests and abandoned them fairly quickly.


u/GedderBucked Mar 15 '24

Jim is just like a pantomime villain. Scary thing is, people listen to him.


u/weerabfromurhole Mar 15 '24

Christ. Is Jamie building up to bringing out a self help book? 😄


u/Baltibugger Mar 15 '24

Isn’t it terrible how they can’t make laws to stop Catholics from getting education like they used to


u/this_also_was_vanity Mar 15 '24

The title is rather misleading and provocative – and I say that as someone who has no interest in the politics that JA or JB are pushing.

From the sound of things there's a young man who is concerned that unionists are going over the water to GB to be educated and are more likely to stay there. Consequently there are far more nationalists than unionists going to university here and they are more likely then to stay and play a part in shaping society here. As a unionist who is still here that leaves him wondering if there's much cause for optimism for unionism. And personally he has felt like a minority in class and been ridiculed for it. None of that is expressing sectarian hatred. It's concern that unionism is losing ground and that he personally has had a bad experience at uni.

The replies he gets are basically about looking focusing on yourself, getting educated, being positive, making others optimistic, setting an example. That's fairly reasonable.

Not sure where the hatred is supposed to be. Didn't hear anything being mentioned about Catholics, certainly not anything derogatory.


u/Blimp-Spaniel Mar 15 '24

The fucking victim complex of the guy asking the question. I WAS THE ONLY ONE NOT WEARING A GAA TOP. oh how awful.


u/dortbird Mar 15 '24

Gimp convention


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

I dont get why going to a "fleg wally" would make you feel any better, it shows that this person is clearly too ignorant to accept that it is what it is and wont make an effort to be in any way decent towards his peers and then winges because he clearly has fuck all mates. Maybe the fact that his class is full of catholics suggests something about the type of people who want to make something of themselves instead of lickin up a so-called party's shitepipe and consistently only listening to one side..


u/DoireAbu22 Mar 15 '24

I'd imagine if this video goes viral, that the little bigoted bollix in the law class is going to have an awkward time in class, and so richly deserved😂😂😂


u/Comprehensive_Two_80 Mar 15 '24

I thought GAA tops were banned in Queens. Or have they lifted that ban recently? Gaelic football isnt as celebrated in County Down than it is in County Tyrone.

In Tyrone all I ever hear is gaa this gaa that.

It stops other sports from shining when gaelic steals the limelight. It's hardly fair.


u/Greenweegie Mar 15 '24

2024 eh. Here we are...


u/glasgowriter Mar 15 '24

Yiz love yer flegs within flegs next to flegs, don't yiz yiz cunts yiz.


u/Advanced_Marketing45 Mar 15 '24

🤣🤣🤣🤣 ye may "bite the bullet" as the saying goes lol things are changing and you just need to learn to live with it or move.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

It's rare when Jamie is the relatively reasonable one in the room


u/SteveKinderMilkSlice Mar 15 '24

Every time I think Bywson can’t come up with more utter drivel he surpasses himself. Can we not get a super injunction out on him and jim Bob so we don’t have to see them again 😂


u/Commercial_Mode1469 Mar 15 '24

This 'They get everything, we get nothing' attitude needs to end if working class Protestants are to improve their lot. Look at your political representation and what their priorities are for your community vs those on the other side you think are getting everything. It's not nationalists taking everything, it's your own big house unionists who don't give a shit about improving Protestant working class communities and only show up when they need bodies to rally around the fleg.


u/spooks81 Mar 15 '24

It's the un ironed flags for me.


u/taway622562717 Mar 15 '24

Happy st Paddys to these lads


u/Call-of-the-lost-one Mar 15 '24

Encourage the youth to make changes through education, so do what the Catholic have and are currently doing. UP A GAA

Fyi I work in Queens you can wear whatever sports related t-shirt you want. If you have a rangers top wear it nothing will happen.


u/Comprehensive_Two_80 Mar 15 '24

I thought gaa tops were banned at Queens? There was an article about it


u/Call-of-the-lost-one Mar 15 '24

Not as far as I can see and no one has had any issues with it, even the guys who occasionally wear rangers tops. I don't know the football teams in Belfast but you might see those the odd time


u/Comprehensive_Two_80 Mar 16 '24

I would have thought north down wouldnt have much exposure to gaa?


u/Call-of-the-lost-one Mar 16 '24

When the GAA is expanding, there's even a gaa in east Belfast. But keep in mind before the troubles and all this political nonsense it was the protestant people who kept a lot of the Irish traditions going, including music, games and language. It's only over the past 2 or 3 years that those people are speaking their mind.


u/SuitableEmployee8416 Mar 15 '24

I did law at queens 20 years ago and you couldn't get through a tutorial with nonsense like this on one side and the side refusing to answer questions on legislation because they don't recognise Westminster power.

Deeply depressing that we're no further on and probably says a lot about the type of people who are lawyers and policy makers in NI


u/otterpockets75 Mar 15 '24

Someone from queen's law will recognise the voice, then they won't have to worry about a way out.


u/Chance-Fly-747 Mar 15 '24

United Ireland for all is coming.


u/CartographerFine3228 Belfast Mar 15 '24

Quite the heavy mouth breathing going on


u/skidf82 Mar 15 '24

I just feel like I've lost braincells watching these clowns spout nonsense, why does anyone go of their own free will to listen to bryony, it boggles the mind


u/Look-over-there-ahhh Mar 15 '24

Yer laaawww deeggeeee


u/mover999 Mar 15 '24

Nothing to say.

No going forward.. die on the hill of their immaturity.

Plenty / some happy times for people without this backward looking attitude.


u/Sufficient-Pay9103 Mar 15 '24

Is he giving some poor lad advice 🤣


u/Chemical-Outside8309 Mar 15 '24

its non ironed so it is


u/PeonLarper Mar 15 '24

As someone from the mainland the number of fucking Union flags is hilarious and desperate. Nobody here seriously gives a fuck about unionist idiots.


u/Sly_Sully Mar 15 '24

Could use a flag or two more, I think.


u/CornedBeed Mar 14 '24

Imagine being so insecure you're scared by a green top.


u/UpperLeftCoaster Mar 14 '24

The Paradox:

a) Standing up and blurting hateful bullshit is a distinct accent, associated with a specific demographic sector.
b) Then carrying that accent into the everyday world, the audience drawing prejudicial conclusions about you being a completely backwards plonk.
c) Then wondering "What duu-eye hov to be opta-mestic eh-bow?" when your own hatred manifests itself as social exclusion and economic irrelevance.

Sure go fuk yer wee solves...


u/amcape30 Mar 14 '24

So in Jamie and Jim's small minds if your a Catholic you can't be a unionist and just because you are in a class with people wearing GAA tops you are in a minority. Sectarian bigots.


u/Flashy-Big-8690 Mar 14 '24

That’s it, if I could move away tomorrow I would. A small town in Portugal near the coast. No more nonsense.


u/Sitonyourhandsnclap Mar 14 '24

This is hard to watch. Jamie fucking bryson giving someone life advice around completing a law degree when he barely watched a few YouTube videos and just shouts big words like subjugation. The student is already more qualified than Jamie just by attending a tutorial. 


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

Bravo 🇬🇧


u/PlasticsSuckUTFR Mar 14 '24

The sooner that cunt goes the better , he is a fucking pimple on the arse of society here.


u/Pingushagger Mar 14 '24

I love how the camera man starts breathing heavier near the end.


u/onlyasuggestion Mar 14 '24

Peak fleg...?


u/gadarnol Mar 14 '24

Law was meant for them. Did the Catholics not know their place?


u/Dependent_External_9 Mar 14 '24

Them uns are smarter than us naeeeee.. fuck up yer mouth


u/AgreeableNature484 Mar 14 '24

Doing my first Munro tomorrow up Ben Fica


u/Lopsided-Meet8247 Mar 14 '24

I will personally see to it that this wee hure does not get his Masters.


u/ShutUpChunk Mar 14 '24

"saint whatever". fucking hell, talk about wearing your knuckle dragging hatred in just two words.


u/Far-Protection6342 Mar 14 '24

All the religion nonsense posts. No gods no religions all made up yet this country fights about it and is bitter


u/allywillow Mar 14 '24

Jamie making a prophecy there - soon be just him & Jim in an empty hall


u/reddeano Mar 14 '24

segregated schools end up with segregated minds, i find it strange that we raise our kids separately and then expect them to integrate flawlessly into adulthood.


u/columferry Mar 14 '24

Does the question asker mean unionism is a minority in law courses or that unionism is a minority in Northern Ireland?


u/Monty8282 Mar 14 '24

Whey do these English people speak with Irish accents ? I assume they are English with all the flags ?


u/RacyFireEngine Mar 14 '24

I live in London now and I never see as many union flags as when I come home. Last time I saw more on the drive from the airport than an entire year in Britain.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

I see more Irish flags here in Wales than I do that awful British one.

Then again why would anyone in Wales have that flag that doesn’t even include their country?


u/fyurig Mar 14 '24

Why does Jim always sound completely blocked? His speech pattern is like an NI Shatner that’s on his third crate of Harp


u/Free-Bluejay Mar 14 '24

It's funny how history repeats itself. 50 years ago this conversation was being had but with different flags on the wall


u/OctagonDinosaur Mar 14 '24

I can't take the second hand embarrassment anymore.

What's our way out of these lot unionists?


u/Bright-Koala8145 Mar 14 '24

All joking aside these men are so bigoted they can stand to see us breathing let alone getting an education


u/Frequent-Lettuce4159 Mar 14 '24

Hard to hear what's even being said over the heavy breathing


u/zeroconflicthere Mar 14 '24

Translation: how far catholics get equality of opportunity and use it to go to law school.

How can young protestants be optimistic knowing the days of supremacy are over.


u/shampoooinmyeyes Mar 14 '24

Whats so funny, its the Unionists are the cause to all their problems. The much higher education rate of catholics is partly due to due to the discrimination they faced getting jobs. They had to focus on education in order to get a job.

Fast forward half a century and now youve got all these new developments going up in traditionaly unionist towns being baught up by young middle class catholic families as their the only ones who can afford them.


u/BagRevolutionary3161 Mar 14 '24

Sorry wheres the sectarian hatred?


u/wonderstoat Mar 14 '24

Ask not what your wee cuntry can do for you, …


u/Hazed64 Mar 14 '24

So hatred towards Catholics is just because our schools prepared our children for law school while Protestant ones didn't? Sorry mate but sounds like you should hate YOUR community for not preparing the young people for something bigger


u/sammy_conn Mar 14 '24

He missed the chance to say No Surrender. 🤣🤣


u/Yourmaisaride Mar 14 '24

There's some hot fleg on fleg action in this loyalist jerk circle.

In all seriousness though, I feel sorry for these people.


u/Craic_dealer90 Mar 14 '24

Jamie is an inspiration…

For a parody

Sometimes I think Sacha Baron Cohen is going to peel off some well crafted proud, loyalist, unionist disguise


u/bebopcounterman Mar 14 '24

Saying the quiet part out loud. Also if they are such patriots, you'd think they'd iron those flegs. They are a creased nightmare.


u/_Raspberry_Ice_ Mar 14 '24

Jim with the hard logic there: lots of law students from a particular background at one time actually translating into lots of legal professionals from that same particular background working in legal professions at a later time. How dare they.


u/Antares86 Mar 14 '24

What the fuck did I just watch? What a bunch of twats.


u/Johnnytherisk Mar 14 '24

Jesus. Just talking is a big effort for him. I couldn't listen to him trying to string a sentence together.


u/Rough-Vermicelli-860 Mar 14 '24

I went to Queen’s as a lad from a unionist background and left a Republican; one just needs a free and open mind to see what’s just. Maybe by this lad’s 3rd year he’ll be wearing a GAA top too.


u/Spectre-vs-Rector Belfast Mar 14 '24

"I don't care if we've to sit in these halls and there's two people here"... give it a few months Seambo the way you're headed.


u/Strange_Urge Mar 14 '24

That gurney wee twat complaining about being surrounded by catholics in class has just outed himself to all his classmates, hope they don't rip the pish out of him too much


u/Comprehensive_Two_80 Mar 15 '24



u/Strange_Urge Mar 15 '24

How has he outed himself to his classmates? Well for starters all the sneaky reddit taigs will show this video round the Protestant alienation classes we take after Sunday Mass, those classes are full of gaa top wearing law students and someone will know him and doxx him


u/19DALLAS85 Mar 14 '24

The cunt holding the camera sounded like he had the start of a stroke coming on the last 10 seconds of that 😂


u/mfreverton Mar 14 '24

It's Nolan playing with his wicket watching Bryson perform on stage!

Allegedly ! lol


u/Coil17 Belfast Mar 14 '24

Is the guy recording seriously panting at the end of this from holding a phone???

While the republican prisoners and loyalist prisoners shared a prison of sorts. Republicans for the most part went and got degrees, loyalists for the most, went and benched more weights

Id love to see the communities these folk are coming from. Cos ill tell ye this for free, my unionist/protestant mates dont complain about catholics or nationalists, they work with them to resolve bigger issues affecting them both.


u/19DALLAS85 Mar 14 '24



u/RichardofSeptamania Mar 14 '24

I always think I know a lot about the history and people in Ireland but these guys always confuse me. Are they Dutch or Danish? I know they come from Scotland but wtf they are horny like Danes.


u/be-bop_cola Mar 14 '24

Why use 20 words when you can use 1000


u/ihatebamboo Mar 14 '24

Prefacing my comment with how much I detest Jim Allister as a person, and Bryson as an easily led puppet…

Nothing that they said themselves was bad - get out and get educated, because the nationalists done it and now they’re well positioned.

It’s a fair analysis, then you have the clown in the audience squealing about shirts from local sports team….


u/SnooEpiphanies2999 Mar 14 '24

Hahahahaha this is hilarious 😂😂😂😂


u/Leemanrussty Mar 14 '24

Wow, Jamies answer was so very well put, almost like it was prepared in advance having known the question was coming!


u/shayne3434 Mar 17 '24

Have a sneaky feeling the law student was a plant myself


u/No-Neighborhood767 Mar 14 '24

If he is depressed now wait till he realises he is sitting in a room full of law students


u/wilwheatons-stunt-do Mar 14 '24

The issue that all the loyalists have, is that that they had it SO easy for SO long… uneducated loyalist boys could go into the family business, be that shipyard, rope making, manufacturing, etc. which are traditionally low skilled jobs.

So when those jobs are outsourced to other nations where the employers didn’t have to pay as much, then those jobs which nationalists were excluded from dried up.

Leaving a massive amount of low skilled, poorly educated working class loyalists now unemployed (but sometimes too proud to go on the bru).

Meanwhile because nationalists were excluded from those jobs, they had to become more educated, gain more skills, etc. to compete for the rest of the jobs out there. Jobs that entailed “thinking” rather than just simply “doing”. Which is why there’s a bunch of magistrates/judiciary who are from a nationalist background and they’re found in alot of other professional professions. They’re also more likely to have job roles like Doctor, Judge, Barrister, Engineer, IT Technician, Teacher, Accountant etc. that’s not saying that members of the PUL community CAN’T do these jobs, but it’s more unlikely because of the priorities that Nationalists instil in their children… be good at maths, be good at languages, be good at science rather than be good at riveting, be good at plumbing etc.

And just because someone wears a GAA top doesn’t mean they’re from a nationalist community… 🤦🏻


u/Comprehensive_Two_80 Mar 15 '24

So your saying if someone celebrates St patricks day and wears a gaelic top and has a green leprechaun hat ... oh he must be British.


u/shutupruairi Mar 14 '24

Hmm, wonder if Jim can be brought up on the new extremism thing that Gove has put forward?


u/that_gu9_ Mar 14 '24

I wonder has he considered being less racist. Being Protestant isn't the reason you're not getting invited to the parties.


u/Lychee_Only Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

One of the many problems with unionism is while their leaders were failing them & focusing on flegs & bigotry, the rest of the country were educating themselves. The GAA is full of highly educated individuals & assets to their community. Those little unionist biggots would do well to follow the ones wearing GAA shirts instead of staying in their little uneducated loyalist shit holes!


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

I don’t think they have enough flegs


u/DavijoMan Mar 14 '24

Probably a room full of beer bellies, string vests and sectarian tattoos..


u/FearUisce9 Mar 14 '24

More like dodgy hips, walking sticks and incontinence pads.


u/nathanovic93 Mar 14 '24

Crying over GAA tops.


u/Shinydiscodog Mar 14 '24

I know what we need, flegs… yep actually, flegs on top of other flegs. Maybe a fleg wall and a fleg table. Aye. That’s it. Happy days.


u/Physical_Reality_132 Mar 14 '24

Hope Jim lives to see a United Ireland.


u/Pingushagger Mar 14 '24

We’ve got 9 months left if spock is to be believed


u/roverspeed Mar 15 '24

It was lieutenant commander Data I believe.


u/Pay_Your_Torpedo_Tax Mar 14 '24

What did you think Catholics would do when you effectively barred them all from "working class jobs". Reap what you sow you dinosaurs.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

Its no longer the case catholics are only ones who excel at uni sick of them thinking that the case


u/markmc72 Belfast Mar 14 '24

Ah fuck me lad , you are gonna have a problem finding optimism even at a molecular level in a room with Jamie and Jim trying to pull off some sort of tea and tray bake version of a Beer Hall Putsch.


u/Furlough_neagh Mar 15 '24

"tea and tray bake version of a Beer Hall Putsch" baaaahahaha 😂


u/Travel-Football-Life Mar 14 '24

What’s wrong with people wearing a GAA top? Surely he cannot be that insecure?


u/punkfunkymonkey Mar 16 '24

I bet the Tyrone one has him conflicted


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24



u/Travel-Football-Life Mar 14 '24

What flegs? All I can see in that room is loyalty

(Joking of course)


u/awood20 Derry Mar 14 '24

Contrast this attitude to the one being shown by ELP and MON. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think ELP and the DUP have had a road to Damascus conversion. I think that they realise that the attitude in this video will end NI very quickly. The hatred, bigotry and sectarianism displayed here will be the end and hopefully soon.


u/harpsabu Mar 14 '24

"Don't give in" Says the man who skipped lunch and called it a hunger strike

Also, him saying it could be you up here some day, as if him and Jim are the pinnacle hahahaha it's like a comedy sketch


u/nyl2k8 Mar 14 '24

Not ironing flegs
Nationalists 🤝 Unionists


u/IndelibleIguana Mar 14 '24

Prods are weird. My girlfriends next door neighbour is a prod. The only family on the estate. Got a fleg in the garden and everything. Everyone leaves them alone, girlfriend has never had a problem with them.
The other week Virgin came out to install internet and ran a cable along the bottom of the garden wall, on my girlfriends side.
Neighbour came out and started shouting at the Virgin men. Girlfriend went out and asked what the problem was.
Neighbour yelling and shouting about how her son is gonna come down and shit, finished by calling my girlfriend a Fenian bitch.
Never had a problem before. It's all because her son recently started High School and the neighbour has seen his Catholic uniform.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24



u/IndelibleIguana Mar 14 '24

They’re all weird.


u/Fartistotle Mar 14 '24

All I can hear is Pastor Begbie.


u/TheGhostOfTaPower Belfast Mar 14 '24

Jim saying there’s too many taigs in the judiciary.

Mate, the rule of law applies to EVERYONE.

Nationalists have only ever asked for EQUAL treatment, never preferential treatment.

Maybe sell some of those flegs and buy some books!


u/DaveAKACBG Mar 14 '24

Dude asking that questions sounds camp AF.


u/Dremora-Stuff99 Mar 14 '24

Had to laugh at Jamie's butchering of JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."


u/apocolypselater Mar 14 '24

I have an idea.. matryoshka dolls but instead of smaller dolls it’s it’s just tiny flegs


u/Feenoesh Mar 14 '24

Camwamawn breevin vewy hevvy der.


u/DeportRacists Mar 14 '24

If they respected their flag, they wouldn't fly then upside down and creased. Hateful wee grifters


u/Aggravating-Rip-3267 Mar 14 '24

It's Not easy to be Optimistic when you are sat, watching Jamie Bryson and Jim Allistair.


u/hugsbosson Mar 14 '24

I hate an unironed flag, also the one at the back is the wrong way round.


u/esquiresque Mar 14 '24

Combined, those two guys have a life expectancy of 35years. The student probably has 55. Why is he listening to the talking dead?


u/moistpishflaps Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

If you’re unironically asking binboy for motivational advice, just give up. There is no hope for you

Maybe the PUL community would have more educational opportunities if they didn’t uphold gammons like this as legitimate community leaders


u/fast-and-loose- Mar 14 '24

Allister sitting there like he would rather be anywhere else but there. Body language speaks volumes. Checking his watch an all at the end of the video. Do these people attending not see this like? What an embarrassment.


u/ItsCynicalTurtle Mar 14 '24

Wonder how this rationalises against the new UK wide definition of extremism....


u/QuietMrFx977 Mar 14 '24

Worrying that there is going to be such a large group of people who are going to be or likely already have been left behind. That's bound to have some big negative effects


u/Pleasant_Text5998 Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

Allister’s such a fucking liar, he and my father attended Queen’s at the same time from the same school, and there were a slew of people who went to law school before them. I know this is objectively so not the point but that is such an easily verifiable lie.


u/SearchingForDelta Mar 14 '24

Grammar school educated Protestants like Jim made up over 80% of the Bar in the 1970s.

You could count the number of Catholic judges on one hand and they were constantly under threat from the sort of thugs now voting and supporting the TUV


u/DandyLionsInSiberia Mar 15 '24 edited Mar 15 '24

To be fair, 

RC's' who worked within the bar or held higher positions were targeted (along with their families) and subject to threats or attempts on their lives by Republican paramilitaries. 

The Mary Travers Case being one very sad example. 

 It was a bit more multifaceted than you suggest, people with an incidental catholic background were subject to intimidation, harassment and death threats from nationalist paramilitaries. The intent was to control others via menace. Discourage uptake of the profession within that quarter. 

 A more recent example is Peadar Heffron having his legs injured beyond use by a dissident republican terror gang car bomb for the crime of being a police officer from a  Catholic background .

Jim Allister does need to move on though. Tired schtick that achieves nothing and serves only to keep unionists who gravitate toward him within a stifling torpor.


u/MrJoeSoap Mar 14 '24

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

Jim Alistair has has just proven he is a hate filled bigot. The reason why the lecture hall was full of Catholics is because of people like Jim Alistair. He is preaching hate to a small ignorant minority with that lisping lap dog Bwyson licking his hole. Fuck away off you pair of cunts!


u/soberyourselfup Mar 14 '24

When I went to Uni about 20 years ago there was people around in GAA tops and I'd never seen them being worn before. I was a bit intimidated at first as I didn't know what they meant or signified as I'm from Carrick but ultimately it didn't matter lol. Decent people are decent.

As I got to know them better I started asking questions about the shirts and the teams as I was genuinely interested and it was all cool.

To go to uni and still be this bitter is tragic really and education isn't going to work.


u/Comprehensive_Two_80 Mar 15 '24

Why do they not wear rugby tops? Or is gaa tops fashion trend now?


u/RLads87 Mar 17 '24

Probably not massive rugby fans is the simplest explanation


u/soberyourselfup Mar 15 '24

This was the Polytechnic UUJ. I'm glad that there was no rugger buggers about, I had to play that shite as a teenager and it should be banned for being utter garbage.


u/PrismosPickleJar Mar 14 '24

I would guess they wear it becuase they like the Gaa, my family is big into it, not really a sports man myself, but i have a hoodie, thats the long and short of it.


u/Comprehensive_Two_80 Mar 15 '24

Or they wear it cause everybody else is wearing it...


u/soberyourselfup Mar 14 '24

My only objection would be those massive long holdalls that usually contained 2 litres of cordial in there, a whack to the head with one of those and I'd have even fewer brain cells than I currently do.


u/PrismosPickleJar Mar 14 '24

2 leets of frosty jacks


u/PrestigiousGuitar673 Mar 14 '24

Those flags must be fresh off eBay, or they’ve been folded up for too long and not ironed.


u/PaladiusPatrick Mar 14 '24

The flags on the table and the background look like the setup of one of those comedy staged hostage scenarios you would see.


u/TorySociopath Mar 14 '24

Jamies voice and head reminds me of one of those Rarewitch Youtube piss takes.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

“ There’s a reason why you and people like you are coming out here in a Tuesday night against the Irish Sea border. “


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

Someone who’s good at video editing please make this into a motivational video like that rocky one that nobody hits harder than life 🤣


u/lrish_Chick Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

Omg he sounds like this?!!! I've never heard him speak before!

Edit: oh fuck, he's making the most sense here. Dayum. It's come to this


u/AgitatedDog1987 Mar 14 '24

Feel the hate


u/scottjay86 Mar 14 '24

Bloody Catholics bettering themselves and learning the Kings laws and applying them in court better than their peers. Have they no shame


u/mongrel66 Mar 14 '24

It's this nonsense that destroyed the NI economy in the 70s and 80s and forced my parents to leave the childhood home where we were happy. In Canada since my teens and I'd love to come home but my husband and kids are here. This sectarian bigotry just increases my resentment.


u/Legitimate-Nature519 Mar 14 '24

Might buy my first GAA too just to annoy bitter bastards like this.


u/Comprehensive_Two_80 Mar 15 '24

Is that why gaa tops are worn about in public?


u/Real_Tony_Soprano Mar 14 '24

Culture of peace strikes again.


u/accountcg1234 Mar 14 '24

Basically upset because an Apartheid state doesn't exist once he leaves secondary school


u/NaveTheFirst Derry Mar 14 '24

How embarrassing


u/senorsombrero3k1 Mar 14 '24 edited 13d ago

dull doll bells license gaping live zonked melodic violet rude

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24



u/reginaphalangie79 Mar 14 '24

It's like art eh?


u/NoNeedleworker5437 Mar 14 '24

I think the appropriate response to that young aspiring lawyer, wondering solemnly how he can be optimistic, should have been:

“Have you considered that you may be a cunt?”


u/Watch_Job Mar 14 '24

I'm not catching what the boy is saying, something about " a discussion about open representation" and "protestants are too stupid" and comments being shut down with a "freedom of speech".

Am I missing something to understand the point he's trying to make?


u/pixlrik Mar 14 '24

You're assuming he had a point to make in the first place


u/Watch_Job Mar 14 '24

I think you have a point there.


u/Andrewhtd Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

This is all a hate fest, but JB answer actually not bad in context. JA a hateful bigot though, and the guy asking the questions? Wise up man and deal with it


u/akaihatatoneko Armagh Mar 14 '24

Jamie's sounded straight out of a self-help book.


u/BoobBoo77 Mar 14 '24

I really couldn't believe that I was agreeing with JB with his answer.


u/stevenmc Warrenpoint Mar 14 '24

Jamie sounded pretty reasonable throughout. Jim can go fuck himself, the sectarian bastard.


u/actually-bulletproof Fermanagh Mar 14 '24

This. JB telling the kid to knuckle down and educate himself was the correct answer.

Alister just can't accept a world in which Catholics are taught to read.


u/Comprehensive_Two_80 Mar 15 '24

Well when you have 15 guys wearing gaa tops its hard to knuckle down


u/PersonalitySafe1810 Mar 14 '24

Those peaky fenians getting all educated. Can't remember who said it but it was a discussion on paramilitary prisoners in the early 90s. The comment was the Republicans were educating themselves while the Loyalists were necking E and bucking wee lads. They're only realizing now that they're 30years behind Republicans in their outlook. JB literally admits this.


u/-Swifty Mar 14 '24

Unionism needs more people like David Ervine. One of the few (there was a few more to be fair, but not many) loyalist prisoners that took the time inside to educate themselves.

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