r/mildlyinteresting May 18 '24

These random scratches. Found one on each car.

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16 comments sorted by


u/iceman78772 May 18 '24

Were you driving around Delfino Isle by any chance?


u/That-Guy-Jose 29d ago

No way my hero Mario would do this… unless it’s actually a W!


u/G_404_A May 18 '24

Gang signs ? I’d be extra careful or sell that car I’ve seen posts about how dangerous these can be I’d contact the police or something


u/torsun_bryan 29d ago

lol pretty sure gangs don’t mark their territory by keying cars


u/That-Guy-Jose May 18 '24

I sure hope not, as one of these is only a couple of years old. As somebody else commented it’s hopefully the bush nearby that was an oversight by me. I will inspect my other family member’s cars though to be sure.


u/G_404_A May 18 '24

Bushes don’t make a clear M sign tho :( or M0

It could indicate many thing to them

Please be careful and never walk around alone for a while or have family members on speed dial

It could also be nothing but I hope you stay safe there are many crazy people in the world :(


u/That-Guy-Jose May 18 '24

Yeah that is my main concern tbh, because it seems like such a clear “M” and “MO”. Definitely will be on high alert or try to buff the scratches off if possible.


u/G_404_A May 18 '24

Good luck and please stay safe Take it to a paint job asap too


u/Klin24 May 18 '24

Pissed off a neighbor?


u/papabearshirokuma May 18 '24

Parking to close to a bush?


u/That-Guy-Jose May 18 '24

I do actually have a large bush near where we park. Just weird that they both kind of look like “M”’s


u/junktrunk909 29d ago

Neighbor kid with name that starts with M?


u/That-Guy-Jose 29d ago

I do somewhat live near a middle school. Seems like a messed up “prank” though.


u/papabearshirokuma May 18 '24

The bushes moves with the wind and can scratch that pattern


u/Roboticmonk3y 29d ago

Maybe the car moving about as you get in/out?


u/That-Guy-Jose May 18 '24

It also gets really windy here and sometimes our palm tree sheds and its branches fall around the car. Since one of the scratches is on the opposite side of the bush this could be an explanation for that. Thanks!