r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

T-Shirts are sized way differently in the US compared to Europe and Australia.

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797 comments sorted by


u/ActionStill9843 11d ago

It's funny cause they're FAT


u/Nixher 12d ago

'murica be next level fat. Wait until you see texas sizes.


u/Mysterious-Intern172 12d ago

In America, men refer to EU and Asian sizes as "Womens".


u/Squirrel_prince 13d ago

I wear L in France, XL sometimes. Everything I have bought in the US that fits me is M or even S.


u/leapfrog2115 13d ago

They say it's ok cause they are old. They also don't go on walks or move in general. Just make fun of poor people like their kids


u/Lopsided7654 13d ago

Americans are too fat and needs bigger clothes than rest of the world 🤣🤣🤣


u/DookieToe2 13d ago

This means in the EU and Australia they have a lot more increments of clothing sizes. We only get 3 levels before XL.


u/-Unicorn-Bacon- 13d ago

And Mexico and China and Japan and Italy and Spain etc etc


u/RazzmatazzImportant 13d ago

This is why being 6ft and skinny in america sucks. Want a medium? T Good fit, too short. Want a large? Swimming in it. Still too short. Gotta buy special/eauropean brands to not look like a clown.


u/ballsdeepisbest 13d ago

I once bought a shirt from FCUK and I had to buy a XXL and even then it was tight. I normally wear large. Six foot, 215lbs.


u/m_adduci 13d ago

Also between Europe countries the sizes aren't the same. A "L" in Germany is equivalent to XL in Italy


u/TheKobraSnake 13d ago

I bought a size 14-16 years old jersey and a normal tshirt that was XL in the U.S, several years later the 14-16 fit, although somewhat snugly, the XL looks like a cape on me lmao


u/thatoneguyD13 13d ago

It's true. I went to Italy last year. Airline lost my luggage.

I am a big guy, a bit overweight, but not obese by any means. I went to four stores before I could find a pair of pants that fit. They were the second largest size that store carried. I bought extra large boxers and they were crazy tight. I wear large in US. Bought XL shirts and couldn't wear them they were so tight. Sucked


u/freak-with-a-brain 13d ago

Recently bought a t-shirt of a website which apparently sells in Europe and Japan.

Japanese XL was European Medium.


u/metalfabman 13d ago

No shit been seeing the same tags since i was 12. How tf is this interesting and upvoted so much? Simple minded, 1 braincell material


u/DanR5224 13d ago

Casual fat-shaming in the EU 😆


u/MaizeAccomplished385 13d ago

All I know is in canada once u hit large the shirts stay the same length just get wider with every x. Sucks if u have wide shoulders and smaller waist looks good then turns into a parachute in the stomach


u/Street_Hamster2219 13d ago

It’s because we’re trying to lie to the consumers about how fat they are


u/Historical_Boss2447 13d ago

I have a medium shirt that is bigger than any of my XL shirts


u/mooseontherum 13d ago

I noticed this on a road trip from Canada to the US with a few friends. I forgot pyjamas, and since it was 4 guys sharing a room I kind of needed them. So we stopped into a Walmart. I just grabbed a pair of XL pyjama bottoms and went to the cash. That night when I put them on it was one of the funniest moments of the trip. We got me and another of the guys in the pants at the same time, we thought we might have been able to get a third skinny guy in there but we didn’t have one available. They are huge, definitely a 2XL or 3XL here in Canada.


u/gxslim 13d ago

It's almost like different countries have different health norms


u/sterlinghday 13d ago

Considering im average for my area at 220 pounds (6ft for those wondering), it might be why.


u/KlM-J0NG-UN 13d ago

I'm a L in my country and a XXXXXL in China lol (not even joking, I have a xxxxxl jacket from China).


u/AntisthenesRzr 13d ago

Japan: 🐋


u/LaserGadgets 13d ago

Just found out they even faked the call of their beloved eagle, so this is not really a shocker. Fakers.


u/cajana3 13d ago

Because Americans are fat


u/7frosts 13d ago



u/MrDarwoo 13d ago

They enjoy the sugar those yanks


u/Davey26 13d ago

That's kinda sad as an American but I'm just going to live in denial and say it's because our people are buffer and taller and need the extra sizes to not bust out of their shirts when they flex (I can dream dammit)


u/Floepiefloepie 13d ago

Yes, because Americans are fat


u/Velvy71 13d ago

You should go to Italy, where an XL is smaller than an L 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/whybother6767 13d ago

And even from brand to brand what is an xl might only be large in one brand but a 2xl in another.  So annoying


u/the_beered_life 13d ago

Curious if sizes start "smaller" than US sizes. Like an Aussie Small might be an equivalent US XXS (which basically doesn't exist, except for rare occasion).


u/Designer-Mirror-7995 13d ago

Clothes are "sized" differently in different REGIONS of the US, too. If you're a '16' in Chicago, don't expect to wear a "16" in OKC or get the same '16' from OKC as a mall in MS. They Are Not The Same.


u/kentaureus 13d ago

wasnt there also talk about increasing the size of medium bcs mefium american is like l-xl


u/Ok-Fox1262 13d ago

That's an old tag. That's now a small in the states.


u/MrUltraOnReddit 13d ago

Americans: "We're not that fat!"

Brother you're on a different scale!


u/Jacob-DoubleYou 13d ago

Yeah well I’ve seen the way a lot of European men dress and it looks like they shop in the kids section. Their shirts are super tight and the sleeves barely cover their shoulders.


u/AEternal1 13d ago

We want fat people to feel loved🤣


u/redtopharry 13d ago

In a woman's size it would be Jumbo Petite.


u/DiddlyDumb 13d ago

Their sizes are in miles and feet, that’s why its different


u/DanR5224 13d ago

Oh yeah, it's because of the metric system.


u/Traditional_Oil1183 13d ago

I went to Italy once. I felt like a giant


u/goldiham 13d ago

Vanity sizing.


u/CanaDoug420 13d ago

American T-shirt sizes aren’t even held to a standard so who knows what size that shirt actually is


u/Phont22 13d ago

People are, too.


u/stroker919 13d ago

I’ve been buying Larges all over Asia. I’m enormous!


u/Future-Bid3174 13d ago

Cus y'all fat


u/Mountain-Fox-5543 13d ago

So much uneducated populace in these comments.


u/Great_Humor_997 13d ago

We are the fattest fucks.


u/nocturnia94 13d ago

It reminds me of Onion movie 😅

"Government raises definition of obesity. This move reduces the number of obese individuals from 200 million to 185 million." 😂


u/Pissyopenwounds 13d ago

We’re just big boned!!!


u/Alex_DreamMaker 13d ago

USA is very far


u/Alex_DreamMaker 13d ago

Actually, it's not that it's far, but people there are fat


u/scoot2006 13d ago

This varies by brand and clothing type. I’m noticing soccer/football jerseys/kits are now matching American sizing when I order from European websites and they’re shipped over here to the US.

Then again, they’re all made in east Asia so 🤷‍♂️


u/shaf1FR 13d ago

Bro if EU 4xl is USA 2XL then how tf do people complain that 2XL or even 3XL isn't "plus size". I've been a chubby dude all my life at around 230 lbs and even 2XL fits loose on me. USA gotta get better fitness ong


u/BigDust 13d ago

Average Nordic people must wear 6XL im guessing.


u/Bubbly-Translator269 13d ago

I think it’s the people that are sized differently lol


u/dpdxguy 13d ago

T-Shirts are sized way differently in the US compared to Europe and Australia.

So are people


u/Old-Personality3629 13d ago

We're obviously fatter in the United States, but we're also like 2 inches taller than the average European

I am not trying to be rude, but our size difference between European and American men is the same size difference between women and men


u/corium_2002 13d ago

Balkan and north Europe would like to have a word with you


u/Old-Personality3629 13d ago

The word "average" would like to have a talk with you

Both to explain what it means and to reunite with your intelligence


u/corium_2002 13d ago

Clearly you have no intelligence. Average European male is 5 feet 11 inches And Average American male is 5 feet 9 inches Google it smartass


u/hotDamQc 13d ago

I'm a medium men in US but XL in Italia


u/b3990 13d ago

the world should be tired with americans, let us ignore their measuring system and let those american find on google by themselves on their sizes as per our metric system fullstop.


u/Grand-Home-1334 13d ago

why reduce cheese burgers when u can reduce the size standard.


u/NewReporter5290 13d ago

Try asia. I wear a mens medium here in USA, size 4XL there.


u/ceojp 13d ago

Wait til you find out about shoes!


u/Tournament_of_Shivs 13d ago

Metric versus imperial X's.


u/ntgco 13d ago

I'm a big guy...6'1" 256lbs. I have bit of a belly, but overall usually am one of the largest males in the room.

I drawfed everyone in Beijing by at least a 1 foot,

The "security height Ruler" in the subway stopped at my mouth.

People moved out of my way like parting a sea of people.

I could look down the subway car over everyone's heads, and could see nearly everyone looking at the huge white gorilla in the room.

I'll never forget the women who gasped at me as I entered the subway car, like a Yeti had just jumped aboard.

People have different scales and that's OK.


u/Sonarthebat 13d ago

[Insert "Americans are fat" joke here.]


u/AtlanticPortal 13d ago

Well, it's something common. US-S, EU-M, CN-S. Substitute CN with JP or any other East Asia country.


u/getya 13d ago

I'm 6'4 and just bought a pack of large t-shirts that are wider than they are long....

Really tired of not being able to find clothes that fit because I actually take care of myself.


u/Auhaden72190 13d ago

I thought a us 2x was an aussie 10x


u/PM_ME_YOUR_HONEY 13d ago

Americans are fat? that's so interesting


u/HTZ7Miscellaneous 13d ago

Yeah. The size zero controversy was very confusing for us in the UK and Europe for a hot second there


u/ILoveHorse69 13d ago

I have a Ric Flair style white fur coat off amazon and I had to buy it in like 4xl, I'm just an average XL American dude.


u/Canelosaurio 13d ago

We have a more relaxed standard of what "fat person" is.


u/cylordcenturion 13d ago

Honestly the small medium large thing needs to end.

Just use the measurements. X cm long y cm wide


u/musuperjr585 13d ago

Insert "aMeRikAnz r fAt" comment


u/Historical_Animal_17 13d ago

We are twice as large as most humans


u/Rupert_18124 13d ago

Reminds me of a Versace XXL size that looked like US small size, LOL


u/cmzraxsn 13d ago

I've found sizes in Japan tended to be 1 up from Europe - I was L in Europe and XL in Japan. So I did actually cry a little bit when I went to Korea and a guy took one look at me and went "oh hey we've got clothing in your size, XXL right?"

Actually I've fluctuated over the years between European L and XL size, and I've also found the biggest difference between Japanese and European sizes is the length rather than the girth. Because like, I have lost and gained weight several times and I have some L size Japanese clothes, and the main difference is they only just come down to my waist.


u/Sandy_Quimby 13d ago

I haven't find this to be true. I've bought T shirts in Australia, USA, and Asia. I'm an L in all those places.


u/wellthoughtplot 13d ago

I’ve bought a Korean shirt in medium before, not realizing it wasn’t going to be American medium… it was basically like a glove


u/Medical_Chapter2452 13d ago

Xl is regular size in us


u/ChunkyTaco22 13d ago

Freedom sizes


u/Ragamuffin5 13d ago

We grow em bigger round here! (Spits into spittoon From 5 ft away)


u/Yoldark 13d ago

Don't look up Japanese sizing ahah


u/bow-to-england 13d ago

So americans can go to xxxxxl where in normal countrys that would be xxxxxxxxxxxxl. There's no xs in america it just starts at large.


u/sarc-tastic 13d ago

Life hack. If the number of X is written as an actual number in your size then maybe consider your dietary intake.


u/awesome12442 13d ago

Unless I get a breast reduction I don't have a choice. I actually don't eat a lot everyday and have been eating healthier and space it out, but the medication I'm on slows my metabolism. I definitely could exercise more that's no question. My boobs might shrink down to a 1X but the proportion will still be the same.


u/hedgybaby 13d ago

Why are all the comments about asian sizing when that wasn‘t even part of the picture?


u/hummuspretzle 13d ago

Because people are discussing clothing sizes and how they differ country to country? Like having an encompassing conversation?


u/hedgybaby 13d ago

I just thought it was interesting that when I saw this post, the top 7 commente were exclusively about asian sizes lol


u/[deleted] 13d ago

I don't see how 'muricans being fat fucks is mildlyinteresting.


u/Masaylighto 13d ago

People might think it's because of the usa use different measurements but its no that When this t-shirt enter the usa it magically change it size because of the difference in space time curvature in usa compared to other countries


u/sarc-tastic 13d ago

And that curvature is because there are so many fat people in the usa


u/Masaylighto 13d ago

exactly mass couses space to bend


u/salmiakki1 13d ago

USA is an alternate reality


u/soundman32 13d ago

Freedom units


u/shmokeburrs 13d ago

Just realized I'm a fat fuck. 6'1" 250lbs


u/herrbz 13d ago

This is news to people?


u/Ok_Training_2937 13d ago

It's so the Americans don't think they are as fat as they actually are.



u/Luiaards 13d ago

Even within the EU the sizing is different. An M in Germany would be an L in France or Spain.


u/martinbean 13d ago

So are shoes. Your point?


u/dazzle999 13d ago

Just to make fat people feel better bout themselves...


u/dieselram24 13d ago

The US has a major obesity problem so instead of working on that we’ll just make the sizes not look so bad


u/Banaanisade 13d ago

I've been burned so many times that I just don't order clothes from other countries. Even in Finland I tend to size up once or twice depending on what type of clothes I'm buying, because you can downsize your clothes but it's a massive pain to even attempt upsizing.


u/No-Attention2024 13d ago



u/JoeyIsMrBubbles 13d ago

And Japan is even smaller than EU!


u/flatterfurz_123 13d ago

he he americans fat


u/Sea_Grand_1470 13d ago

It's funny cause they are fat


u/kc0nkc1n 13d ago

That's because Americans are a lot larger than the rest of the world. This shouldn't be interesting, it should be worrying and maybe embarrassing.


u/the_storm_rider 13d ago

I’m beginning to think Jack and the Beanstalk was just an allegory for a European boy who went to NYC and saw things being twice the size of what they normally are.


u/Lfseeney 13d ago

This is true.


u/felichs_da_katz 13d ago

Japan size "W" for Whale


u/Grobo_ 13d ago

Shows just how fat Americans are that their size is double that of other countries


u/northern_dan 13d ago

Does this mean the Europeans and Australians are twice as fat?


u/CloakerJosh 13d ago

US sizes their clothing down, and their shoes up.

I genuinely think it’s an egotistical thing.


u/CappedPluto 13d ago

They just have to be fucking different with everything


u/TokathSorbet 13d ago

I remember when I went to a Skillet show in London, and I asked guy at the merch stand if they had any 2xl shirts and he goes “nah man, only 1xl - but it’s an American XL!”

He was so proud. And it fit me perfectly.


u/hairy_porker 13d ago

I'm wearing XS EU Probably have to wear toddler shirt in US lol


u/Removable_speaker 13d ago

USA 4XL T-shirts are sold as 4-person tents in Europe.


u/JustAnotherCaribou 13d ago

My boyfriend is 6’4ft, 360lbs, 3XL-5XL (depending on brand) and is a decent powerlifter lifting a natural 277.5kg squat/ 187.5kg bench/240kg deadlift. His brother is 3 inches taller with similar proportions and lifts. I know it’s the minority, but healthy 3XL people do exist.


u/No_Compromise- 14d ago

You guys are so fat you have you're own size chart haha


u/YouLearnedNothing 14d ago

I wear an easy 2xl in the US.. a 4XL in the EU comes nowhere near to fitting me.

In the US as well, I can fit in an XL some times, depending on where it's made.. other times, good luck


u/iamgoaty 14d ago

Funny I am an XL in Europe and USA. I swear people make shit up sometimes


u/jamwin 14d ago

Forget about compared to America - if you buy one brand in AU it could fit you and be an XL, then you could try a 3XL in another brand and it's two sizes too small.


u/LilyXMaes 14d ago

I'm still so confused on sizes from US and EUR


u/imcalledgpk 14d ago

If you think that's wacky, you should see Asian sizes.


u/unable_To_Username 14d ago

When consumerism and abusive capitalism try to cover up their results.


u/IndustryDry4607 14d ago

I realized that when I bought a t shirt from America (I am in Europe) and I usually wear S-M, the shirt I ordered in L because I read in the reviews that it would be a bit small. When it arrived it was equivalent to something like XL here in Germany. But hey I like oversized stuff so it’s still a win.


u/SpecialMango3384 14d ago

Yes, we (Americans) are fat.

75% of us are overweight/obese. Technically I’m overweight too, but I work out

I’m genuinely sorry to the rest of the world that our fatness is spreading like a cancer.


u/NoWingedHussarsToday 14d ago

That's standard. Sizing differs from country to country and also between brands.


u/pengthaiforces 14d ago

Costco in Asia differentiates between regular sizes and “USA sizes”.


u/Cwbrownmufc 14d ago

Made this mistake when work got us some t-shirts from the US. I ordered a medium and it was like wearing a tent


u/zw1ck 14d ago

I bought a hi vis vest that is a small in Europe and the US but a medium in China. Had a good giggle about that.


u/spoollyger 14d ago

16XL in Thailand


u/ERGardenGuy 14d ago

We thicc


u/DreadfulCadillac1 14d ago

Big fat = Little Fat! Welcome to Texas, where BIGGER is BETTER


u/xnwkac 14d ago

In USA food has more sugar, and clothes are larger.

This is not news.


u/lars2k1 14d ago

And then every brand has it's own sizing as well, even in just 1 country. And then different products from that same brand fit differently too.

Especially when shopping online, because be honest: a lot of stuff cannot be bought in physical stores - it's a pain in the butt.


u/scots 14d ago

Stores in the EU do not have a fleet of "courtesy scooters" in the entryway for people who - for lack of a better term - simply ate themselves handicapped.


u/Potential_Mammoth163 13d ago

Is this a thing in the US?


u/pbnchick 13d ago

They aren’t just for the obese. They are also used by the elderly and those with mobility issues not caused by weight.


u/scots 13d ago

It's really sad you have to ask. Yes. It's not uncommon to see morbidly obese people >300-400 pounds spilling out of little electric mobility scooters in shops in the US, especially WalMart. Almost every large grocery store, big box home & hardware store, variety store has anywhere from 3-6+ of these mobility scooters plugged in & charging somewhere near the entrance for patrons who are unable to walk.

TO BE FAIR, there ARE people with medical conditions, persons recovering from surgery, an in jury, what have you - But here in the States, far to often, the person you see riding on the scooter is doing so solely because their immense weight leaves them unable to walk.

Remember the movie "UP" with all the incredibly overweight people floating around on hover chairs? It's like that, minus the hovering.


u/Bloated_Chunk 40m ago

Wasn't that WALL-E with the hover chairs? Pretty sure up is about the house with balloons


u/scots 31m ago

It was, my fingers tripped over my brain while typing.


u/Potential_Mammoth163 13d ago

Ugh, that is sad. I am about 45 pounds overweight (if using BMI as measure) which is a lot, but I am no where near immobile, getting my 10.000 steps almost every day. I am sad to hear this is frequent enough, so it is necessary.


u/scots 13d ago

You got this. From years of my personal experience, the most crucial tool for your fitness journey is a calorie / macro tracking tool and CONSISTENCY. Whether your goal is gaining weight, losing weight, increasing protein, reducing carbs, I discovered after years of research and personal trials that there are 2 simple things that will help you achieve your goal:

1, Stop drinking your calories. Period. Water. Coffee. Tea. Powdered sugar-free drink flavorings. Lacroix carbonated flavored 0 calorie water. Avoid "Diet" drinks, they have chemical sweeteners in them that research has shown messes up your metabolism and sabotages your goals. The stevia natural sweetener works wonderfully.

2, Install the MyFitnessPal ap on your phone and use it for everything. The free version is fine. Log EVERYTHING. If it goes in your mouth and it has calories in it, LOG IT.

Good luck friend, you can do it.


u/Potential_Mammoth163 13d ago

I am losing weight in a fine pace, but thanks :)


u/2ingredientexplosion 14d ago

depends on the shirt but im between xl and 2x U.S. not fat just kinda tall


u/Bartinhoooo 14d ago

Suuuure wink wink


u/Blindfire2 14d ago

This has always been the case, every country is different because of different health practices, like how the US has so much damn sugar in just about EVERY piece of food that isn't actually homemade. Even things you don't THINK there's any sugar in, there is there. I guarantee it was allowed because it was addictive and the corporations lobbied the government back in the days (similar to cigarettes/tobacco in general to be aimed towards kids to get "customers at an early age" to increase profits by getting them addicted) to allow all this sugar to be used in order to get people addicted.


u/zackloads 14d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago

And Asia. I am a Sml-Med here in AU but Asian sizes I am L /XL !!!

Fuck that shit. I aint no fat cunt or tall cunt by any means.


u/catalin66 14d ago

Also, China


u/Calm_Reading8197 14d ago

Even the cloathing companys call yall fat


u/aptom203 14d ago

From my experience in Japan, in east Asia this size would be called something like "Mega Fat"

I bought a couple of "Super Fat" T-shirts for myself when I was there xD


u/Gaystan 14d ago

Back home, I wear 2xl to 3xl...in Asia (Korea and China) a 6xl is too small lol


u/bobbylaserbones 14d ago



u/iridescentrae 14d ago

Funny how a 6X shirt turns into an XL after a run in the washer/dryer though. Can you fix that?


u/True_Juggernaut_4047 14d ago

cos theyre all fatties


u/Imrustyokay 14d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago

Because usa is in an obesity epidemic. Everything has to be bigger until they get healthy


u/Original-Being9553 14d ago

Damn I must be an infinity x


u/grislyfind 14d ago

I have a US L shirt that can be used as a tent.


u/Ghostmann2 14d ago

Damn, they must be a lot fatter over there than here in the states (kidding)


u/Tasty-Switch-8472 14d ago

The big portions and fried food I suspect


u/decoste94 14d ago

Thick boy issues


u/echwa 14d ago

I feel skinny when I got to 🇺🇸🤣


u/oooooeeeeeoooooahah 14d ago

because americans are fat. a medium in america is the equivelant of an extra large/2xl from some countries


u/spusuf 14d ago

Yes America varies slightly from UK/Australia but Asia is a whole other beast. I'm 6ft4 and usually wear a medium here in Australia, but ordering wholesale from AliExpress I have to order 4XL, just got body shamed for being tall...


u/geert666 14d ago

4XL??? That's not a shirt, it's a tent!


u/hohoreindeer 13d ago

It’s a family -sized tent in some parts of the world.


u/Six_of_1 14d ago

Is this the first time you've bought clothes? This is common knowledge.


u/SnooDonkeys3148 14d ago

When my sister died she weighed 98 pounds but she still wore a size 12 because of her frame. She had broad shoulders and a broad rib cage. She was never going to be tiny. Heavy bones are a thing.


u/jaycone 14d ago

This reminded me when I bought a Gn'R hoodie sized XL from their fanstore, yup as a European it was two sizes too big :(


u/SavageFugu 14d ago

So are shoes.


u/WNxWolfy 14d ago

I recently moved to Japan and buying shoes here as a 6'1'' man is rough. I'm an EU 46, which translates to a japanese "saizu 30", which stores often just.. don't have. Suits are a challenge as well


u/BenLaParole 14d ago

Did anybody honestly not know this?


u/Pluto0x0 14d ago

I’m M in the US. I was renting clothes and a lady who was helping me got me the clothes from the 3XXL section. 🫠


u/hawk_199 14d ago

America like to use different measurements so other country 1 America size will double the size of anything. Food included.


u/MooseBoys 14d ago

Same with Brazil, especially for pants. It’s the opposite for Japan which would be 5XL.