r/mildlyinteresting The Big šŸ§€ Jun 23 '23

What happened to /r/mildlyinteresting? META

Dear mildlyinterested reader,

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your patience and unwavering support during the recent turbulence in our community. Our subreddit is a labour of love, and we've weathered this storm together.

Recent events have been confusing for all of us, from the vote, sudden removal of moderators, to conflicting messages from Reddit. As your mod team, we feel it's essential to clarify the situation.

On June 19, the poll results favoured partially reopening with changes. However, before implementing these changes, Reddit took sweeping actions, removing all 27 moderator accounts without warning. This left us baffled and concerned.

Here's a brief timeline of the events:

  1. On June 19, the poll results favoured partially reopening with changes. We announced the vote results and planned changes to the sub, including marking it as NSFW due to the common posts of phallic objects (no explicit content allowed). CLICK HERE TO VIEW THAT ANNOUNCEMENT WHICH HAS BEEN APPROVED AND LOCKED FOR POSTERITY.

  2. A tug-of-war between the u/ModeratorCodeOfConduct account and the remaining moderators ensued, with the post repeatedly being removed and reinstated. Each mod involved was immediately locked out of Reddit. Subreddit settings were also unilaterally changed by the admin account.

  3. Eventually, all moderators were removed and suspended for 7 days, with the vote results deleted and the community set to ā€œarchived.ā€

  4. A lot of public outrage ensued, with details posted on r/ModCoord about what happened. At that point, no other subreddit had been targeted yet, leaving the situation uniquely unclear.

  5. Admin cited actions as an "error" and promised to work with us to solve the situation. For /r/mildlyinteresting posterity, this will henceforth be referred to as The Mistakeā„¢.

  6. All our accounts were unsuspended and reinstated, but only with very limited permissions (modmail access only). For what it's worth, 'time moderated' for every moderator was reset (e.g. /u/RedSquaree moderated since 11 years ago, reset: currently showing moderated since "1 day ago").

  7. The awaited discussion never happened. Instead, the admins presented us with an ultimatum: reopen the subreddit and do not mark it as NSFW, or face potential removal again. The inconsistent and arbitrary application of Reddit's policies reveals a possible conflict of interest in maximizing ad revenue at the risk of user safety and community integrity.

  8. Finally, our moderation permissions were restored after we "promised" to comply with their conditions, but we kept the subreddit restricted while we ponder our next steps..

Problems remain unresolved, and Reddit's approach to policies and communication have been troubling. We believe open communication and partnership between Reddit and its moderators are crucial for the platform's success.

As a team, we remain dedicated to protesting Reddit's careless policy changes. Removing ourselves or vandalizing the subreddit wonā€™t achieve our goals, but rather hinder our community. We're here to ensure r/mildlyinteresting isn't left unattended.

We call for the establishment of clear, structured, and reliable communication channels between Reddit admins and moderation teams. Teams should be informed and consulted on decisions affecting their communities to maintain trust and integrity on the platform. We shared this request with the Admin who promised to work with us, so far they have ignored it.

Us mods are still deciding how exactly to reopen, not that we have been given much choice.


The r/mildlyinteresting mods


2.0k comments sorted by


u/ARoyaleWithCheese Jun 23 '23 edited Jun 23 '23

Let's play a fun game called: remember all the other times Reddit refused to budge and insisted the users and mods were wrong until they eventually backtracked:

  • Banning r/Jailbait (it's exactly what you think it is) after literal years of user and moderator complaints, only once the media finally picked up on the story. Before this, Reddit had even given the creator of the subreddit a unique personalized award for his "contributions to the website"

  • Banning r/beatingwomen and r/picsofdeadkids only after the media picked up on a popular Reddit post from a user

  • Banning racist and Islamophobic subs because of organized actions from r/AgainstHateSubreddits and media coverage (r/European)

  • Reddit "not knowing" what to do with the sub r /ni***rs - no, the actual sub name was not censored and it was about exactly what you'd expect it to be about. Took user and media outcry over a period of months for Reddit to ban the sub.

  • Taking action against Covid misinformation (on all sides!) after moderator outcry and media coverage

  • Reddit CEO protecting r/The_Donald despite countless reports from moderators of politically themed subreddits of it being used for organized harassment and misinformation campaigns - only reversing its stance after widespread media coverage. Then, u/Spez also messing with r/The_Donald by editing people's comments to make it appear they were harassing the sub moderators instead of himself. Steve literally doesn't care about any of us, no matter our position.

  • Using Ellen Pao as a temporary CEO and blaming all unpopular decisions on her, when in reality it was co-founder Alex Ohanian who pushed for those changes aggressively. They then used her as a sacrificial goat for community outrage after which u/Spez was made CEO and presented as a savior.













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u/msmith9999 4d ago

I have never seen a group that is so picky about it's posting guidelines, especially rule #6. I've tried twice to post a picture of some interesting jerky I recently found, and both posts were removed because of rule 6. The first time I simply titled it Jerky!. I thought that described perfectly what was depicted, but apparently it was too simple. So I tried again, and expanded the title a bit to A collection of weird jerky I picked up over the weekend. I already ate the Venison one. But then that was also removed because of Rule 6, although I'm not sure why?


u/Street-Television-87 18d ago

ultimately put a warning on a sticky that nsfw materials will be removed when found, that should cover liability.

now was it reddit itself that did all this? also if it is phallic in appearance but not severely obvious like an actual sculpture whats the big deal, a few he he and bury it.


u/Dense-Beautiful3116 29d ago

Crappy moderators and shitty rules.


u/LilyscottOf Mar 19 '24

gran explicacion! interesante y muy resumida


u/incognino123 Dec 23 '23

Mods going on crazy power trips is the funniest and most pathetic things about Reddit, unsubbed


u/nipsen Dec 21 '23

I honestly don't understand what you expect to happen, though. If you're a small enough sub, mods can literally enforce that the earth is banana-shaped as a rule, or establish their own high-school level promotion channel for a specific American school, even if the sub is ubiquitously named science or philosophy. Or if you have a legal matter sub that has become so hung up in US Democratic narratives that it literally is contradicted by the actual text in the reports (which they then ban you for even pointing out). The content being insane, that the mods are comically fascistic to the point where Eichmann would have been skeptical -- it has no bearing on anything whatsoever. As you point out, even subs dedicated to calling for actual law-breaking are not really a concern until their posts pop up at all or popular.

Even though calls for holding ubiqitous subs (i.e., law, philosophy, science, etc.) to a slightly higher standard, or at the very least purging the mods every year or something like that - has been a long-standing request from - admittedly - a dwindling number of users over time, as they continue to get banned, or just settle in their own 40-people communities. This kind of content-moderation doesn't happen on Reddit in general, and never will. A /law sub that has to do with law rather than worship of the latest Muller-report leaks? Has no bearing on the advertisement revenue. No one is going to say: oy, this humorously insane sub is claiming that the earth is banana-shaped, and are calling on politicians to acknowledge them in the comments. This will stop us from selling hand-cream! Doesn't happen.

What does affect Reddit's content policy, on the other hand, is the same that affects all other social platforms: does it negatively affect advertisement revenue. Or /appear/ to have a detrimental effect on it. And lack of clarity on that from Reddit has been a kind of wish to appear idealistic, on trying to be agnostic about it. Instead of them simply declaring - like face, twitterx and so on have - that they're just going to deamplify or bury anything that advertisers, state, CISA, private foundations, EU's twitter-domos, don't like with automated filters running outside the system otherwise. Which frankly is an ok solution, given that you are transparent with what you're doing. Because it really doesn't affect anyone who isn't invested in getting content on all or pop.

Your sub, in that context, runs afoul of reports from brigades, irate former mods, and so on, that want to get the sub marked as sexually explicit. And by trying to do this in some consistent way - you're just creating bad press for Reddit, and getting problems by being in conflict with their content policy from a sheer PR-perspective.

So what did you actually expect?


u/djereezy Dec 20 '23

Reddit is but a former shell of itself and what it was 10 years agoā€¦ what happened?


u/susie-52513 Dec 14 '23

what is wrong with this sub? no descriptions, you can only write <300 characters in your title. no links, no pre-saved photos, no screenshots, and youā€™re limited to one photo. how in the world is there even 1m people in here, let alone 22m?


u/PSTnator Jan 21 '24

I'd say that's pretty darn mildly infuriating. Hahaha I kill me.


u/susie-52513 Jan 21 '24

fr šŸ˜­ came to make a mildly infuriating post and trying to post infuriated me even more!


u/equilton Nov 18 '23

AašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚wšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚q šŸ˜‚


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

It's a reddt page...why do people take this so seriously. There are bigger problems in the world.


u/kreepysol Oct 01 '23

So who can post? I cannot post but i can comment, never been muted/suspended


u/Enough_Produce_8612 Sep 23 '23

If you could "delete" anything from the world, what would it be?


u/cockman247 Sep 20 '23

Reddit mods drop it and move on challenge (impossible) (gone wrong) (failed)


u/secret_tsukasa Sep 19 '23

i'm looking at the side bar and... some of these rules are annoying and insane.


u/A_Civilized_Dude Aug 31 '23

All justifications aside, anybody consider that maybe you thought/think you are more important than you were/are to those behind reddit? Just saying if maybe you thought that then maybe all this time and energy you are putting into all your plotting and scheming would be more productive when aimed towards trying to achieve something more worthwhile than taking back some of the power you once adored from people who never adored you.. to each their own though I suppose.


u/ThinVast Sep 02 '23

agree. i have to ask, what did they achieve in the end. was it even worth it? They all got replaced. 99% of redditors moved on and it's back to business. These mods like to think that reddit is dying but that's just their way of coping.


u/[deleted] Aug 25 '23

You must be real fun at parties.


u/Glaciak Aug 24 '23

This "protest" is embarassing


u/Free-Change-3529 Aug 24 '23

Haha hope mods have to get a real job instead of playing hall monitor all day.


u/Affectionate-Wrap-95 Aug 24 '23

You're in Canada


u/JoplinSternum Aug 14 '23

Why was my post deleted? It was in no way a screenshot but it said i violated rule 5


u/vistopher Aug 03 '23

what's up with the insanely less strict moderating?


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

this was my favorite tonight and thatā€™s only as gross as my onlyfans bc money is tonightā€™s team hell game to do what again? something important in case iā€™m not alive in the future? why am i the villain bc german is scary sounds and tv going off at nine whether you learns english or not


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

bc aiding toad might have been used intentionally to prove language is a mistake


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

language is a mistake like now itā€™s called karaoke blu something but now you know wge43 the bitcoin sounds bc now that body shot me i didnā€™t notice how much it hurt til i quit being shot all brothers time so now itā€™s reddit on livestreams


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

pick your favorite for the livestream i just understand gun order and car why is that this levels heroin


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

he should be on now because he doesnā€™t understand exactly why he will never have this moment again to monetize repeating himself so long ago that money is so terrifying that i researched reddit and getting shot and good times and bad times and which ones i prefer and now that you are not interested in killing me do you get sleep here or is here japan thank you iā€™m sorry i donā€™t know how to japan


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

sir you just won the internet and the only person unaware that was a joke is now theoretical so you canā€™t bother him while he continues worrying about your problems as a zombie


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

if you or a loved one is the particular zombie this trap is for


u/philcurious Jul 30 '23

i might need reminders and spiderwebs but just no spiders while sleeping in japan thanks


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '23



u/Striking_Photo_3755 Jul 21 '23

Too many posts are deleted and only far right opinions get to see the light of day. Reddit needs to strike a proper balance, or weā€™ll get seriously fed up.


u/GigaBowserNS Jul 18 '23

Why the fuck aren't the admins acting on their threats to remove mod teams that aren't doing their duties?


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23



u/Acrobatic-Cook-1931 Jul 16 '23

Good evening dear, sorry for being late in replying and I accept all comments with love, but is this message addressed to me? I just want you all thanks, appreciation and gratitudeā€¦


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '23



u/GigaBowserNS Jul 08 '23

This was posted 14 days ago and the mods have done no modding since.


u/The_Bug1 Jul 06 '23

Seems like a giant hissy fit to me. See ya


u/GigaBowserNS Jul 05 '23

There are still 17 non-bot mods assigned to this subreddit. Why are all 17 of you continuing to hold this community hostage and sit around not doing your duties yet still for some reason expecting to keep your positions?

17 mods is plenty to handle your "normal volume". It's July 5th now and if 17 of you are still assigned as mods on the sidebar, it's indication that you're not "leaving" and you are still expecting to keep your position...So OPEN UP.


u/smomar Jun 30 '23

Any chance to find a new home at Lemmy or kbin? Iā€™m not using it rn but here about sind people migrating over.


u/miaaaaaC Jun 30 '23

What time are you guys leaving? Can't wait!


u/Lokarin Jun 29 '23

Since I have no day job and no life, if I become the new moderator I shall commit this sub to banning everything that's not pictures of mild hotsauce and similar products until the admins lose money

please do not vote for me to be your new moderator


u/zubbs99 Jun 27 '23

This controversy contains too much drama, and thereby it is counter to the long-established mildly interesting ethos. Therefore, I must now recuse myself from this self-contradictory sub on general principle.


u/provoko Jun 26 '23

Ok, so just do what was promised in the poll and re-open with those changes. I want to see suggestive & bawdy fruit!


u/UnifiedQuantumField Jun 26 '23

In the past, I've often decried the continual encroachment of censorship on reddit. You can often see this in many subs... right up front. They often have a blurb about "This is a heavily moderated subreddit" and then give a list of all the things you can get banned for.

You guys used your mod positions to engage in a form of protest... which I support because that represents a form of expression.

But then you got banned by reddit because a) it interfered with their business model and b) they saw your right to expression as something that interfered with their business.

So now I'll feed you guys the same words that get fed to me whenever I speak out against censorship...

It's a business. If you agree to their terms and conditions, they can do what they want.

If reading that pissed you off... now you know how I feel.


u/Zone_Dweebie Jun 26 '23

Whew, damn. If that had happened to me I would have just shut the sub down.


u/GigaBowserNS Jun 25 '23

You basically promised to set fire to your sub and were surprised that you were ousted? Can someone please explain to me why so many mods are acting surprised that they were told "open the sub or be replaced"? Why is it surprising and insulting that people are being told to do their jobs or they'll be fired? That's how the world works.

These continued protests have done nothing but turn me further and further against your cause. The only thing I'm protesting now is the continual downward spiral of my experience on Reddit, none of which is at the hands of any admins; it's all the mods.

If Reddit dies from these api changes, then it dies. There's no sense in the mods trying to kill it first.


u/FruitCupPups Jun 25 '23

Aw I wanted to post pics of my triple onion


u/zubbs99 Jun 27 '23

And my weird-looking carrot is just sitting there, unappreciated by the internet.


u/CSchoff Jun 25 '23

Letā€™s just make a new mildly interesting and go there since they want to close this one.


u/CSchoff Jun 25 '23

I donā€™t know what theyā€™re bitching about, but not everything needs to be protested. These days itā€™s a trend to ā€œprotestā€ stuff and be an ā€œactivist.ā€ Itā€™s either completely ineffective or makes people hate your cause based on what youā€™re doing as a ā€œprotest.ā€ The real kicker is that people just protest things they donā€™t like..Not that they feel wronged. Oh my side lost a fair election? Letā€™s burn shit down In protest because the totally fair thing didnā€™t go my way! If you donā€™t like the site that employed you, or your bossā€¦quit and start your own thing. Itā€™s like working at Taco Bellā€¦your boss is a shitbag who treats you poorly and wonā€™t give you a raise..so you just decide to ā€œprotestā€ by refusing to sell anyone nacho fries. Sounds stupid, right? Thereā€™s a ton of shit about Reddit that I donā€™t agree with.. especially certain subreddit moderators. But Iā€™m still on Reddit. If it gets bad, Iā€™ll leave. I wonā€™t spam or flood subreddits with bots. Sure, itā€™ll piss off the mods..but itā€™ll be a dick move to regular redditors. If I canā€™t protest something without inconveniencing innocent bystanders, Iā€™m not doing it. Itā€™s not ā€œraising awareness.ā€ Iā€™m not a moderator..donā€™t care about ads..donā€™t care if my info is being sold. It happens everywhere anyway. Reddit is still here. Cool. Itā€™s like blocking the road in protest. It will most likely inconvenience people who are trying to get to work or something important..and piss off not only those who donā€™t agree with you..but also those who were on your side.


u/Quake1996 Jun 25 '23

I encourage everyone to report jannies keeping subs locked down using the link below. Under reason use "report a moderator code of conduct violation."



u/Limp_Occasion2146 Jun 25 '23

Honestly the best option here is to make Reddit moderate communities Itself. It is now a for-profit company making money off of the hard working unpaid volunteers of every community if you dont start billing reddit for hours, and i mean serious invoices with billable hours for running itd website for them then reddit can hire more people to moderate its website.


u/BoycottRedditAds2 Jun 25 '23

Sack up and keep the sub NSFW. If they remove you from your time-consuming unpaid labor position, then they do that. Everyone here had damn well better make life absolute hell for any scab mod that steps in as a replacement.

Contact advertisers. Tell them their products are on your "never buy" list as long as they advertise here.


u/gairero Jun 24 '23

it's supposed to be fun. you MF suck the fun out of everything.


u/TaraBowl Jun 24 '23

How about you open it up without NSFW, but make it a requirement for a nsfw tag. Put their ads next to the boobs and see what they do šŸ’Ŗ


u/ManWithoutAPlan13 Jun 24 '23

Eh fuck this, i dont care enough, im out


u/Aneuren Jun 24 '23

u/spez, I thought it was the will of the subreddit members?

Or have you given up all pretense at this purpose? Just come out and say it - you don't give a fuck about us. The only thing you care about is money.

u/spez, how much money do you want to raise off our backs? What's the target, the amount that will satisfy your greedy pockets? Since we are the ones that produce content and consume your ads, what is the actual dollar amount that gets you off thinking about?


u/kai-ote Jun 24 '23

There is an old saying...

"When the elephants fight, the mice get trampled."

I am trying to both be supportive of the movement, yet not allow the destruction of my tiny subs.

I wish we had another more unified call for another 2 day protest, with the date mentioned in advance, so there could be another large unified statement. It would also get more publicity this time in other media.

However, this old mans skepticism doesn't hold out a lot of hope for a very good outcome from this whole big mess.

Heavy sigh. This is why we can't have nice things, I guess. BB.


u/Vilefist Jun 24 '23

Love watching these mods get their pee pee slapped.


u/troglodytis Jun 24 '23

Huh, kinda interesting


u/SpezIsADumbCunt Jun 24 '23

What happened is the dumb cunt /u/spez just ousted the entire moderation team here.

"Subreddits are run by the moderators" my ass.

Little bitch /u/spez.

People can, and should, spam up and shit the hell out of this crap sub in protest.


u/debasemason Jun 23 '23

Iā€™d just like to politely add that u/spez is an incompetent greedy little fucking bitch


u/carboranadum Jun 23 '23

Eff these turds. Reddit management is shitting the bed and it is time to leave Reddit and form another community elsewhere. Do not facilitate them profiting from your uncompensated labor. Eff these clowns!


u/TubeAlloysEvilTwin Jun 23 '23

This really is next level from Reddit.The next step is clear - all subs that blacked out need to mark themselves as NSFW.


u/sarcastroll Jun 23 '23

Reopen as interestingasfuck did.

Anything that doesn't break site wide rules that a user finds even mildly interesting is allowed.

Of course that means the sub needs to be NSFW. But all mods need to do is make sure site wide rules aren't broken.


u/EsseElLoco Jun 23 '23

u/spez should just quit already. You've done the damage and proven yourself to be a complete asshat.


u/TheRaveTrain Jun 23 '23

This whole thing is such a catastrophic mess. I have no interest in the shitty official app that just shoves everything you aren't subbed to down your throat. It must have been about a decade now, but thank you all so much for all the memories ā¤ļø


u/edit-boy-zero Jun 23 '23

The sub went dark?


u/AnomalyNexus Jun 23 '23

Fill it with porn and diligently NOT mark it as NSFW as per instructions.


u/dontcarethename Jun 23 '23

I am leaving reddit for good at the end of the month. I can't believe how dumb they have to be to do what they are doing. It's been a pleasure all these years strangers.


u/morgan423 Jun 23 '23

Join us migrants over at you know where, that I can't say without getting my comment yeeted into the stratosphere. We're growing and fun and we'll bake some cookies.


u/dos_passenger58 Jun 23 '23

Guys, just give it up. You are working for them for free to start with. Just quit reddit on 7/1 like the rest of us, something else will come


u/magistrate101 Jun 23 '23

The community has already spoken. Do what you were going to do.


u/smomar Jun 23 '23

This is also so crazy. Thanks to you and all the other mods for your time and energy to keep this going!!


u/largesmoker Jun 23 '23

God forbid you had to give up your janitor position. Go away lol, nobody will miss you.


u/SmaugTheMagnificent Jun 23 '23

fuck u/spez and fuck the admins


u/TheGhostofWoodyAllen Jun 23 '23

Sounds like the admins of reddit are some real big pieces of dog shit.


u/mathfacts Jun 23 '23

Ok, we gotta do something to fight back against the man. Who's with me, reddit?


u/Quercusagrifloria Jun 23 '23

Do what you "promised" and let spam take over.


u/JagoKestral Jun 23 '23

Turn it back to NSFW. Let them remove the mods. Then we spam the whole sub with porn.


u/Sourika Jun 23 '23

That's kinda fucked. Reddit is fucking up really hard.


u/Poetryisalive Jun 23 '23

Iā€™m honestly surprised subs are still doing this. The mods are honestly doing this themselves, instead of just opening it back to where it was.


u/Chipish Jun 23 '23

Don't like, you as mods, get to chose whether a subreddit is NSFW or not, not Reddit?

Because that would mean that they would have to pay moderators to actively moderate communities to their (IPO) standards.


u/dhdavvie Jun 23 '23

/u/spez your elevator doesn't quite reach the top does it friend?


u/tschamp20 Jun 23 '23

Hereā€™s an idea.
Let the people who own the website run it as they see fit ,as it belongs to them , and quit your crying or carry your ass elsewhere.


u/Ahandsom_eBoy Jun 23 '23

You all organized brigades for "polls" and still word these posts like you're the victim. But muh community Lol fuck off mod


u/justsomedude9000 Jun 23 '23

Go back to normal, don't trust the polls. This is a social media site, users are going to vote for the Boaty McBoatface option for the lols.


u/SameStDiffDay Jun 23 '23

It's fascinating to see the lack of foresight playing out, ala E. Musk @Twit, and that the same dumb fires being lit have caused crashing and burning in a very easy to find Y-T-D history of such heavy-handed tactics.


u/roddergodder Jun 23 '23

Mod really are what we used to call them back in the day, huh


u/Drashrock Jun 23 '23

Reddit mods getting their comeuppance is good.


u/GenerationXChick Jun 23 '23

Iā€™m so sorry you all were subjected to their tactics. Iā€™ve been seeing headlines pop up in other media outlets re: the arrogance of the CEO.


u/aquarys Jun 23 '23

This post is way too interesting to belong in this sub /s


u/Hawkins75 Jun 23 '23

So they told you to do business or normal or you would be removed as mods and y'all are still "thinking about what to do."

So reddit just needs to remove you all and get rid of this mutiny.


u/LetsBeRealisticK Jun 23 '23

I'd respect you more if you sold out for money.

Caving just makes you look bitch-made. You wasted everyone's time and are continuing to waste it. Either step down since you disagree with Reddit, or shut the fuck up and get back to imposing what little power you have on others unevenly, as per the status quo.


u/ReddittorMan Jun 23 '23

Waaaaahhh nobody can see how powerful I am and that Iā€™ve wasted 10 years of my life on power tripping


u/ReddittorMan Jun 23 '23

Ban these mods they sound like a bunch of narcissists.


u/drumstyx Jun 23 '23

Don't reopen. This is a trove of content, as are all other subreddits. They should be backed up (reach out to /r/homelab or /r/datahoarder for assistance if needed) and shuttered. This content was created by users for free. Those users are now being stabbed in the back. If Reddit needs profit, they way they do so needs the support of the community that created the content that allows it to profit.


u/DaReelOG Jun 23 '23

Fuck /u/spez and fuck the admins


u/Designer-Mirror-7995 Jun 23 '23

Are we missing Myspace yet? šŸ¤£

Time to turn this into MyYearBook! (IE, a hookup site that utterly killed the fun of the ORIGINAL site, and ran users off in droves).


u/kamekukushi Jun 23 '23

u/Spez thinks he Elon.


u/VeryNoisyLizard Jun 23 '23

guess youll have to go the John Oliver way


u/Asesini Jun 23 '23

Delete the sub.


u/sweetlifeofawiseman Jun 23 '23

Thank you very much for the update. This is my most favourite subreddit. I read it every day. Thank you for everything you do. ā¤


u/davenport651 Jun 23 '23

Do it, donā€™t do itā€¦ I donā€™t understand why this is important.

Mods are doing free work. If they donā€™t have to volunteer their time to make Reddit money they can volunteer for other projects they are passionate about. How is that a loss for anyone except Reddit? If the mods get replaced with others doing free work, how is that a problem? Reddit is never going to pay moderators and theyā€™re always going to have the final say over their platform.

Users are saying, ā€œbut Reddit will go to shit!ā€ Thatā€™s not up to you and me and the mods. The future of the platform belongs to the incompetent people being paid within the Reddit bureaucracy.


u/SkyPork Jun 23 '23

I've read lots and lots of mod complaints about the admin team, mostly about how uncommunicative they are. Why is that, though? And please, I'm looking for an actual possible answer beyond "CUZ ADMINS ARE BIG DUMMY HEADS." Are they that badly understaffed, and just don't have time to talk to mods for some reason? Do they consider communicating with mods a wasted effort? It really seems like that should be a huge part of their job. Are admins concerned more with drawing in revenue instead of keeping Reddit actually running properly, maybe?


u/Mrdirtbiker140 Jun 23 '23

Imagine takin a hobby this seriously


u/MonkeyCorpz Jun 23 '23

Change the rules to allow NSFW content and wait until the admins require the entire sub to be marked as such.


u/2723brad2723 Jun 23 '23

I've been using reddit for almost 15 years. I mostly visit out of boredom as a way to kill time. What I've seen over the past couple of weeks has really got me considering an alternative time-waster.


u/Freekmagnet Jun 23 '23

I've been modding other subs on here for like 5+ years. I feel the same.


u/Rectal_Fungi Jun 23 '23 edited Jun 23 '23

Just kill the page and start anew. Always the best way to go when management gets uppity.


u/CricketSimilar863 Jun 23 '23

Please bring back r/Mildlyinteresting I donā€™t want it to leave Reddit at all


u/Daedross Jun 23 '23

I honestly can't foresee the end of Reddit - uncooperative mods will simply be removed, and while moderation quality might decrease for a while, it won't impact Reddit's bottom-line long term.


u/RonSwansonsOldMan Jun 23 '23

Just return things back to the way they were in mildlyinteresting.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

Just stop enforcing any rules outside of no porn and no hate speech


u/paulmclaughlin Jun 23 '23

I'm sorry, but this post is more than mildly interesting