r/facepalm Mar 04 '24

This is so dumb it makes me dumber by just reading this 🇨​🇴​🇻​🇮​🇩​

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u/Pseudolectual 13d ago

Intellect does require diplomas and diplomas definitely don’t represent intellect


u/Upset_Consequence_52 Mar 10 '24

Seams fitting really. The tops of the pyramids are gone. Some of the ones still in existence are locked away.


u/MiffyCurtains Mar 09 '24

It’s always the stupidest who think they are the the smartest.


u/clasperx2 Mar 09 '24

Social pressure or moral obligation?


u/futuneral Mar 08 '24

They probably think it's a flex because in the graphic they are at the top, but what it shows is reduction in numbers with each degree. So they are basically claiming there are fewer of them than PhDs (which are 1%). Great fuckin achievement. And you know what, it'll be fewer and fewer of you if you keep at it.


u/Mysterious_Style_579 Mar 08 '24

"People who boast about their IQ are losers."

-Steven Hawking-


u/RatKR Mar 08 '24

Dummies can also get PhDs. Some of the smartest people I know don't fit neatly on this graphic.


u/Kewlkicker Mar 08 '24

I guess having two PhD’s reverses it because I have two, so that’s why I had to take the vaccine!


u/ApproachingARift Mar 08 '24

I mean, I think the pyramid is accurate.


u/stunneddisbelief Mar 08 '24

So desperate to feel “special.”


u/roan55 Mar 07 '24

Soo this is saying that antivaxers consider people with masters and PHDs to be smart but are actively chose to ignore them, call them idiots and fight them the entire way on the Covid vaccine?


u/brucebturbo Mar 07 '24

A turd by any other name is still a turd


u/TigerMill Mar 07 '24

I thought El Guapo was the only one with superior intellect?


u/Exact-Cress7633 Mar 07 '24

Just because your intellect is in the triple digits does not mean it is bigger. You have to check the sign preceding the number


u/Exact-Cress7633 Mar 07 '24

Technically i am the smartest person in my room right now


u/Select_Worldliness94 Mar 07 '24

Now you made us all dumber… thanks


u/MonPaysCesHiver Mar 07 '24

Most of people i know who drop out at high school tell me they are over all these people but school wasn’t smart enough for them


u/MortimerWaffles Mar 07 '24

Dunning-Kruger effect


u/DrReisender Mar 07 '24

« Social pressure »… not even close. If AT LEAST he said government/medicine pressure, but personally I actually struggled more socially by being vaccinated than not vaccinated.


u/Full_Anything_2913 Mar 07 '24

Like Herman Caine. Total rebel. How’s he been lately anyways?


u/stizz14 Mar 07 '24

I lost 2 uncles and an aunt to covid and they were all anti vaxers


u/WetRolls Mar 07 '24

You may be dumber, but at least you don't have myocarditis


u/sparant76 Mar 07 '24

Needs a slice right around associate degree of people who actually impact, change and do good for the world.


u/Rtrd1811 Mar 07 '24

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


u/RPGenome Mar 07 '24

What social pressure? I wanted to not die from a thing that killed millions if people.


u/GrandNibbles Mar 06 '24

I'm not on this pyramid and I couldn't be happier about it


u/IgnoranceComplex Mar 06 '24

I mean… It does say “follow me for meme…”


u/FakinFunk Mar 06 '24

They’re so smart that they’re all the way up to Asst. Mgr. at GameStop. Watch out, Bill Gates. Tyler is coming to topple your evil empire of microchip vaccines!


u/bkb74k3 Mar 06 '24

The Idiocracy is real…


u/Kaleidoscope_Wild Mar 06 '24

The sort of truthers who held on to the Geocentric model to the bitter end, they always think they are the irreverent ones when they are just the dumb ones


u/AebroKomatme Mar 06 '24

That dipshit probably thinks being in the 1st percentile is a good thing.


u/Gwalchgwynn Mar 06 '24

Choose Death!


u/Notofthiscountry Mar 06 '24

I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.


u/Zestyclose-Fact-9779 Mar 06 '24

They seem to think their stupidity is something to brag about. Very strange.


u/mateo_201 Mar 06 '24

Does that data point include the ones that didn't take the vaccine and died of Covid-19? Or are they buried beneath the pyramid?


u/IntrigueMachine Mar 05 '24

I've met some people with advanced degrees that don't have advanced intellect...sooo, the whole thing is wrong.


u/JakeOfMidWorld19 Mar 05 '24

If the portion of people who refuse to vaccinate was represented correctly by that image, we'd have had things go a lot smoother coming out of the pandemic


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

Really? Where do I sign up for a job that pays more than a PHD? Oh yeah that's right there is no such thing just because I did not get vaccinated. I would just like to point out that not all of us that did not get vaccinated for COVID are smug about it. I understand why people got vaccinated, and I don't think I am better than you because I did not. In my country (Australia) we were sacking people from their jobs for refusing a vaccine. I was not put in this situation, if I had been, I would have gotten the vaccine. This is messed up to think that someone would think they were more educated than a person with a PHD because they did not get vaccinated.


u/NeverCallMeFifi Mar 05 '24

What's great is it's just the opposite. I forget where I read it, but basically every time you get covid, you kill brain cognition and memory. So not getting the vaccine makes you scientifically and literally dumb.


u/Cosmo466 Mar 05 '24

Yep. Looks like Dunning-Kruger entered the chat


u/Most_Cartoonist5736 Mar 05 '24

What does 9 std mean? Does he have 9 sexually transmitted diseases?


u/Hugh-Jassul Mar 05 '24


by this logic , those on supreme Court would be geniuses...... Which clearly is not the case 😕


u/Heat-Glittering Mar 05 '24

I wasn’t allowed it, probably wouldnt of had it anyway, it was viewed way differently in the uk than america where im assuming the op is from based on the education structure listed. Anyway i had covid 4 times that were tested, first was really horrific and i wanted to die lol, got easier each time to deal with it but as an asthmatic weed smoker it was still quite fluey, the bonus was people like myself can cough all that drowning phlegm up and out, whereas non smokers seemed to really struggle with the sheer amount of it. Swimming helped get rid of that nasty long covid feeling, where my cardio felt non existent, walking and talking made me out of breath, but a few swims later it went, i believe due to the difference in pressures exerted while doing lengths on the chest and torso, it helped reset everything or whatever the terminology would be.


u/NotAFemboyCat Mar 05 '24

If this was true then i am a god

This is not true so therefore i am not god

Would be cool tho if i was but not being god subjects me to seeing dumb shit like this so


u/Few-Acanthaceae-5527 Mar 05 '24

What might even be more wrong about this model is how small the top of that pyramid is


u/dropzone01 Mar 05 '24

I think the pyramid position is bcz so many of them died they take up a lot less space, lol


u/mdins1980 Mar 05 '24

Dunning–Kruger effect. This has been proven with studies over and over again. The stupidest people are generally the ones that greatly over estimate their own perceived intelligence.


u/otownbbw Mar 05 '24

Idiocy of the tippy-top aside, this has NOTHING to do with ranking intellect. Technically this would be a ranking of knowledge. Plenty of intellectual people forgo higher Ed, especially if they have trouble tolerating or coping with its deficits and restrictions. Einstein was a failure in school. His intellect/intelligence was off the charts. The author of this graphic is intellectually void.


u/MelodicCarob4313 Mar 05 '24

You take this way to serious, sister.


u/otownbbw Mar 05 '24

I wasn’t really taking it seriously, just piggy backing on the whole “those people are extra stupid” angle with some obnoxious facts


u/vozome Mar 05 '24

Tracks - it’s people who have neither a crappy high school, college, or grad school degree. The elite alumni of the prestigious "school of hard knocks" on Facebook


u/UnwillingHero22 Mar 05 '24

I feel dumber just looking at that graph…


u/MelodicCarob4313 Mar 05 '24

That’s what I am saying


u/SlowCaterpillar5715 Mar 05 '24

I see they rightfully excluded MDs from their "intellect" list.


u/fiberjeweler Mar 05 '24

Dunning–Kruger effect. People who are dead or on permanent disability with long COVID or have infected and killed all the seniors in their household.


u/biffbobfred Mar 05 '24

Survivorship bias.


u/MonsterYuu Mar 05 '24

Never took it, never had the virus, even though I been in contact with infected people at least few times, even at home and even though I am in a risk group. I think 5 acquaintances dying within a week since taking vax each overweighted the societal pressure for me.


u/toaster_molester1862 Mar 05 '24

above that is the fish who stayed in the water to evade taxes


u/AlarmedCicada256 Mar 05 '24

Why do we assume that degrees offer a "pyramid of intellect" in the first place?


u/AdExciting337 Mar 05 '24

Some of the most educated people are the ones with the least common sense


u/Caeleste-42bit Mar 05 '24

Hey, Dunning-Kruger, can you hear me? 🤣


u/Cubanitto Mar 05 '24

Remember Rump thinks that he and MTG are smart too. LOL


u/Silkylewjr Mar 05 '24

Main Character Syndrome


u/RobJNicholson Mar 05 '24

Everyone with a JD is confused


u/WhinyWeeny Mar 05 '24

This appeals to anyone who has hundreds of thousands in debt to a university and wants to think it at least made them climb some intelligence hierarchy in the process.


u/Key-Acanthocephala10 Mar 05 '24

Not feeling any smarter but I never got the jab 🤷🏻‍♂️ Can't say it's changed anything for me so I think it might have been a little stupid to enforce it.


u/Reasonable-HB678 Mar 05 '24

I look back on the dumb decisions I've made in my life. I don't see taking the covid vaccines as one of them. That came in handy in early 2022.


u/Sharpz0 Mar 05 '24

Same with the people that didn't get the polio vaccine and now polio is back on the rise


u/defca12 Mar 05 '24

I had covid like 4 times and I took the vaccine 3 times. After every vaccine I was felling better and better while having covid. Like the first time I didn’t have a vaccine and I thought I was gonna die, I had like 40 degrees c, and after the third vaccine I was literally fine, just had a slight cough and that’s it


u/pureimaginatrix Mar 05 '24

It's so tiny because so many of them died


u/LemonEar Mar 05 '24

The parallel economy, where the lines of logic never intersect


u/Vast-Ad-4820 Mar 05 '24

In a decade or two the real truth about covid will come out.


u/JeremyAndrewErwin Mar 05 '24

Well sure. They did their own research, and a phd prepared them for that endeavor ;)


u/Ok-Preparation2370 Mar 05 '24

Yup. If anyone knows about intellect, college degrees and anything else intellectual, it's Anti vaxxers and anyone else in MAGA.


u/SquishyStar3 Mar 05 '24

And yet when they get sick they still take it and deny it


u/fenix_nicole Mar 05 '24

My step mother didn't get the vaccine and she's dumb as fuck.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

That's probably the vaccine making you dumber, not reading.


u/G7VFY Mar 05 '24

And the white area at the bottom is MAGA.


u/Eastern-Dig-4555 Mar 05 '24

Ok, because there is social pressure, it must be bad. If you don’t shower for 2 months, there will be social pressure for you to fucking shower. If there you try to off yourself in front of people, there will be social pressure for you not to. They sound pretty positive to me. It can go the other way, too. If you try to beat the fuck out of someone who randomly shoulder-checked you, and you’re instead being socially pressured to kill them, then it’s probably ok to resist social pressure. It’s just a weak argument.


u/ecthelion108 Mar 05 '24

Right, because the people who refused a vaccine weren’t affected by social pressure. /s


u/nephelodusa Mar 05 '24

I award you one upvote, and may God have mercy on our souls.


u/InstanceNoodle Mar 05 '24

Can someone explain what a parallel economy is in this context?


u/bignanoman Slap me again, Stormy Mar 05 '24

You are all welcome to join my Rocket Scientists sub! r/RocketScientists


u/bignanoman Slap me again, Stormy Mar 05 '24

Hahaha that is insane


u/north4009 Mar 05 '24

The multiple high levels of intelligences required to have avoided the covid vaccine would actually put someone at the top of that particular pyramid.


u/Ducallan Mar 05 '24

There’s a certain level of stupidity where you’re just stupid enough to not know you’re stupid, but are just smart enough to have some idea you’re missing out on something. These people get obsessed with being “in the know”, and latch onto some crackpot theory that lets them feel smart.


u/iammakishima Mar 05 '24

Is this anti vax or anti covid vax? I’m kinda lost lol


u/bedesda Mar 05 '24

What a weird way to say you don't have a high school diploma...


u/gadnskyy Mar 05 '24

It looks like a good meme template tho


u/Lord_Bentley Mar 05 '24

And at the very peak PEAK top are the ones who believe that snow is fallen pieces of the clouds! THOSE are the smart ones you gotta watch out for! The smartiest of the smartest of the smart


u/certifiedcolorexpert Mar 05 '24

Confirmation bias, 101.


u/supahcollin Mar 05 '24

Jfc, it's been over 3 years and there's still people making not getting vaccinated their entire personality.


u/RedNubian14 Mar 05 '24

Yeah, they are so smart they don't even know the difference between education and intellect.


u/Gingersnapperok Mar 05 '24

Okay. You're smarter than me. Please move out of the aisle, please.


u/Koolest_Kat Mar 05 '24

Yep, just lost two cornerstones of a local fraternal club. It wasn’t enough loosing a dozen or more of their same aged buds to Covid over the last couple years, one was just bragging about his non-vaccine status just a few weeks ago, all while coughing up a fit.


u/usaf-spsf1974 Mar 05 '24

Nah, that putz has got it wrong. The ones who never took a COVID vaccine are in the mortuary or six feet under.


u/jsr952 Mar 05 '24

Why are you all so offended?? Like...is it the comments or something??

Or are you offended that somebody made a joke that put everyone who didn't want a covid shot above doctors who DID fund the WUHAN lab leak? In which FAUCI did say he didn't find...and then come to find out...the jab DOESN'T actually fix the situation...and all SURPRISINGLY so many people survived who didn't get the shot that all you FORCED down our throats??

Or are we talking about something else here..? Lol

How we all became doctors suddenly? Or is it because doctors aren't "Gods" in everyone's eyes???

Newsflash...doctors are (mostly for their own pocketbook) but there are some who still keep to the oath.

Anybody ever seen the documentaries about Doctor Death?? There are multiple doctors...who just do shit on their own terms...killing patients and maiming many others in order to "continue their practice" not giving a damn about their patients.

But uh...YEAH. shame on us who don't go blindly to the "slaughter house."

Shame on us for not always believing someone's got our best interest in mind. No, no...you...the elite...have it all "figured out."

Lmao. Sad excuse to "feel offended."

Btw...the world doesn't want you to be offended and all...we all try to help each other cope...but sometimes your bullshit outnumbers what we're willing to put up with.

Stop with your bullshit already... WE are done PUTTING UP with it.


u/CuddleScuffle Mar 05 '24

Lol vaxxers and non vaxxers both died, this is such a moronic thing to still be arguing about.


u/stickygreenfingers Mar 05 '24

People avoiding the covid vaccine bolstered the numbers of “run-of-the-mill anti-vaxxers,” anyone with half a brain could see it coming from a mile away. Sadly, the anti-vaxxers for the covid vaccine lack even that. What’s funny though is even though the reason for the covid vaccine has been explained time and time again (reduce the number of bed ridden people taking up hospital space by reducing the overall effects instead of completely preventing it given the short timeframe to develop it) these morons still think they’re smarter than everyone that got it. I’d love to see one of them conduct a study on the negative implications of the covid vaccine without skewing the data in their favor, but incompetence is their specialty so I doubt they can do that.


u/tlbs101 Mar 05 '24

I have a masters degree. I got vaxxed, double-vaxxed, boosted, and I still caught Covid. I got a booster in 2022, then I got boosted again last fall, and still got Covid again (just now recovering). So from my own personal experience, what the hell good did any of those 5 jabs do?


u/VLC31 Mar 05 '24

You didn’t die.


u/Tesser_Wolf Mar 05 '24

Meanwhile my dad blames me being trans on the covid vaccine, even though I was trans before I got them he just doesn’t believe me.


u/Own-Rest3273 Mar 05 '24

This looks like an education pyramid...which is different than intellect


u/sb85781 Mar 05 '24

Because he's a magacultist, with an HS degree and he has an inferiority complex about people who are better educated than he is.


u/Ghoast89 Mar 05 '24

These people in here are so delusional I wonder if that’s a covid “vaccine” side effect?


u/Wiggzling Mar 05 '24

These people also tend to believe the schools were you would have to get these degrees are responsible for “indoctrinating” us into such “liberal” beliefs.


u/Xylenqc Mar 05 '24

What happen if you have a PhD and never took the jab?


u/FrankSobotka410 Mar 05 '24

Dead on balls accurate


u/AnnachuRN Mar 05 '24

That should be on the bottom actually..


u/The_Law_Dong739 Mar 05 '24

I never got the vaccine. I also didn't go anywhere at all.


u/Ninja_Wrangler Mar 05 '24

I thought the top of the education pyramid was forklift certification


u/father2shanes Mar 05 '24

People felt a societal pressure?


u/CapnZap59 Mar 05 '24

For the Dentally challenged...


u/AndreaRose223 Mar 05 '24

What the hell is a parallel economy? Is that like Earth 616 and the DCU?


u/h9040 Mar 05 '24

That is just silly....


u/Affectionate_Fly1413 Mar 05 '24

Mofos think defiance is some type of intellectual action.


u/golfwinnersplz Mar 05 '24

The irony is that it would actually be the complete opposite of his original post.


u/Dubstepmummy Mar 05 '24

Top of pyramid: "People who didn't get the covid vax, because they think there are nano-bots to track and record them, but not thinking twice about their smartphones"

Edit: grammar and spelling


u/ethan-apt Mar 04 '24

Did this fool posted this on Linkedin? Lol


u/callitromance Mar 04 '24

But how many orange gang are also blue gang?


u/Hopeful_Crab7912 Mar 04 '24

It’s definitely true that those people don’t have any of the other 5


u/Upstairs_Bus8197 Mar 04 '24

Now I know I’m gonna get haze, it’s not that I didn’t want to, I just never needed it. As a 17 year old kid at the time I said if I needed to I’ll take it comfortably but it’s wasn’t a big deal for me


u/iMakeBoomBoom Mar 04 '24

No shame in making your own decision. The problem people are the ones who simply cannot get over their bizarre compulsion to bash those that got vaccinated. And pull out these 2-minute google searches to prove why they are right.


u/jocall56 Mar 04 '24

The reason their population is so small is because so many of them died from covid.


u/Chance_State8385 Mar 04 '24

You do know the science behind that vaccine yes? Do you really really understand it? You do realize it's not a true vaccine, that it's synthetic. You do realize it was made in a rush, without any testing. Exactly what do you think you know about the vaccine? Or are you one of the classic dullards of society who hears vaccine and says yes, ahh yes, a cure, and end. We healthy now.



u/Negative_Quality_690 Mar 04 '24

Why does my gut tell me that pyramidal cap has the least amount of education


u/mrfluffy002 Mar 04 '24

I don't think that's how it works, but hey, keep on keeping on


u/tsutsu07 Mar 04 '24

Why aren’t there dollar signs along side the degree titles?


u/eztigr Mar 04 '24

They don’t even know how to draw a pyramid.


u/Ok_Stop_5867 Mar 04 '24

Hilarious - appreciate the share, needed the laugh - some seriously wrong thinking there 🤣🤣🤣


u/SmoltzforAlexander Mar 04 '24

I iz special, I never got shot.  Shot bad because guy on YouTube tell me so. 


u/WystanH Mar 04 '24

Dunning-Kruger pyramid power! The stupid actually burns.


u/LillyxFox Mar 04 '24

You're above a PhD because you didn't take a vaccine? How many years did you spend in schooling to get that degree?


u/leolisa_444 Mar 04 '24

And the dumbing down of America continues


u/Initial_Librarian284 Mar 04 '24

Tho only people who will disagree are the ones who took the shot.


u/sardonicalette Mar 04 '24

After getting the booster (third shot) I lost the feeling in my toes and little finger of my left hand. Went through a whole neurological work up and neurologist couldn’t find a reason for it. Talked to a friend who said she knew several people who had similar thing happen after the vaccine. Also should mention that I have had Covid twice, so the vaccine didn’t protect me against getting Covid.


u/Minus143 Mar 04 '24

What about people with a doctorate?


u/angryfistgames Mar 04 '24

It's so cute OP thinks that little pyramid drawing reflects reality.

I bet he shows that drawing to his college educated cousin who got vaccinated and says "You should have listened to me! Soon your faith in science over miracles will kill you, and this chart says I'm the best most special expert you could have listened to!"

Then said cousin smiles, pats him on the head, takes the chart and sticks it to the fridge, where EVERYONE can see what OP made! 😊

Than he gets ironically upset at that arrogant, condescending attitude from someone who believes ANY false science not prophecied or written on the Bible, and has to go into beddy-by after a little tantrum! ❤️


u/Yob_Zarbo Mar 04 '24

That's dumb on every level. Education doesn't imply intelligence.