r/cartography May 09 '24

Beautiful and accurate maps publisher

Hi everyone, since quite long I dream of having an esthetically beautiful and seriously made map hanging at some place in my house so that I could stare at it whenever i want. Anyone could advice me some old or modern publishers ? all the best to yall !!


8 comments sorted by


u/harperflynn May 13 '24

American geographical society library. You can download many images of maps for free, then have them printed to your specifications from any online print shop. https://uwm.edu/libraries/agsl/


u/WaMoZ_1 May 13 '24

oh thanks that's pretty


u/Alternita May 10 '24

It will be a lot easier to find a map making service among digital agencies and freelance designers. I know this one for having a unique style and very pleasing aesthetics for my liking https://lordofmaps.com/ His most famous work by far would be a Middle Earth map, commonly in use on many youtube channels dedicated to Tolkien.


u/WaMoZ_1 May 11 '24

yayy thx


u/MrDowntown May 10 '24

A map of what area? From what time period?


u/WaMoZ_1 May 10 '24

Of the world, or a whole continent. About the time period, why not some early maps ~16th century to now ? Or some eastern communist block publishers ? thanks for your answer btw ;))


u/MrDowntown May 10 '24 edited May 11 '24

So you want a map of any place in the world, from any time period.

Look, I don't want to seem unkind, as we all love maps. But imagine being this frustratingly vague about what kind of book you want to read next and then expecting meaningful recommendations.


u/WaMoZ_1 May 11 '24

Of course, thanks for your answer anyway :)) i'll manage to make my own research ! all the best