r/HubermanLab May 03 '24

Huberman on Jocko did not display extreme ownership. Nor did Jocko hold him to that standard. Episode Discussion

Hoping to have a serious discussion free of moralizing Karens and alt right incels who were both astroturfing here when the New York magazine article came out. He used the “extreme ownership” words himself and I think it was an abuse of the term. When asked about the article, he talked about the history of the pod, then went on and on about whether he skated for Venture. Then quickly addressed the cheating. I respect that he had the courage to address it at all but I would say he definitely minimized at very best.


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u/Personalvintage May 03 '24

Don’t tell me what to do. You musta missed the part of the Jocko episode where they talked about punk rock and skating.


u/EducationalShame7053 May 03 '24

Dont tell hím what to do


u/iso-all May 03 '24

You do you!


u/YoureJokeButBETTER May 03 '24

Imma tell em what to do, OK?! 🤷‍♂️ 🎵💁‍♀️🙆🏻🧏‍♀️ 🎶