r/HubermanLab 29d ago

Huberman on Jocko did not display extreme ownership. Nor did Jocko hold him to that standard. Episode Discussion

Hoping to have a serious discussion free of moralizing Karens and alt right incels who were both astroturfing here when the New York magazine article came out. He used the “extreme ownership” words himself and I think it was an abuse of the term. When asked about the article, he talked about the history of the pod, then went on and on about whether he skated for Venture. Then quickly addressed the cheating. I respect that he had the courage to address it at all but I would say he definitely minimized at very best.


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u/Various_Athlete_7478 29d ago

What would “extreme ownership” look like though?

He admitted that he’s not perfect and he’s cheated, essentially admitting the underlying facts. There isn’t much else he needs to do in terms of ownership. He didn’t cheat on the audience, so he doesn’t owe amends as such.


u/Personalvintage 29d ago

These are great points. I do think one thing that could have benefited the audience is some acknowledgement of the apparent hypocrisy in his messaging vs his behavior. If he simply never touched the topics of relationships and the psych stuff with Paul Conti, he wouldn’t have had so much egg on his face.


u/9elfS 29d ago

Just because he is a hypocrite doesn’t mean what he says on his podcast is invalid. I judge the points he makes based on the logic and evidence he presents, not on whether he behaves in a manner consistent with them. For example, his podcast on alcohol wouldn’t be less credible if he were a raging alcoholic.


u/spoutti 24d ago

Yep, but he does mislead people with big mistakes. In this video, a new toutuber catches AH using a study done on monkey while saying they were done on humans.


I personnally put AH in the same basket as other chiropracters (Eric Berg for exemple) giving all kind of health advice.


u/algo-rhyth-mo 29d ago

Yeah, my doctor is overweight, but he still knows way more about the body than me and what I should do to be healthy, so I still listen to him.


u/Tantra-Comics 29d ago

People who practice things aren’t running to be podcasters/health wellness gurus. It’s the corrupt ones with unchallenged self awareness, which sucks because I would prefer to learn from a person who is holistic.

Another one bites the dust.

His information is useful but his reputation/image is tainted.

Maybe that’s why humans created mythology/deities, cos humans couldn’t live up to the ideals


u/Personalvintage 29d ago

Good analogy. Fair point.